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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1,183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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28 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Hhhhmmmmmm...have you been badly hurt along the way by one of your feamale friends/partners...its just to sounds an awful lot more than just a if you've been torn or badly damaged sometime...just my reading between the lines.

I agree if the local female population treats their males poorly/despise them, then something is badly wrong, have you articles/ surveys etc to back up your views Maxx?
28 Nov 2006
History / What does it mean to be Polish? [46]

I'm occasionally asked the same about being Irish...and I am not quite sure at times...all I know is that, I am not the typical certain areas but in other I can identify wholly with the stereotype.

I have often said to people that being Irish was similar to being the "soul" of damaged, so vulnerable, so in touch with the inner pain/conflicts of being a human.

Never quite know when you are right...but curiously, always turning out to be life over the max limit, but having regard for others.

Realising that every mom is your mom and vice versa......knowing that craic/laughter...freeing yourself from the constraints of your mind ( usually through alcohol), that feeling of wanton abandon....but yet having the weight of mankind on your shoulders.............being a victim....for so many endless centuries.........but in the end being the victor!

I suppose, some of this isn't much different to being Polish........but there ya go.....

PS God, I'll have to start taking the meds again...:(
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

the joke was a joke....W. understood it as such......once again posters read far too much into a simple post...meant as nothing more than that.

I don't belong to any pack, never was, never led a how can a message on a board be construed as such? Particularly when there aint a pack on the board....male or....female(?)

well im a normal guy who flirts a little

This was an interesting girls.....Wolfie was just coming onto a very canine way........
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

no sense of humour

But it wasn't a joke aimed at you M, so take all the offence you we all have different opinions...........and thats what they are...only opinions...backed up by what research etc........?

His post seemed to be pandering to the alpha females of the board......thats all.....

it just makes you look a little simple - sorry're not trying to get on my good side...........well I try to keep it simple so you don't feel left out...:)
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115] problem....its a message board.....getting info etc.......for exchanges of ideas and opinions, we won't always agree with every thing everyone says.......

It aint anything to worked up about.......chill....:)
29 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

I believe that this is also the case in Ireland, migrants from the EU were able/allowed to claim benefit for children left in their home country. It was actaully advertised widely and it was ok to do this. Part of the entitlements for paying taxes/working in Ireland.

The poster uk, used the N Ireland example ( not an Irish republic eg)...about complaints.....not sure how applicable it is, but doubtless there are instants where this happen...but it also applies to the local population.

Many people in Ireland are beginning to get fed up with Poles

I don't know what evidence there is for this, but there are bound to be strains when huge numbers move to a samll country.........160000 EE migrants into a 4 million population.

UK has maybe 600000....but 58 million pop.

If the same numbers were multiplied real terms the UK would have taken ....2.3 million, compared to Ireland has taken 14 times the number that the UK has!
29 Nov 2006
Life / Are there any neutral or positive stereotypes of poles? [40]

Polish Girls Are the Most Beautiful in the World...!!! not true i'm not that beautiful

P_G...plz.....desist...........thats my thread........topic.....

I am the arbiter of IMHO...they are....:)
29 Nov 2006
Life / Are there any neutral or positive stereotypes of poles? [40]

Sod ....stereo types..........everyone is different.........but we certainly can exhibit national traits...habits...ways of doing things......

If Poland its people were so awful then the state/people would never have existed, become a sovereign nation...they do plenty of things well.......and a few not so well....just like USA, UK, Russia....etc.......:)
30 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

Guys...isn't all this a little hysterical...repetitive....all the negative stuff printed to vilify ordinary Muslims?

Demonise them as were other races, groups.....during WWII......think of the horrific propaganda Germany heaped on the ordinary Jews in its country........

Naturally the masters of propaganda the UK secret services want to keep their jobs....all those imaginary plots etc............after all the Brazilian barrier jumper was absolutely definitely a tube bomber....wasn't he....? !...........actually

All of the malign items quoted in the articles have been going on in the UK for 30 plus years by different immigrant groups.......mostly due to inept government departments!

Picture this........early to mid seventies...bombs going off all over Britain.......innocent people be Irish...and there were several million of them in were instantly a target...both by the state and any other member of pleasant was that...?....only a few dozen guys with a cause...and EVERY Irish man was a terrorist?...........think about it!

So its not simple/clear............all I know is that government can be guaranteed to make virtually the wrong decision every time in dealing with the problem......and you complain about GW Bush?
30 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55] its ok at each and every hint of diversity/difference to discriminate, demonise attack and kill...innocent people?

If you say yes...then you're no better than the Nazis/Russian totalitarians.......

And here I was thinking that Polish people who feel so hard done by would understand this...identify with this.......

So who would like to attack/kill Hobbitual, because thats what you're advocating?

I have posted on the NI question before...I happen to live in a mixed religion area, son goes to an integrated why do you slag me off as being naive?
30 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

Ola...missed my were abused/slaughtered by two other germany why visit the same on a whole religion, based on the activities of 1-2%?...that was my point...

Be quiet and let him slagg us off for our willing to work and integrate while his mates are killing people on your Island?

Sure, slag away.....cos hes slagging you...but better off trying to ignore....becos its just plainly provocative......just to annoy.

As for before..this has been going on for decades........not new..not only the country singled out......

Sw...not quite sure what you mean...British isles, merely a political that now is perhaps...a bit non- PC!!

Hob...appears to be from the UK!!.....

Yes...people will espouse views on here that they wouldn't at work...or in public.....
1 Dec 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

just saying jokes like that are usually made by simpletons

You do know how to make a pseudo alpha male feel good dont're reading way too much into this.........does Wolfie seem bothered??? seems you are...on his behalf.

Define a "real man" such thing.......just an urban myth........arrived at by the press...and latched the gullible!

And too think I've not said a thing to contradict what or how a modern women should act or do.......!!

Fortunately...I won't ever be learning Dutch.......coulda swore this was an English message board.
1 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

And curiously, Hobbitual...if it wasn't for 30 million Russians being slaughtered during WWII we'd be speaking german.....but we go read tea cups elsewhere !

So H, in your work place if its allowed, you've said to Muslim(?) colleagues, that they are all evil and don't believe you!

feel that their open and unquestioning compassion makes them

Here you are making assumptions.........just like the rest of your arguments.....oh...shes wearing a veil...must be a threat to me and my family.......laughable!

May I be so bold to assme you work in the BNP party office?...if thats the shouldn't much like Polish people either!

"I empathise with our European bretheren" long as they aint Muslim.....I bet....!!!!!!.......such a hypocrite!

Don't get me wrong H, if they've committed a with them via the courts, not lynch mobs!
1 Dec 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Some do ...some don't, just like men!.....

It was a joke...let Wolfie say if he found it insulting.......yeah...and you're mostly talking to engage your way...and I'll do my way...:)
1 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

No I'm neither a worker or member of the BNP, but they do have my blessing generally.
Their views on Poles are unfortunate

Thanx H., you've just lost any remnant of an argument you thought you had........the spiritual sons of facists etc...alive and well!
1 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

Just remember, your tolerance and forgiveness will only be rewarded when you're praying five times a day

Hs, post...intimates...the christian west being conquered, subverted my Muslims that would mean a war situation.......somebodies gunna die...even if it is collateral damage!

Sure, I do not want to go to these countries....but only because I can't do heat, plus their culture is too "different" to my doesn't appeal to me!

The Irish nation was vilified for long realise that the responses on here...won't resolve any differences/mis-understandings etc
1 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

Let me see...Enoch Powells spiritual successor?

You are predicting the future..........................scare one knows...your spin on things doesn't weigh up......end of.

I don't do appears you do, cos you're so familiar with the term, its just no one knows....

The Irish, haven't been safe for 800 odd years...why start worrying now....:)

Since you can't predict the could you have predicted my replies?.

Or are you a failed palm reader?
3 Dec 2006


It won't do anything for the female of the just diminishes you......:(
4 Dec 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Ela, I don't know where Oslsztyn is or id near a big town, but I have no doubt if you are using an agent , if you need an English speaking notary and its a requirement to make the sale then your agent will do their utmost to accommodate least I hope they would!

However if you see my costs list above, you'll note that neraly half of the cost of buying is paying an estate agent!!!

So if you can save on this aspect then you have quite a bit to play with, hopefully one or two of the other contributors will post on this thread too........but let us all know how you progress?...ok?

4 Dec 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]

Maati, this was the case in the 50's, 60's even 70's for single ( older) Irish men who went to England, they weren't educated, did manual work, never really intregrated or moved up the ladder, ie couldn't afford to buy a house, always rented accommodation, never improved themselves.

So they were stuck, living hand to mouth, just able to meet their living costs and a lot of them became victims of a drink was all they knew.

So I am sure there will be instances of this too even today in UK/Ireland...not everyone who comes over is smart, progressive and can speak English, some will arrive with regrets...and leave with regrets........but you take your chances!!!.....!!
4 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Dulciana......whilst I can support and understand your points...its never quite as simple or straight forward as everyone would like!

There ALWAYS was an underbelly of social miscreants in UK, from as far back as time immemorial......famous old prints of Gin Lane in the East end of London, in the 1700s where drinking dens where so prevalent........alcohol and a flagrant attitude towards authority were the order of the day! country is prefect...the system the UK has is their system......NOT the EUs or Polands........if this is how the population chooses to deal with its own be other words...they may be bast*rds, but at least they are OUR bast*rds.....!!!!.....

You must least in my eyes that the class system is alive and well in the UK...perhaps never to be broken down or to dissappear!

EVERY system has its scroungers and misusers, even Poland.........c'est la vie!
4 Dec 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]

Yes...SW.....EVERYONE has their price...if not financial, then moral or even the price to buy off their principals....thats the way of the world!
4 Dec 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35] mean their qualifications are not translated into EU equivalents...if thats the case, then the fault of the government plus universities...!

But they REALLY wasting their lives...?.....think about it..........carefully.....
4 Dec 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

So when you find the word search for it on this site....use the top right hand box...or ask guys on the board how to find numbers via this site...then phone around...or keep asking for recommendations.
4 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Trolling............really Miranda?........yes I agree its best to ignore...but sometimes, something really....really.....gets on your nerves and you have to say something.....!!

DON'T FEED THE a well worn internet message board chant!!!!
4 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Arien, just for you, no more dots.

Well for this post anyways, lol

Have you sought counselling?

Not able to sleep at night?

If not, not really getting on your nerves!


