UK, Ireland /
713,000 new foreign workers in UK [44]
Are there any economoc studies that can show how many foreigners UK needs in general?
We do a census ever 10 years, people who move to the UK move about from city to city, so its difficult to to gage how many people live here, the local councils (local governments) get funding on howmany people pay council tax (this is an amount every household pays) but in some households there might be up to 10 adults living in a house, in answer to your question, the UK is finding it difficult to find out how many people.
A) people that come in to the country on illegal passports.
B) people that come in on coaches - there is no system in place at coach stations
C) people that dont work so no national insurance number issued (children and the elderly and the scroungers and gangsters)
D) They dont count everyone that comes through the airpors, I think it is 1 in ever 500 hundred
We have no way of knowing how many immigrants we have in the UK, but I would guestimate - about a 1/4 of the population of the UK are immigrants.