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Joined: 1 May 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Jun 2008
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 150 / In This Archive: 124

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1 Jun 2008
News / Polish teachers on Strike. [62]

I can see debate with the mucky porker is going on in earnest. Debaters worth its oinking counterpart?
1 Jun 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

a criminal is someone who commited a crime.father rydzyk commited a few so he is a criminal

- What specific crimes did Father Rydzyk commit, according to you? Give the pertinent evidence. If you don't, you should be regarded as a slanderer. Isn't slander a crime? Shouldn't slanderers be punished for the hateful lies they spread?

I think his anti semetic comments were illeagal too!

- What does 'anti semetic' signify? Perhaps 'antisemantic'? If so, and if being antisemantic is a crime, then you are a criminal, pal.
31 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

I of course don't know that but would expect someone who was saying that A is better than B would have some personal experience

- Why? Wouldn't you believe some one who compared two credible accounts, one from American prisons, the other from Polish prisons, and concluded Polish prisons aren't as dehumanised as American ones?

So many here seem to base their assumptions on other peoples' words. Hardly credible, wouldn't you agree?

- Well, but my own personal experience would also be just words, and so 'hardly credible' for you. So?

You're sticking to the assumption that I don't possess the experience of having been to Polish and American prisons, aren't you?
31 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

Could you share your personal experience of Polish and American prisons with us please, Puzzy

- Why would you rather trust what I can say about my personal experience than what I'm saying in my above post? How would you know that what I'm saying in my above post isn't derived from my personal experience?
31 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

By the way, cyg, perhaps you're projecting the culture prevalent in American prisons on its counterpart in Poland? Polish prisons seem to be peaceful kindergartens compared to American prisons.
31 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

We're talking Polish inmates

- How do you know they would want to kill him? The criminal element anywhere at all seem not to be overly religious. The Catholic Church has never been too popular among criminals in Poland (re robberies of churches, killings of priests). Piotrowski, Father Popieluszko's killer, survived prison intact.
31 May 2008
News / France to lift job restrictions on Poles [84]

Maybe French have the desire to become more white.


Sarkozy appealed to the Poles to take in more immigrants. I hope he didn't mean those from the Third World? There are huge masses of them not only in France, but also in UK, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Sweden.... And more and more are coming in - somebody is keeping the floodgates open. Who is it, I wonder? :) The opening of French and other foreign jobmarkets for us isn't such good news, I think. We Poles should rather head back home and try to make it there - and keep Poland Polish and European. And it shall happen so, actually.

31 May 2008
News / Pope's would-be killer wants to move to Poland [36]

I wonder whether this is some kind of publicity stunt or if he's really suicidal

- Why would he be 'suicidal'? You mean that Poles can kill him? Why would you mean it so?

The Pope may have forgiven him but most Poles wouldn't.

- And you how do you know 'most Poles wouldn't' forgive him? And if they even didn't forgive him, why would you condemn them for that? In reality,

Poles are way too forgiving, unlike some other nations
who hate their former oppressors so intensely that they even commit acts of terrorism against them. Would you condemn those nations, pal? If you wouldn't, wouldn't it

be hypocritical of you to slam the Poles who, actually, don't hate and don't engage in terrorism?

The proof for this excessive softness and forgiveness of the Poles is, for instance, the fact that Father Popieluszko's killer, one Piotrowski, is not only alive but very well indeed. Some time ago he was working (and maybe is still working) for an extremely anti-Catholic rag. Another evidence of the Poles' excessive gentleness is the fact that they have not retaliated for the hate propaganda against and

beatings and killings of the Poles working abroad. The Poles are so gentle precisely because the Catholic Church conditions them to be so. We should be less forgiving though. I myself never forgive and have been teaching my countrymen to do the same. Beware all of you who are doing us harm.

29 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

there's a hell of a lot of jokes about Jews too

- Yes, there probably are, but they are not even one thousandth as horrible and dehumanising as those about Poles. Larry Wilde also published a collection of 'Jewish jokes' whose main message is: 'The Jews are very smart.'

If you study history in the US, you're bound to come across a Mr. Nicolaus Copernicus, who was Polish, no? This kind of refuted dumb Polish jokes for me

- What do you mean in the above quote?

I don't hate the British but they once ruled the world.. and they miss that dearly

- If the British ruled the world, it would be much better than it is now. And who is ruling the world today, and how the world looks like because of that?

[quote=Wahldo]They [the British - P.] will never admit you as their equals, it's beyond their comprehension.

- I've never-ever noticed that while staying in UK. Not even once. What you're saying above seems like a negative American stereotype of the British. Quite simply, the British, particularly the English are (apart from the Irish) the least prejudiced people I've ever met. And I must admit that Americans and Canadians seem to me the most prejudiced people I've ever met. It is interesting, this putting down the British by some Americans. I suspect that it's motivated by the desire to lift those Americans' self-esteem, isn't it?
28 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

Polish jokes

- Isn't it an incorrect term? Shouldn't they rather be called Jewish 'jokes' about Poles? The leading author of this ultraracist crap is Jewish 'comic' (mentioned fondly by a fellow Jew, Woody Allen) by the name (pseudonym?) of Larry Wilde. This psychopath has made millions of bucks from sales of this hate propaganda. By the way, who cares what Americans talk and think about us? It pertains to us as much as stuff from Mars. In Europe there's no such racism against us as there is in US and Canada, because Europeans, including the Russians, are completely different people than Americans. The Jewish 'jokes' about Poles are extremely scatological, dehumanising and sickening, and those who enjoy them must have a psychopathic frame of mind. Are those who fabricate such sick stuff nice peace-loving people? Something for those who shed tears over 'Schindfler's List' to think about.
28 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

where did I write Poles - nowhere!

- Well, you wrote about the negative Brit attitude towards immigration a propos my slamming a type attacking Poles for UK's immigration problems, so I assumed you meant the Poles as those immigrant undesirables the British loathe. But honestly, didn't you really mean the Poles? Be honest, Shtlly. :)

I read the Guardian!

- So? By the way, in order to (unconsciously) acquire messages spread by the media one does not necessarily have to absorb (perceive) the messages directly, or even in a verbal form. Did you know that?

why dont you go back to where you were getting treatment for your paranoia

- Yet another one accusing me of craziness (I hope you don't say you didn't do this because you didn't use the word 'crazy')? Are you mobbin' up against me, poor Puzzy, or what, folks? How about any proof that I'm crazy? Specifically why, according to you, would I be crazy? And if there's no such proof, i.e. I am not crazy after all, then maybe it's those who 'see' craziness where there's no any are the real... you know...?

28 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

English, ***********! Do you speak it?

- What English do you expect from a wretched mentally fuked up ethnick pretending to be Scottish, Harry?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

Do you?

- So does your g--d have a big a$$ or not? Why are you evading to answer this?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

If i was polonophobe

- Does your g--d have a big a$$?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

Weirdo, get a life!

- Oops, isn't it weird to screw g--d on an everyday basis?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

Not funny

- No, I'm really curious. Do you screw g--d every day?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

Excuse me??

- Did you ever screw your granny? How about screwing your grandpa? Did you ever screw g--d?
26 May 2008
Genealogy / Rogaklski [27]

Hey people

- Another racist trollie? Pretending to be Scottish, but being just a (non-Polish) ethnik, whose own family shamefully changed their name to sound local? I suppose I know what ethnik mob you belong to. They frequently change their names in a foreign milieu.


- Purposeful mispronunciation, to ridicule the Poles? What is your own real name, I wonder? Let me make fun of it a bit.
26 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

Oh boy, I can see that discussion is flourishing with the crude compulsive liar, Polonophobic and Muslim-phobic hate-monger and media slogans repeater calling himself 'nonimmigration.' I think he should've been long kicked out from this board by Admin e.g. for promoting physical violence against Poles, but Admin still keeps him in...I wonder why? Enjoying throwing sh.it at the Poles by the vulgar? One doesn't talk seriously with certain creatures, that is, if one values oneself at all.

25 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

re: The exodus is believed

- Yeah, 'believed,' but is the belief right?

re: Let the Ukrainians go to work here in Poland

- Why them, of all the nations? They're not our favourite ones.

re: I think English people would be embarrassed at you for being such a bigot.

- He says he's Scottish, actually. I doubt whether he really is one (even though most of the violence against Poles working in UK has been takng place in Scotland; in England the mistreatment of us has been minimal, and so it has been in Ireland Proper).
24 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

So you think these people emigrated to UK in order to fight against Ukrainians for low paid jobs when they get back to Poland?

- Good question, southern.

This guy seems to be a butthead trying to sound important. If he likes Ukrainians so much, why the hell doesn't he move out to the Ukraine? He says he's an historian, and if he really is one, and knows what happened in the Kresy in 1940s and what millions of Ukrainians think about it today, and still loves Ukrainians, his place is in the Ukraine, not in Poland.
24 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

We need more Ukrainians

- 'We' meaning who? Who are those 'we'? I don't think many Polish people are fond of Ukrainians. Zapraszaj w swoim imieniu, nie w moim i milionow innych Polakow.

Brtis moaning about Poles are good for our economy

- But are they good for Poles working in UK, especially those brutally insulted and beaten up (mainly in Scotland), and even killed? Have you ever thought about it? Who the hell are you to talk like this and puff yourself up with imagined importance?

Konkretnie dlaczego powiedzialbys: 'Jeszcze jeden Polak robiacy z siebie Zyda,' cio? Wyjasnij.
PS. Twoj angielski jest kompromitujacy.
24 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

Why a hell you want to start talking about polonophobia or what ever

- What's wrong with my talking about Polonophobia or whatever else?

We need

- Who are 'we'? On what grounds do you speak on behalf of those 'we'?

Polish invasion on UK is history!

- So there was a 'Polish invasion on UK' (sic)? What would you mean by that?

Still a lot of people will stay there but it isn't issue any more.

- How do you know that 'a lot of people will stay there'? Do you know them all? What 'isn't issue' (sic) any more? Jeszcze jeden polaczek-polonofob atakujacy Polaka przy obcych, zeby tylko blysnac? Wiec ciagle sa w Polsce takie kreatury? Ja myslalem ze wyginely razem z PRL-em. Aha, twoj angielski jest bardzo kiepski.

24 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]

We don't need your help puzzi

- And what do you mean by that? Who are those 'we' on behalf of whom you seem to be speaking? Who the hell would you be?
24 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]


- I like that. :)

a lot of British that live abroad are in high paid jobs or have their own companies or have retired to warmer climates

- Well, Shtelly, even if the above is true, why still shouldn't they show their patriotism and come back home?

they contribute a hell of a lot more than they take out

- Even those on high paid jobs and those having their own companies? They just most benevolently give most of their dough away to the natives, right? Wow. :) Now, are you suggesting that Poles toiling in UK 'take out' more than UK employers rip off of them? What would you mean by that? Prove your point. :)

re: if you ask most British why they want out of this country it's because they feel that it's a sh*t hole full of immigrants.....who come here to f*cuk over the system.....

- Would they mean the Poles - and only the Poles - as those alleged 'immigrants' and f...cukers of 'the system' (what system, btw)? If yes, on what rational grounds would they base their perception? Do you mean that the British leave Britain because of Poles coming in to work? Why? Wouldn't it contradict your earlier assertion that the British abroad 'are in high paid jobs or have their own companies or have retired to warmer climates'?

PS. Where did you take your attitude towards the Poles from? From e.g. Daily Express (owner: Jewish pornographer and slanderer Desmond)? Two or so days ago another hate-mongering psychopath and compulsive liar from this rag puked out a new nauseating load of hate against the Poles. I can see their tactics has been working with some.