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Posts by JustysiaS  

Joined: 14 Oct 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2235 / In This Archive: 1467
From: PL - FR
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17 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / What is good about being in the UK? [140]

I find Ksysia's comments on the previous page very positive and complimentary, how about you focus on one topic at a time Lefty and stick to this thread and what's been said on it so far instead of dwelling on some old posts? It's a bit childish of you. Do you expect praise and glory for Britain all the time? Aren't we allowed to dislike certain things about UK as well as loving others? For example i like English people and how polite and approachable they are but i don't like the fact everything's being said behind people's backs and your lack of directness. I don't like chavs, small talk, people who live off my tax money, the lack of family values and no respect for the elders. I hate marmite, i don't like pies, mushy peas, pickled eggs, ale and the pub culture. Does it mean i hate Britain and the British? Do i have to pack my bags and leave immediately? If i don't like something or someone i will simply avoid it. Do you love everything about your country? No? Then why don't you leave? You don't own the place, we have the right to stay here as well as you do so stop moaning and throwing a tantrum when you don't like what some people say.

Things i like about the UK, in no particular order:

*The opportunities, wages, working conditions
*Customer service
*Helpful, positive and approachable people
*Variety of accents, colloquialisms and idioms
*Some really beautiful places all around the country
*The weather when it's not raining (i don't like cold)
*Amazing choice of foods from all around the globe and the British cuisine itself
*Affordable prices, sales, reduced stuff ;)
*Fashion and cosmetics (although there's more choice in Poland imo)
*Nightlife (but not pubbing)
*The feeling of freedom and independence
*No pressure to fit in with the crowd
*Men :D
17 Oct 2009
Love / Differences and similarities between slavic girls [30]

We were talking about females with an overly active sexdrive who charge (a small amount of) money for their, let's say, co-operation. In most countries those females are usually called after the oldest profession in the world.

somebody has to take (a small amount of) advantage of those lonely desperate men who can't get a woman into bed with their good looks, personality and sense of humour - because those are non existent. that's where 'amateur prostitutes' come handy. i wonder, how does it make a man feel when he has to pay for sex? must be a massive blow to your pride and ego...

(shame on scrappy for not knowing that!

maybe some people don't need this kind of service in order to maintain an active sex life?

All those bitter, sexist and in southern's case imaginary comments in this thread really do make me think that outside of this forum where you claim to be experts on women and know everything about them you are emotionally, socially and sexually inept creeps. You talk about women as if they were sex objects and toys, a Polish one today, a Czech one tomorrow, they're all the same they just talk a lot of crap with a funny accent. Just because one or two took advatage of your *generous and giving* (more like naive) nature in the past, boo bloody hoo get over it. Shame on you, this is really low. Go cure your issues and keep those disgusting comments to yourself and your impotent mates.
13 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

You agree? Hmm.. I was hoping for an argument. Oh well..

yes that's what i believe untill proven otherwise.

Bitter lemon anyone?

i'm not bitter i'm being realistic
13 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Oh yes they do Pani J. Search and you shall find. Just take a few sandwiches and bottles of water with you')

i can't carry a 5 yrs water and food supply on my back i'm afraid ;)

I blame men for this as well as they allow themselves to be so subservient. It is women who treat men as inferior, not the other way around.

so in your theory it's ok to treat women as inferior people but the other way round is unaccpetable? i agree men shouldn't let women treat them like crap and slaves that is totally not on. there has to be a healthy balance and both partners shoul respect and care about each other.

i was taking the p*ss :) do you really think that is how i view women!!!!!???? really????

oh god chill out, why do you take everything i say so seriously and apologise and explain yourself?
12 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

i wouldn't call them good guys per se, they're just doormats lol. nope no good guys, i heard stories about them but they don't exist.
10 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

they should be thankful that we do let them off the leash from time to time.
Aren't we just sweet??????? ;)

coś za coś ;) i think that the saying about bad girls always getting good guys is very true here. if men were more like men it would never come to this!
10 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Give her time. Soon enough your friends will be no good, your clothes style, hair, drink too much etc.

ha ha tut tut, sounding a bit bitter there
10 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

It also seems to me that men are totally emasculated in Poland. They are not allowed to be free thinking human beings, their autonomy is gone.

if my brother-in-law drinks ONE beer more than what my sister told him he's allowed to have (lol), she goes mental at him in front of friends, family, strangers... he sometimes gets angry and leaves the room and she runs out straight after him apologising, but most of the time he's like 'przepraszam myszko' and that's that. it is a funny thing to watch, that is not the sort of relationship and not the sort of control i want for myself. i do like to know what's happening and where my bloke is but i'm not gonna count his beers for gods sakes ha ha. i saw a couple in town today, he was walking behind her carrying her bright green handbag and she was on her mobile... why are so many Polish men doormats??
10 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

That is tht trick with women, always let them think their in control when all they are doing is holding a steering wheel connecting to nothing :)

oh, and does this trick work for you?
9 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

I still have a knobbly wall with tramlines and an upside down door to prove his point.

they're good builders only when they're building/fixing their own houses ;)
4 Oct 2009
Life / Poland not so cheap anymore!! [47]

i bet you wish you were back for that Justy.

what you mean by that? it is true i miss Polish fruit and veg, absolutely no comparison to what you get in UK, so much more tasty. plus my folks grow their own strawberries, black currants, cherries, all the veg... you name it. i'm defo going for at least 2 weeks next summer.
4 Oct 2009
Life / Poland not so cheap anymore!! [47]

cauliflower. One week it was 2PLN and the next it was 6PLN for the same size. Strawberries are another prime example.

depends what the price is at the skup place ha ha
4 Oct 2009
Love / In your opinion, are most Polish women 'Easy'? [243]

I gather most of them are looking for something new all the time(example. a new guy). After they have had it and/or experienced it they move on with there feelings.

yup you are like a sex toy, we play with you for a while then chuck you out and get a new toy. that's the way it goes i'm afraid.
4 Oct 2009
Love / How Many Dates Before Sex in Poland? [86]

Before that age you have to ask permission to the queen

do you have to write a letter? ha ha... and what's the deal with Bognor Regis? is the age for that lower in Scotland?

Justysia wants to get married before her 18th? Surprising

yes of course, i'm a lolita. you're such a charmer, honestly ;D
4 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

well, if just all forum is full of your posts mostly, so yes. No offense of corse.

ha ha is it? i hardly posted anything during the last month or so, i'm back tonight and already have a stalker! and it's not a creepy man this time ha ha makes a change...

I was aiming at strong women who are married and stay home minding the kids and yet are strong and kick your *ss if you don't behave.

i'm not married and don't have kids to look after but i don't take any sh*t

cut me some slack here

alright ok, just keep an eye on the context aye
4 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Strong and independent because their husbands are useless, no-good losers who sleep with the first woman who wants to?

umm quite a lot of crap in this post, i thought you were more clever than this mg. if anything, Polish women are more independent than others because they don't wanna rely on men all the time, and when needs be they can support themselves or their family. it's the 21st century, most women want to be that little bit independent, just having some money of your own or anything small like that is good. ever heard of matka Polka?
4 Oct 2009
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

are you sitting here all the time? I'm wondering..

not at all, i just happen to have a free evening. haven't you got better things to wonder about?
4 Oct 2009
Language / Why są, why not jest?? [32]


well it may derive from the word katować which means to beat up badly, slaughter you get the drift lol. but seriously i don't know why Katowice is called Katowice
3 Oct 2009
Language / Why są, why not jest?? [32]

yeah i was just giving an example of a plural name of a city. there are examples in every language, and są is of course a plural form of jest
3 Oct 2009
Language / Why są, why not jest?? [32]

it's a plural name, just like Leeds or New Orleans or something
3 Oct 2009
Food / Is it just me, or is the Polish diet rather unhealthy? [119]

Is it just me, or is the Polish diet rather unhealthy?

i lost 10 kilos since i moved to UK and i am not on a diet - let me repeat i am not on a diet - so you might have a point there
3 Oct 2009
Life / Poland not so cheap anymore!! [47]

Don't know how long my money would last in Poland though, with the high cost of living there

i think it's got more to do with Poland adjusting the price of virtually everything to what it is in the EU, but the wages are still the same and many, many people have to work crazy hours to be able to survive. here in UK you have many discount stores and there are always good offers everywhere with supermarkets fighting for customers. go to a discount shop in Poland and whatever you buy there will most likely give you a rash, it'll look and smell cheap and will be months out of date. markets are good though, especially for food, veg and meat. if you're really skint you can survive on a fiver in UK for a week. in Poland - no chance. but like i said it's the issue of prices compared to wages, if you brought your salary here and lived on it for a month you'd be perfectly fine. one pond in the UK or one dollar in the US has more value than a one zloty in Poland. i mean what can you get for 1zl in Poland? go to poundland in UK and you can get anything you want ha ha, and it won't be half bad either. that's what i find anyway.
2 Oct 2009
Life / Poland not so cheap anymore!! [47]

2500 PLN wouldn't last me a week and I have only myself to support.

lol are you a big spender?? isn't 2500 zl something like $900?? after i pay my rent and all other bills thats what i have left to live for a month and it's more than enough!
2 Oct 2009
Language / "Prześle" - which verb is that? [7]

Shouldn't it have been "prześlę" (1st person singular)?

if it was the 1st person singular and they forgot about the ę at the end, as prześle by itself is 3rd person singular. both of those are future tenses, originating from przesłać which means to send or to post