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why at this very moment chancellor merkel is trying to unify europe with the EU constitution, to bring the EU closer together so it may prosper under the old addage 'strength in numbers' 'united we stand, divided we fall'
curse her for being german and for trying to make a better europe.
daffy, as gallant as it sounds, even today I had a new light.
imagine people like this, going around and actually saying things like this in public?
I mean do they say things like that over there??? do they even have any
remorse for all the bloodshed?
some things which we have no control over, like a random shooting , to which if
you could have stopped it you would have, we are not talking random acts here.
this was all planned very carefully by a mad man who took life from souls he
surrounded and stacked the shells of these souls in piles on top of each other
like they were meaningless manaquins.
yes this is in the past, and happened a long time ago, but one lady trying to unite
countries that have fought throughout history didnt think carefully about it did she?
you take germans and polish and every other nationality and put them on neutral
ground, they will do what it takes to survive and get along because they have to
but on their own ancestral lands, things are sacred and their home is their castle
which all this going on is like a mass invasion, look at what is going on now?
it works in the united states because why? because we are a land of immigrants
who decided to unite because its a new land, not yours not mine but ours.
people still say things here, but its nothing like europe, which has a long way to
go, until everyone wants it bad enough, its going to be a rough ride.
minus daffy I have seem emm all show some anger in here and say things under
the duress of heated discussions.
we all do it, and I am sure no one expected what i said today, I dont care at this
point . these guys hit a nerve and im usually a very passive person, but they were
using death as a tool, sorry, but there is a line I draw, and when it comes to harm
and badgering of a great nation of people whom didnt deserve all the tradgedy
and kept on saying it, even face to face, I would put someone in their place because
this was way overboard. People suffer enough and this type of behavior I have no
patience for.
Taunting like grade children, and then thinking they are adults. even children dont
act like this till they see a psychotic adult do it then they copy it, but they get along
with other children and dont even care what color, how you speak, they learn from
their peirs and parents.
I might have said some things that i wouldnt normally say until sparked into instant
anger ( which was the case) , I dont regret that i said them.
they were non remorseful. had they approached the forum with dignity and peaceful
debate and not calling people Pollacks, well, things would have been different.
theres always a cause and Effect!
Matyjasz tells me that with the vulgar rabid insulting kraut-psycho I should use 'more facts, less insults.' Hm, really? So he spits out insults, and I should nicely and politely, pretending that he hasn't pissed me off, reply to him with 'facts'? Wrong! - Don't you know, Matty, that there's no discussion with a psychopath? Only insults can sometimes affect him. And, according to some, the very best manner of 'talking' with a psycho is with a baseball bat.
I agree with this, ya cant walk away from everything. in real life what if this guy
was in your face, sorry boys, but I wear my armor from time to time.
I said stuff to Grzegorz about not spitting on peaceful tourists.
I stick to that, this wasnt peaceful guys!
and I am sure given the oppertunity, they would have done it in public.
learn to read people , these guys wanted to pick a fight, I dont doubt
they do it daily just for fun. and its only going to escalate till someone actually gets
hurt because people walk away. soon as you turn your back " ambush"
hopefully someone knocks them into next week soon so they realize how vulgar
they sound.