Law /
Poland: the most attractive European country for future investors [55]
Or maybe we can see the begining at present time.
There is 38 milions people in Poland. 1 bilion in China and 300 milions in USA ... and Poland wins against their represenations in informatics ....
We will see what future will show.
btw read the names from last olimpics...
Miroslaw Michalski was the best programer from United Kingdom on this competition.
Programming Gold in 2008 TopCoder opcoder-open/
Tomasz Czajka of Poland took first place in the $25,000 Algorithm competition; Tim Roberts of the United States finished with top honors in the Software Design event, earning $25,000 for his win; the Software Development champion was Romano Silva of Brazil
Czajka, known to the TopCoder Community by his handle 'tomek', won the Algorithm event with a score of 746 points. Czajka was the only competitor to successfully attempt the hard level problem. Petr Mitrichev, aka 'Petr' from the Russian Federation, placed second; and third place went to Eryk Kopczynski, aka "Eryx", also of Poland.
In the Marathon Match, Przemyslaw Debiak, aka 'Psyho', of Poland bested Tuomas Pelkonen, aka 'tpelkone', of Finland and Bohua Zhan, aka 'bhzhan', of the United States.
TopCoder tournaments are known worldwide as the most grueling, comprehensive test of skill in the field of competitive programming. The events allow competitors to solve complex algorithmic problems and design and develop working pieces of reusable software.
All current industry standard technologies are incorporated, including Java, C++, C#, VB.NET, UML, J2EE and .NET.