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do polish girls get pregnant while in school?

spell of bliss  
6 Nov 2006 /  #1
at my school it doesnt seem to be very common although u always seems to see it every now and then. wat is it like in poland? how do people react to it?
7 Nov 2006 /  #2
So long as they get pregnant at break time and not during lessons, then it is fine :)
iwona 12 | 542  
7 Nov 2006 /  #3
They do but it is not so common like in UK. People in general don't approve it, we don't have so many benefits for single mothers so gilrs are more cerful.

And I think that polish girls like to stay longer as a girls.
andala - | 23  
7 Nov 2006 /  #4
I'm a secondary school teacher and I must say that the number of pregnancies is fairly low. I can't give the exact figures but, generally it is about 1 teen pregnancy per 800 sudents. Usually when the pregnancy happens it is among the senior students about to graduate.

As for reactions towards them...they are definitely not looked down upon, we're all trying to help them graduate. The sad truth is that it is not easy for anybody to have a child now in Poland, let alone for a teenager who has to rely on her parents' financial support.
ANIAH - | 60  
10 Nov 2006 /  #5
It does happen, but not common.
10 Nov 2006 /  #6
Well in the uk it depends really on what social background you come from the poorer, ill educated generally get pregnant at a young age, like Iwona said, the benefits in the UK for single young mothers are good, so for those who have no intention of seeking a better life it's an easy option or so they think!!! And generally you see young girls who come from single young mothers doing exactly the's a way of life and vicious circle..I think in the uk the youngest mother has been about 12 years old...
10 Nov 2006 /  #7
Dotty has been brought up on this life and was one of the youngest mothers!
10 Nov 2006 /  #8
....back to topic. It's really sad when there are day care centers in schools. There are many in the US...especially down south.

Do you all think that young people aren't brought up with as much religion as in the past? From what I understand, the roles of women may be changing a little..?
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
10 Nov 2006 /  #9
Well it doesn't matter i mean it's the teenagers choice their grown up they can make decisions for themselves... !!
FISZ 24 | 2116  
10 Nov 2006 /  #10
Well it doesn't matter i mean it's the teenagers choice

I don't think it's up to the teenagers to get pregnant or not. These are mostly accidents. And since when are these youngsters able to make decisions for themselves....not my kids. 18 yeah you can make a decision....before that hell no.
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
10 Nov 2006 /  #11
And generally you see young girls who come from single young mothers doing exactly the's a way of life and vicious circle..I think in the uk the youngest mother has been about 12 years old...

whether dotty was a troll or not, i personally think she had a point. and backed it up!

These are mostly accidents.

I can agree with that but being a woman I know women who have got pregnant on purpose! whilst I have friends who have been on the pill and got pregnant and not told partners they are !!!.....and Im going back years....
dziwna_gruszka - | 197  
10 Nov 2006 /  #12
I was talking about religion it's the teenagers choice if they want to be religious and the if the decisions they make in life are referred to religion it's their choice...!!!
EnemyCommander 7 | 7  
17 Jun 2007 /  #13
Merged: Single Polish teenage girls getting pregnant - is it acceptable?

is it considered somewhat acceptable if single, teenage polish girls get pregnant? this year we had a foreign student in my francuski class and I'm guessing she got pregnant. but her family emigrated to somewhere around cologne so is it acceptable in Germany as well? because she seems either very mature about it or very proud (but that's just my guess. however when i asked her if she was pregnant she denied it but its just that it was strongly hinted she was. after all that probably was a personal question...)
25 Jul 2007 /  #14
It depends on how old is she and where she grew up. Maybe she didn't told you because people doesn't accept her as a young mother and she was afraid that you'll do the same.
dannyboy 18 | 248  
25 Jul 2007 /  #15
Only place its accepted is England, they reward you over there with a house and social welfare.
Ranj 21 | 947  
25 Jul 2007 /  #16

Not to get too personal, but at the same time, I guess I will.....why are you interested in whether or not she is pregnant? Not that I expect you to answer me, but did you take advantage of a young girl's lust and think that possibly you got her pregnant......or, are you truly concerned with this girl's welfare? I'm not judging you.....but we need to know the details behind this scenario.....
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2007 /  #17
Only place its accepted is England

Thats what you think, whilst we dont stone single mothers, they are looked down on and in no way accepted as "normal" quite the oposite.

they reward you over there with a house and social welfare.

With the situation with housing stock over in the UK, that also is not the case, maybe a room in a house with lots of other single mothers as for social welfare, £60.00 a week to feed and cloth both yourself and your child is hardly a reward its basic for living.
26 Jul 2007 /  #18
I'm not judging you.....but we need to know the details behind this scenario.....

Sorry Ranj but i disagree, the only question this guy has asked is, is it acceptable for a single teenager to get pregnant. I dont think we need to know if he is doing this out of the kindness of his heart or if he has some involvement with her.

maybe a room in a house with lots of other single monthers as for social welfare, £60.00 a week to feed and cloth both yourself and your child is hardly a reward its basic for living.

Well that maybe for some but at the school that I used to go to I have just heard of 3 girls who got pregnant just so that they could recieve a council house of their own. They got it as well.
goldie - | 37  
26 Jul 2007 /  #19
maybe a room in a house with lots of other single mothers as for social welfare

Have you not missed out that you have your rent paid, council tax, you probably get child benefit and where are the CSA

Do not tell me that you are hard done by....i know of single mothers who are managing quite well...

As far as i believe single moms go to the top of the housing list, or are loaned deposits for private rental and and housing benefit pays the rent..

correct me if I am wrong
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
26 Jul 2007 /  #20
after all that probably was a personal question.

Duh ! So why are you so interested ?

i'm guessing she got pregnant.

I 'm guessing it takes two !
26 Jul 2007 /  #21
Only place its accepted is England, they reward you over there with a house and social welfare

i guess i must have missed that trick then.

i wasn't handed a house on a platter from the local council or a social security payment except for child benefit which everyone is entitled too!

I've lived in private accommodation since leaving home when i was 17 and had to work in full and part time job positions as a single mother when i did have my daughter 9 years ago and i am still doing the same today!!

society has many classes and "labels" of people whom it frowns upon be it single mothers (note single fathers get less flack) .. students ... party-goers etc ...

society will never change!!

As far as i believe single moms go to the top of the housing list Have you not missed out that you have your rent paid, council tax, you probably get child benefit

no we dont queue jump on council waiting lists!!! i certainly haven't and i have been on a list 9 years now!

child benefit EVERY mother is entitled to whether single or married or divorced or widowed!!!

rent and council tax are paid only if on a low income and certain tax banding's ... i pay full rent and council tax each month with no help towards costs!
goldie - | 37  
26 Jul 2007 /  #22
Ok maybe it depends on which area you live in.... i guess i was thinking about people with homeless status....... I am sure that basic benefits total more than £60 per week for one adult & one child.........if i am wrong then i apologise
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2007 /  #23
Do not tell me that you are hard done by....

Im not a single mother and I dont think a lot of women intend to be "single mothers"

I dont think its a lot you think that they live in the lap of luxury?
goldie - | 37  
26 Jul 2007 /  #24
no i do not, but it is not as bad a picture as you are painting

there is nothing wrong with single mothers , i respect them for the hard job it is to bring a child up on your own especially when you get into the trap of having to choose whether to work or stay on benefits, especially when you can actually get more on benefits. if you work you loose housing benefit and council tax credits so you can be worse off....not fair
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
26 Jul 2007 /  #25
Goldie, one of my oldest friends became a single mother after her husband feked off back to Greece because he didn't like the weather here! She has waitressed whilst studying for a degree, she gets tax credits and her tips have helped, people like her and tele are the ones to be admired because they chose to work - in fact my friend has bought her council house in this time, so if someone has a goal and is willing to work then they rip the benefits. I cant say Im happy that my tax goes towards silly girls who think having a kid is fun - a "one for my syndrome"! but I know they dont have it easy, its just they have no expectations and so what little they get they make do with....
goldie - | 37  
26 Jul 2007 /  #26

my sisters husband was unfaithful, so they split up, she had to go on benefits and rented privately...she eventually found a job, it was hard but she managed... now she is married again has had another child has her own home & is training to be a nurse.

Some young girls though do get pregnant deliberately to get housed....mind the kind of housing they get is not very desirable... each to their own i guess
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599  
26 Jul 2007 /  #27
choose whether to work or stay on benefits,

I see your point. There are definitely a large amount of teenage single mothers who remain on benefits because they think its their 'entitlement'. I know a girl who had a baby, gets all the benefits and basically never sees her child, she's always off out, her kid knows her aunts/uncles/cousins better than she knows her Mother.

Yes there are single Mothers who remain on benefits simply because for to work, it would cost them money in child care etc and therefore there is no real point in working.

Amathyst - an old friend of mine (I rarely see her now) had a baby when she was sixteen to a guy she thought would stick around - he didn't. I thought she might go down the benefits route and for a while she did - the coucil house etc. Then she changed her mind, moved her and her daughter into a room in her parents house and worked her rear end off getting her nursing degree. She bought a house a couple of years ago with her new husband and her daughter and is a respected member of the maternity team at the local hospital. Although she lived with her parents they didn't pander to her.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387  
27 Jul 2007 /  #28
All Polish teenage girls should get pregnant as soon as possible for these reasons: 1)
it is a form of Polish nation building & a protection against Polish being overwhelmed by
immigrants...2) the new mothers & children can possibly emmigrate to the UK, further
strengthening good relations w/the Brits!

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