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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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22 Sep 2006
Love / Do Polish men have a problem with Tatto's on women? [47]

I don't mind tattoos on women but, it needs to be something different. The majority of tattoos these days are all on the lower back right above the ass. Something different is always nice. I'm also tired of seeing all of these belly rings. Too many people fall into this fad.
22 Sep 2006
Language / The Value of Movies in Learning Polish [40]

or here:

Chlopaki Nie Placza (boys don't cry).

Dzień Świra (Nut`s Day, Freak`s Day)

Duże zwierze (big Animal)
20 Sep 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

it depends on people attitude, education, how they were brought up


Here is a prime example of an uneducated redneck.
20 Sep 2006
Food / family recipes [25]

I'm actually looking for a good Placki po Wegiersku recipe. I think it was placki with a slice of veal and gravy. It was so good.
18 Sep 2006
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Americans first targeted Poles during their first wave of immigration, circa 1917. Like all immigrants, they had trouble understanding the language, customs and accoutrements of urban technology. Nativists who found immigrants threatening found it easy to brand them stupid.

Stand-up comics who grew up with ethnic humor made it a part of their routines. Poles seemed to get special attention from Jewish Borscht Belt comics, perhaps because of Poland’s long history of anti-Semitism.

In the 1960s, West Germans began a Polish joke cycle in response to tensions with then-Communist Poland. This was then imported into American comedy.
The civil rights movement made color-based ethnic humor increasingly unacceptable (though, obviously, it never vanished completely), and the rise of left-wing comedians made blue-collar conservatism the butt of many jokes. Working-class Polish-Americans made classic, and acceptable, targets of ethnic jokes.

But Polish-Americans were now too integrated for jokes about broken English and social slip-ups to make sense. So the jokes emphasized technological stupidity.
This struck a chord. In the midst of an arms race, a space race and the increase of techno gadgets in daily life, technology seemed either threatening or just hard to keep up with.

Jokes about people who didn’t understand technology or the logic behind it articulated that anxiety and relieved it by transferring it to another group.

Polish jokes exploded in popularity. By the 1980s, many kids repeating such jokes though “Polack” was another word for “moron” rather than someone from an actual country.

Recently, Polish jokes have become socially unacceptable, both because of anti-defamation groups (which recently got a Polish joke removed from “The Drew Carey Show”:) and because the Solidarity movement of the early ’80s showed Poles were smart and pro-democracy, to boot.

But the need to pick on a minority and saddle it with our fears about still-increasing technology remains. The same old jokes are still circulating, now applied to such “acceptable” targets as Iraqis and blondes.
15 Sep 2006

Sara. You're very lucky to be in the UK. You can just hop a cheap centralwings flight for cheap to anywhere in Europe...even for a weekend. I wish I was able to do that. Get out there!!
15 Sep 2006
Food / is" kaszanka" a Polish speciality? [54]

I guess it's the idea that urks me. Talk about getting everything out of the animal to eat. No waste here :)
15 Sep 2006
Food / is" kaszanka" a Polish speciality? [54]

I can't see how blood can be appetizing or what would posess someone to even make it. To each his own...
14 Sep 2006
Food / Sausage. YEAH BABY!!! - translation and food [14]

What are everyones feelings on Polish sausage vs. German sausage? They seem to think that all PL sausage has skin that's too tough. I've never run into this problem. I really like the farm bought sausage.
14 Sep 2006
Life / About Polonia (Polish migrants who live or work abroad) [16]

No, thank god. We don't like your type :)

We all try to get along here in the US. It makes for a more comfortable environment. The british were always uptight anyway, so you're excused.

We have our Mexican problems, but I'm not competing for the same jobs as them so it's nice to have someone else do our less desireable work....and mexican food is good :)

I think that its basically because people wear two size smaller shoes and very tight jeans in Poland. Ever tried to smile with squeezed testicles?

14 Sep 2006
Life / Cost of text messages in poland [7]

Verizon is horrible!! You can't even take it to europe. They need to get with the times. Cingular is the way to go.
14 Sep 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

From my observance, you may get some stares and possibly some words from the drunkin youth that don't know any better. This was primarily late at night. I was even hassled and stared at because I was American...not even black or Indian. If you visit cities that have a lot of tourism, don't expect to run into any trouble. Most of the stares are from those who have never seen a black or Indian and is more of a curiosity. Just stick together and don't walk around alone in the evening. You'll have a fantastic time.

Sometimes they shout to have a good night or have fun in a drunkin stupor and tourists assume that they are being rudely heckled which isn't the case at all. I thin Krakow will be ok for you.
14 Sep 2006

I hear that it rains almost every day. Sounds like Seattle. Isn't it depressing to live in such a gloomy place?

Or is this not true?
14 Sep 2006
Love / Dating/friends sites to find Polish girls [44]

Maybe you can find a Polish chat. Next best thing would be to go to Poland. It's rather inexpensive to go on the off season. Do you have a Polish neighborhood near you? I'm not sure you'll have much luck here being that its rather shady to meet people online these days. Never know who's a player or psycho. Be careful...a nice polish girl will easily steal your heart :)
13 Sep 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland - integration? [41]

Catherine, suggest you refer to our guests as Polish, also...."to get a better", is more correct....a journalist you say?

To get a better insight doesn't work either. There's no need to critisize someone here for mistakes in grammar and typo''s only a forum.

And why not ask in a "polish" forum? Aren't there poles here? Being a jounalist, I'm sure she's not just using this forum as her only source for information.

And referring to Polish as "poles" is completely acceptable.
13 Sep 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland - integration? [41]

Yeah. Obviously this woman is looking for insight on the topic from poles living in Ireland. Care to elaborate?
13 Sep 2006
Food / is" kaszanka" a Polish speciality? [54]

This is all just nasty stuff. What would make you think of cooking blood and eating it? I understand that it's part of the culture but ..... no thanks. My first trip to PL someone fed me smalec and I gagged because I didn't know what to expect. I love most PL foods except for kaszanka and Czarnina.
8 Sep 2006
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Ok and u've made that analysis on the basis of what? My short written piece on the useless polish twats at work.

Yes. it only takes 1 comment like that to see that you're sorry. Nuff said. Yes, there are many Pl taking some of the less desireable jobs and I think it's great that they have the opportunity to learn better trades, earn more money as well as helping their country along by achieving these skills to bring back to Poland. Believe me, we have our share of immigrants that take our lower paying jobs, but we learn to live together here. it makes for a better atmosphere. There are only a few people that want to deport them all back mainly beacuse they're uneducated and have to compete for that same job.

maybe come re-election time conservative or bnp get the vote and u can all F off back to poland and earn £2 a week.

Whats £2 a week?
8 Sep 2006
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Well, you just happened to get 3 lazy poles. Could be 3 lazy Americans, Germans...whatever. All of the poles that work here are hard workers.

Looks like your hiring manager didn't do a good job of selecting workers. This isn't the fault of all Polish.

Sorry to say it

...and yes, you are a sorry individual.