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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
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Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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8 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

It was sarcasm what I mean is`that Americans are famous for eating rubbish food and not knowing anything about the world outside the US.

Yeah I know what you meant, but it makes no sense do to the fact that we have some of the best restaurants in the world. Yes, we may've started fast food, but not everyone eats it.

How can you say that we know nothing about the world outside...I think we're the largest melting pot. Maybe you're just referring to our rednecks....we all have them.

The bottom line is....your taste isn't too good and YOU need to get to know the world outside the UK.

Rosol is my favourite soup.

I love Rosol!!!!!! :)
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Wow....so it must be pretty tasty food :)

An Americans are known for their gastronmic abiltiy arn't they.

never heard that...maybe we just have more exposure than some. I'm sure there are just as many different types of restaurants in the UK than anywhere else...you just need to go out and try more things wine bar.

So for the PL living in the UK. Do you go th any of the PL restaurants in the UK? Are they as good as in PL?...i'm guessing no, but might as well ask...
7 Nov 2006
Food / "Palichenka"? [10]

My GF makes them with strawberries. Very tasty :)
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Every nation on earth seems to have Indian,chinese french and Italian restaurants. In the UK there are also Greek turkish and Thai places to eat. But no Polish food despite the legions of poles in the UK.Its becuase Polish food is no good.

Maybe not in the UK but where I live:
Polonia- Restaurant NY NY
Kasia's- Restaurant Brooklyn NY
Polska- Brooklyn NY
Just Like Mothers-Brooklyn NY
Baltic Restaurant-NY NY
Christina's Polish Restaurant-Brooklyn NY
Teresa's- NY NY
Szarotka Restaurant- Brooklyn NY
many more......
Amber Cafe & Restaurant
Bar Europa 2
Big Stash's
Krakus Restaurant
Polonez Tavern
Polonia Polish American Restaurant
Pyka's Restaurant
Razem Café
Tania's Restaurant

I can go on , but this was just to prove a point. If the food is so bad, why would we have them all over the place? We have some of the finest food from all over the world in NYC and the Polish are included.
7 Nov 2006
Travel / New year ideas in Poznan or Krakow [10]

Yeah...I guess well just hang there for a while till we're nice and buzzed then bring the party home :)
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Fit Polish staff missing [39]

Some places in the US include the gratuity in the check as well. MY GF worked in a pub in Edinburgh and she said that noone tips there..except the few Americans that pass through.

Maybe post something more professional in the Jobs section and you can possibly find help.
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Yes, People love Pierogies! Almost everywhere I go Pierogies are mentioned when PL food is discussed. Barszcz is very polular here in the US, Stroganoff...which I think is Russian, but I believe there are PL versions of this..also frequently eaten many places including Brazil. If yyou like pork, there are tons of great pork dishes. Near the baltik there is some of the best fried flounder and cod I've ever eaten. You just need to try more things and don't assume all PL food is bad because you had 2 things. That's like saying all Chinese food is bad because I don't like General Tso's Chicken and and Szechuan beef.
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Fit Polish staff missing [39]

In a bar frequented by working men all week pretty girls get you more customers. Simple business fact.

This is true. I have to admit. Men here tend to frequent bars where they have a crush on the staff. But, this isn't the only thing that should be priority...and maybe it's not for you, but you're givin us this impression.

I didn't think tips were popular in europe. Is Scotland different? From what I understand, Americans were the few that tipped there.
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

But this guy only mentions sauerkraut and apple pie :)

Wine bar...where do you reside?
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

American- Don't you think that if Polish girls were out to get our money you'd see more posts from these women in the forums? Do you think that you're going to save the day in here? Wrong place. There are no women like that in here...and haven't seen any passing through. I don't want to start with you , but you're in the wrong place for this hero business. Try contacting one of those marriage sites.
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Fit Polish staff missing [39]

but in a customer facing industry ugly people are bad for business

No bad service is bad business. What are you operating a strip club?
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Bigos and saurekraut? Ok so you don't like cabbage and saurekraut. That's one dish and sauerkraut was originally Chinese and germans named it that. How can anyone dislike apple pie. It's different from American apple pie, but it's a lot better in my opinion...You must not like apples because it's nothing but chemical free apples and spices..what's not to like?
7 Nov 2006
Study / Entering college in Poland. [23]

What are you studying?

Poznan University of Medical Sciences is very popular for foreigners.
7 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

but Polish food really is very bad anyway you want to look at it.

Don't hear that too often. Maybe you just have bad taste for good cuisine. Where are you from? Is your palate trained for fast food?
6 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

I thiough it's more Arab men wanting PL women...until my gf told me last night that 2 of her friends met pakistani men. I've already warned them though and they're thinking of changing their minds :)

...I'm hearing that it's because they're overly sweet to them. Who really knows? There are a few women on here that have arab boyfroends/husband, maybe they can tell you.
6 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

who said that polish girls are popular?

Probably the guys that like PL women...? Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they're not popular for others. You must like your women corn fed from Nebraska or something.

they look like pesants anyway and they are after men and their money

This comment alone just proves that you're an idiot and have no clue about beauty. You must have some horrible taste....sorry about that..better you than me :)

When you say she abducted his own child

These are just some bad women. I know plenty of people with good experiences marrying PL women. You're just generalizing and it's idiotic.
6 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / polish girls outnumbers polish men interms of relationships with native from uk or ie [178]

American. You're the stupid one. American girls are more out to get your money. Come out of your friggin cave man. If money is involved they may offer you money for marriage. It's the Russian women who will want you to fly them to America to take care of them. I see you spend a lot of time believing other people. Or maybe you just met the wrong one. There are bloodsuckers everywhere, but there are more in the US than anywhere else.

your fellow American :)

and what about the american women that cleaned you out and left you......burnt fingers syndrome once again I think.....

Ha ha there really are some narrow minded folks out there Shelley. It's always amusing to read.
6 Nov 2006
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

True... but....that ALPS :) Colorado and Tahoe are awesome...don't get me wrong...been there done that. My goals are Alaska heli skiing and the French alps. I WILL make it one day.
6 Nov 2006
USA, Canada / I Need Recommendations (US cell phone contract) [8]

would both allow me to check and send e-mail if I were in another country (Jamaica for example) or would it depend on the capabilities in Jamaica?

yes. As long as you're roaming in a network that can support the data functionality. I have no problems in Poland. You'll have to get an international dialing and roaming feature. If you're calling over there a lot you may want to get the Enhanced discounted feature for about 4$ or something.