History /
Poland and Lithuania [161]
Hi, Ppl
You know, I read this topic with interest. I really would never have guessed that there is hostility in Lithuania towards Poland?! I feel no hostility towards Lithuania, even though my ancestors hailed from Lithuania (and Ukraine, Germany, Russia and the Tatars). There is no going back, we have all been moved about by Stalin, in the best tradition of the Great Catherine. There are now nations there, at home.
What I know about the dark sides of our history, is that there had been bloodbaths in the east, but I have a lot of forgiveness. This was, sadly the time when a sense of nationality was becoming clear there, and it had to be confronted with another nation to gain strength. I pity that it was we. At least we Poles had the many German countries as neighbours, they are different from us in a lot of ways, and that had made things easy for us to establish ourselves.
I think that the biggest problem is always the Russian border, and we all have it, so I see no real sense in bothering with hating Poland, especially that we are not trying to go back.
We are in EU now, if I wanted to buy my Grandmother's folwark, I suppose I can be allowed to.
I kind of thought that the Ukrainians disliked us for not making the Cossaks equal with Polish and Lithuanian nobles, and for polonising their own nobles. But why Lithuania?
Lithuania bothered our eastern border so much that taking their Duke as our King was a very good deal for us, he got to sleep with our Princess, not even the other way around.
They won. They also needed the military against the Muscovy, and got it.
I understand that the deal had worked badly for them when we've lost all importance and fell on hard times. Sorry. I wish that we were a big and rich country, and I believe that we still can. Look at Germany - they were in a very bad shape after the WWI, then they had put all the money in the WWII and regaining their honour, broken in the peace treaty. They were is such hardship that they had to rely on benefits. Now, after 60 years of good management and honest work they have bought themselves the whole EU, in terms of influence and riches. That is what we have to do now.
Or, what we could do if of course we were not so strongly influenced by the greatest manipulators, brothers Muscovites. That can be the reason why there would be any resentment in Lithuania speaking of Poland as we speak of Germany, even though it was a union, not a conquest. It looks a bit like stealing our song.
Regarding the Poles in Lituania and the same in Belarus and Ukraine, I think that the policy of our pseudo-liberal govt. is to stupidly stir and meddle, and make ourselves hated. Why is that? So that Russia can look like friends (and Germany is taking that chance as well as of late). Since it is not in the interests of Poland, I think it's done under influence of foreign services. Otherwise, it may be the stupidity, but I do hope it is not THAT grand.
At any rate, there is nobody currently to vote for that had not been active in the colonisation times. They are all soiled.
So, to sum it up, I think highly of our neighbours that were once countrymen. I wish we would do more business together. We can only benefit as a country from being your neighbours if you get rich, and I wish you that.