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Poland: the 51st state of America [119]
So I don't blame Americans as people, I know many of them and they are good and hard working people, but I blame that more of them don't stop and think a little out of the box and get rid of their remote controls just like you did by being on this forum.
Lets get out the magnifying glass and look at this closer, to see what may be behind some of this, shall we?
I have my own theories...and I'll throw them out here and you tell me what you think.
I'll start with my own personal experience as a single mom, with no child support, raising a child alone, away from any family.
My time is largely occupied with my work as a manager, with helping my child with homework, doing housework (cleaning & laundry), child related activities (play dates with friends, girl scouts, packing lunches, preparing for field trips..that stuff), taking care of my pets, the yard, the car, and I also serve on a board of directors that runs the local daycare. I try to go out an walk an hour each day (if possible) for my health and sanity.
I have very little time for tv of any kind. I don't trust most of the news networks out there. There is a lot of stuff happening in every corner of the world each day. It takes a lot of time and energy to ferret out reliable sources of information to protect against bias. I think there are a lot of Americans who are like me, who just don't have the time to pour over newspapers or websites (or they are exhausted when they get home, so they sit there fried in front of a tv, trying to wind down enough to sleep). I get my news in little quick blips here and there (from web or radio)....mostly late at night before I collapse into bed. I cannot be "up" on every development in the world all the time. I doubt if anyone can, unless you work for the media.
When I do hear/watch/read the news, most of it is so frustrating and depressing because I don't know what I can do about it....? I have always voted, try to be a good citizen, give back to my community, be ecologically sensitive.....I try to do what I CAN.
And I am personally offended by all the generic, thoughtless, vitriolic sh!t hurled at the US on this forum every day. I've just about had enough, do you understand me?