History /
Why we talk about Nazis not Germans [138]
I remeber when I was a child watching a programme on TV. They ahd a studio audience. On a screen, they had an election manifesto, it promised full employment, better public transport etc., The studio audience were asked to say whether they would vote for a politician that made these promises, the majority voted yes. They revealed the name of the politician who had made these promises. It was Adolf Hitler, long before the war. The audience were shocked. When politicians make promises, people will listen to the ones that benefit them.
Not everyone is Germany supported Hitler, some that opposed him payed with their own lives. Others kept quiet to safeguard their own and their immediate families lives. Fortunatley for me, I have never been in that situation. I'd like to believe I would defend what I believed to be right, but without being in that situation, I am not in a position to say how big a personal price I would be prepared to pay.