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What Polish food or drink do you not like and why?

Michallikes 10 | 34  
22 Aug 2009 /  #1
What Polish food or drink do you not like and why?

One of my least favourite foods is galaretka for dinner, meat and vegetables covered in wobbly solidified fat, like jelly except fat and absolutely horrible.

The worst drink I have had is maślanka but this is not so bad.
osiol 55 | 3921  
22 Aug 2009 /  #2

This reminds me of the jellied eel I once had at New Year. Despite liking so many things normally associated with London, I don't like jellied eel and I hadn't expected it to be a Polish dish either.

I also don't like Polish beer in a can. That's mostly because I don't like any beer that comes in a can, so it's not specifically a Polish food and drink issue.
NPosuniak 8 | 91  
23 Aug 2009 /  #3
I don't like beets, but I'm trying....
McCoy 27 | 1268  
23 Aug 2009 /  #4
galaretka for dinner

galareta. galaretka is a fruit one. galareta is a perfect dish. i love polish cusine
OP Michallikes 10 | 34  
23 Aug 2009 /  #5
Galaretka z kurczaka

It makes me gag, imagine taking a spoon of this from the bottom :-(
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
23 Aug 2009 /  #6
why? it looks delicious! ;D
OP Michallikes 10 | 34  
23 Aug 2009 /  #7
lol, you must be joking! I don't know how people like this, it is either a required taste or you are supposed to pick out the edible non heart attack causing parts, I see a few carrots and a bit of chicken in there!

Tell me, is there a way of eathing this, like pealing off the fat or do you just dig in?
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
23 Aug 2009 /  #8
just dig in, can pour vinegar over it to give it some more flava ha ha
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2009 /  #9
One of my least favourite foods is galaretka for dinner

I agree, it always reminds me of dog food in the jelly.
I suppose it never did the dog any harm.
i don't like jelly anyway and they sell the sliced stuff to put in your sandwiches here, no thank you.

I also don't like sour cabage, too heavy in the stomach.
McCoy 27 | 1268  
23 Aug 2009 /  #10
sliced stuff to put in your sandwiches here

salceson. freaking a. stuff
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2009 /  #11
yeah, the jelly has always put me right off.
I know people love it but naaaaawwww not for me.
polkamaniac 1 | 482  
23 Aug 2009 /  #12
don't knock it unless you try it.The best part is the jelly with pepper and vinger.Very Tasty.You know what the sayin is. " Try it ,You'll like it. " !!!!!!!!!!!
Ksysia 25 | 429  
23 Aug 2009 /  #13
The British version of salceson is called head cheese. I've just learned that!
Magdalena 3 | 1827  
24 Aug 2009 /  #14

Just one thing - it's not FAT, it's gelatine (the same as what you get in fruit jelly, but of course minus the sugar and fruit flavouring).

I understand gelatine might might gross you out... but please stop picturing bits of food in a mound of fat... please! Note that if it WAS solid fat, there is no way it would stay translucent like that. And BTW, I used to hate the sight of this dish until I tried it - and I'm hooked now :-)
z_darius 14 | 3960  
24 Aug 2009 /  #15
Looking at the first picture - just replace the gelatine with tomato sauce and you have an Italian dish. Add beans and youi have Mexican food. Replace it with MSG and melamine and you have Chinese food.

Btw. handsome looking and drool inciting galaretka!

Oh, I feel repulsed by flaki.
24 Aug 2009 /  #16
I like maślanke but prefer the vast variety of kefir available. Which I do not like, or let be said as kid did not like, is supa pomidorowa.
25 Aug 2009 /  #17
The terrine looks like Whiskas. And probably they (the Poles) put ketchup on it to make it even more "tasteful" then it already is. Ha ha. :P
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
25 Aug 2009 /  #18
ketchup makes everything better so be quiet ;D
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
25 Aug 2009 /  #19
I like Polish beers/lagers :)

ketchup makes everything better so be quiet ;D

yeah i think its well nice with the roast dinner to compliments the gravy, lol how yukky :)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
25 Aug 2009 /  #20
hmm sounds intriguing ;)
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
25 Aug 2009 /  #21
When i was in my teenage years i used to have Tommy K wth everything, on whatever meal you could imagine, people used to go 'yuk, ketchup with that!!!' and i used to say 'yeah its lovely'

Now though i only tend to have it when its with chips, sometimes like you with pizza but that is only when the pizza is bad!!!

These days i'm a big curry fan :)

As for the Polish food, i've had it prepared for me, the guys who have cooked it have made fantastic meals, however the ladies fell down in that department and i don't think gave me a good taste of Polish food. Still though i appreciate the effort they made, that does not change the experiences i've had though!!! Mind you if the foods that bad you can always wash it down with plenty of beer :):):) dosen't matter what it tastes like then, hahahaha.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
25 Aug 2009 /  #22
i'm also a big fan of mayonnaise, or even better garlic mayonnaise mmm mm. well i'm a decent cook and i make amazing bigos (among many other things), my Mom is brilliant, her meals are soooo good. can't wait to go home now :D.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
25 Aug 2009 /  #23
i'm also a big fan of mayonnaise

i've never really known what it tastes like, i have an allergy to egg, so mayo is a problem for me :)

or even better garlic mayonnaise mmm mm

nie nie nie nie nie, that just = stinky breath :)

can't wait to go home now :D.

there is nothing like your mothers cooking :) i know what you mean, i really enjoy going home and eating my mothers cooking.

well i'm a decent cook and i make amazing bigos (among many other things)

Maybe you are an exception to the rule, i've always been interested in trying different food from other nations, its a shame i don't always get the quality on the plate that gives a true representation.

I've had Bigos before, its like a stew isn't it?? I also like Pierogi, sort of reminds me of a pasty/pie however the casing is different from those two, i think i like it because there are many variations you can have as a filler :).
beckski 12 | 1609  
25 Aug 2009 /  #24
Kishka blood sausage has always grossed me out. When my mom would make it for dinner, she didn't realize I was actually feeding my portion to our Daschund.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
25 Aug 2009 /  #25
nie nie nie nie nie, that just = stinky breath :)

i luuuuv garlic and onion, smelly but good!

i have an allergy to egg, so mayo is a problem for me

that sucks a bit, so much stuff you're missing out on!

I've had Bigos before, its like a stew isn't it??

yes, some call it hunter's stew

Kishka blood sausage has always grossed me out.

is that black pudding? awhhh lush!!

what about paprykarz? love it or hate it?
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
25 Aug 2009 /  #26
i luuuuv garlic and onion, smelly but good!

I think onion is a wonderful accompanying ingredient, however when its one of the main flavours it makes me shiver!!!! I mean just think of all the dishes/recepies etc etc that onion is included, A LOT.

that sucks a bit, so much stuff you're missing out on

I developed my allergy, i don't know it for sure but my mother tells me i used to have egg (with dipping soldiers :) ) when i was very small and then one day my body seemed to reject it. As for missing out, i try not to think about those things and concentrate on the ones i can eat.

yes, some call it hunter's stew

I'm not the biggest fan of stew, its not at the top of my menu or anything but i did enjoy Bigos.

Kishka blood sausage has always grossed me out. When my mom would make it for dinner, she didn't realize I was actually feeding my portion to our Daschund.

hahahaha, the old, feed it to the dog trick. I used it many times in my childhood :) I do believe though that you should try everything atleast once, its good for you to try a variety of foods, you just don't know what you might like.


chicken in some sort of funny sauce?? I've never tasted it but heard of it. Is it like marmite, you either love or hate it??
25 Aug 2009 /  #27
well i'm a decent cook and i make amazing bigos (among many other things)

I won't say being a good cook makes the perfect wife. But at last it's a big advantage for a woman. (Y)
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
25 Aug 2009 /  #28
i think if you talk like that much more they will be chasing you with their rolling pins :)
rkb 1 | 16  
26 Aug 2009 /  #29
+1 on galereta, had it once & won't touch it ever again.

I would also have to add flaki, not so much for the taste but the texture is really off putting
grzybami 4 | 27  
8 Sep 2009 /  #30
don't knock it unless you try it.The best part is the jelly with pepper and vinger.Very Tasty.You know what the sayin is. " Try it ,You'll like it. "

Very true. My mom convinced me to try jellied tongue, once, and now I keep a supply in my freezer for sandwiches. The stuff looks terrible, but it tastes terrific.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Food / What Polish food or drink do you not like and why?Archived