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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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15 Dec 2006
Life / Gift ideas for my boyfriend from Poland [23]

Damn...are you having a bad day? Looks like a legit question to me.
Bunnie...welcome. Maybe bring sth hand made from the south...thought I read bible belt somewhere :) Maybe a post card book of where you live..pictures of the countryside. Sth southern :) Good luck.
14 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

vicky pollard is alive and well in most cities in the UK...lol

Ha ha no way. I like a more proper accent then :)

Why are Polish girls more approachable than American girls? Maybe it's because there are millions of sex offenders, rapists, stalkers, murderers, physically abusive men in America and women worry that a strange man is going to be one of them

Huh? The question was why PL WOMEN are more approachable....we all already know there are psycho's here.
14 Dec 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

look in the other thread again Iwona :)

kebab. Wrong spelling.
You know, it's that long metal rod thing with chunks of meat and vegetables poked through it and stuck in the fire. Very popular. tried one in zakopane, with sheep meat

Come on Krysia read a few posts back :) Keep up to speed here :)
14 Dec 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

and in poland kebab is spelt with a P... how strange is that...!!!

I've never seen it spelled with a p in Poland
14 Dec 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

I wouldn't say lack of because i've been to a few in poznan, but I would agree with them being expensive.

Sphinx or Sioux are good for late night kabobs :)
14 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

YENTA is just a putz. His words will never insult this white guy:)
14 Dec 2006
Life / Polish Girl Fashion - "less is more"? [108]

But if you read his other comment's you may come to the same conclusion. I think he's being a troll. Not 1 positive thing said by him. I'm sure it'll piss him off, but hey..I speak my mind.

Your Australian women smell and their make up is cake up. What's with the raggety clothing? Hair all dyed.... Hope I didn't offend you. WTF...to me that's offensive.
14 Dec 2006
Life / Polish Girl Fashion - "less is more"? [108]

Yeah this guy is clueless. He's describing the UK there. I doub't he's from italy...Italians aren't this stupid.

14 Dec 2006
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

everyone goes to church
this is the strangest thing ever
how can everyone be religious?

Everyone's not. My GF doesn't go to church. Nor do some of her friends and family.

I mean anyone visiting a country tries to see it as an amazing experience. But the polish poeple that visited contries from SE of Europe spend most of their time criticising them.

Where have you witnessed this...or were you just told?
14 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

sense of racial pride. You are not polish but you are indeed just as black as your boyfriend.

YENTA. I'm sorry, but everything you say is just assenine. You're such a racist and I can see not many people liking you. You must live a sad life.

The victums now are whites

Victims of what? Plese share with me because if I'm being victimized I'd like to know of what.
13 Dec 2006
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

yeah...none. But, they are supposed to get 2cm this week :)
13 Dec 2006
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

Any luck with the snow report site? I think you can find anywhere on there.