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Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

I guess you would rather have him pull up in a Bently and show off all his bling bling.
That is how they do it in America. Show the women the money baby and they will come running

What kind of women have you been hanging out with, Sparky? I know there are women like that all over the world, but I think for the most part, one can spot a goldigger (I know a few myself and they are pretty blatant about what it is they want.) Is that the usual type of woman you are attracted to?

I think the average woman (Polish, English, American, etc...) just wants someone who is responsible, hard working, good character, and loves her as much as she loves him.
20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

Ranj...but you left out the money bit.....

OMG, what was I thinking?---lol
Of course a man should have some money---no woman wants to work her a** off supporting a lazy bum. This kind of falls in line with hard working and responsible. I guess the average woman would like her man to have a job.

driving up in a Bentley Arnage...ticks more boxes, than a re-conditioned, freshly re-fibre glassed Trabbie......

Of course something flashy is going to draw more attention----there's nothing wrong with the guy having money---that's just a bonus for the average girl......but a necessity for the goldigger:)
20 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

I'm glad you are doing alright. I'm sorry you have not heard from him. Even if you never talk to the guy again, one positive thing to come from it is that you are learning Polish. You will be better prepared the next time you come across a Polish lothario.:)
21 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

you need to read beetwen lines in my answer

I saw between the lines, Bart. That answers my original question of "do Polish men really feel that way?"
21 Jan 2007
Language / Two questions for people who learn polish [57]

Actual grammar and sentence structure are the hardest for me. Also, I guess learning difference between masculine and feminine forms of words.

Any foreign language is interesting to me, just because they are all novel to me.:)
22 Jan 2007
Feedback / Request for translation deleted? [25]

why ar emy futher posts being deleted?

Apparently, you are not following the rules. Which rules? You would have to go look to see the one you are not following???????:(
25 Jan 2007
History / RIP Ryszard Kapuscinski [8]

International writer, journalist and who should have been a Nobel Prize nominee.
25 Jan 2007
History / RIP Ryszard Kapuscinski [8]

He was not a nominee, but he should have been---my mistake. M, I'm a little confused by your response---are you happy that he's dead?
26 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

i know him and i know me and he wouldnt have to do thatwith me

Do you know his wife? Nobody can be sure of what motivates a person to do such things. You may be very similar to his wife and that's why he chose you. Not to be the moral police, but I have come to find out in my years on this earth, what goes around comes around. Have you ever heard the term, once a cheater, always a cheater? Sounds to me like it's just good sex and if you are both fine with that, than more power to ya. As for his being in an unhappy relationship, how do you know that for sure. My guess is he's probably in UK to make money to support his family. I will give him the fact that at least he told you he was married. Some don't even do that. At least you had an option of deciding whether you would fall for a married man or not.
26 Jan 2007
History / RIP Ryszard Kapuscinski [8]

That's what I thought----it didn't sound like you to be thrilled about anyones death, that's why I was shocked. Then I realized what I had originally wrote and understood what you meant. apologies.:)
26 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

like my polish lover says how were we to know we were gonna meet each other and have feelings.. these things happen we are all free people.. marriedor not married it really makes no difference!!!

You are talking about the difference between a mature man and an immature guy. Maturity is when one makes a commitment (marriage or otherwise), they honor that commitment and if you meet someone else, than you get out of the commitment before proceeding into a new relationship. It's called being a decent human being. You know the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I agree with LS in the sense that maybe instead of the term greed, I would use the term selfish. It's been my experience (and believe me, I have plenty of it---lol) that relationships that start with a rocky foundation tend to crumble in the end. You sound somewhat young, so maybe this is just one of those "life lessons" you have to go through. Good luck.
26 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

i am getting a lot of hassel of you guys arent i? no never been in love with someone who cheated on me and thats life... i am not that young 29 and he is 38. whatever difference that makes

Not trying to give you a hard time at all. As for your age, I asked because usually in life, we grow out of self-centered satisfaction and consider the consequences of our actions where everyone (ie: wife, child) is concerned. That's what growing up entails, hence the reason I asked your age. To me, you sound very young, naive, and inexperienced. As for your lover, well he's a guy, and sometimes they never outgrow the self-centerdness :)---to be fair, some women don't either.

all negative advice as i can see.. nobody apart from myself thinks go for it

Did you honestly think anyone was going to tell you it was a good idea? Maybe you hoped someone else on here has had a similar experience that turned out in their favor, but I think the odds are against you. Just being honest. I hope for your sake, things do work out for you----I don't wish heartbreak on anyone. But as I said before, what usually goes around,comes around, so be careful for what you wish for---you just might get it.
26 Jan 2007
Love / Rules for dating Polish girls [189]

That would be yours kind of set of rules, Ranj, right?

The first 7, most definitely. The second list has some negotiable factors.:)
27 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

The President has asked me to thank you for deleting those anti American comments on your forum

BubbaWoo, Is that you? I knew it---all this time you've been working for the CIA and all your anti-American rhetoric has just been an undercover disquise.:) BRILLIANT!!! And your multiple disguises of Lef, Giles, and Nark....I'm speechless! Boy, you really had us fooled:)
27 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

It's almost obvious here that this woman is being used.

I don't agree with this, Maati. She's using him as much as he's using her (great sex). I think it's time to put an end to the Mobile bashing.

i am not a bad person i just got into a bad situation

I don't think you are a bad person----like you said, you got yourself into a bad situation and only you can get yourself out of it, if that's what you choose to do.
27 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

early b day celebrations and people just kept buying me drinks...

When's your b-day, A?