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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1,183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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16 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Bernadetem, are you not living in the EE? Where are you from, please read this document, see if any of it applies to you.....

Can I ask Bernadetem if you would post a template "report" as in my first post on this thread, to inform us all of how you 've gone about it and your experience to date?

I would really appreciate that and I am sure the rest of the guys posting on this thread would too!

I know it will take a little time to do, but everyone would benefit, let me know if you can help us all!

Going by real estate sites, properties are over priced... a shity looking apartment in a high rise flat was worth 350,000zl.....moma mia...overseas buyers beware...

Lef, can you give us some examples of whats quoted off an estate agents web site and what you'd buy in the same town for the same money via a private sale?

Would appreciate that!


Its the law to use a notary( its the same in France...perhaps other European countries too?), he has to ensure all taxes, stamp duty and other fees, plus the property is correctly recorded and registered on behalf of the state - so in effect he's a quasi-legal figure, but MUST be involved.

You can use him with an estate agent or also with a private seller - naturally you don't pay a percentage to the private seller, but you do to an estate agent!

PS I stand to be corrected on any of the above points by local Polish posters!!!!.....:)

Old Punk....where have you been !!!!?????......:)

Fill us wannabe Polish property magnates as to your experiences or indeed your aspiration regarding buying something in Poland!
16 Oct 2006
Love / Why Polish Women are Attracted to Foreign Men? [17]

Emmm....not sure how to comment on this.....isnt it always the expression that the grass on the other side of the fence is greener and that applies to both sexs too?

Everyone likes to be paid a compliment, female and male, old, young, ugly, pretty, talented why would Polish girls be any different?

Its always, of course the sincerity of the person paying the compliment which is important........yes?

I don't think Polish women are any more gullible than other countries women, but perhaps they believe more in knights on white horses than the other disillusioned girls in the west!
16 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Gee......dubious transaction in any country......wait and see what some of the locals say !!
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Just checked Wroclaw, no sign of it...some times things a re a bit slow between some mail accounts!

Plus I sent one to you......1 min ago!.....:)
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Naw, very much doubt it, am in N Ireland, but know my way around Manchester, fav city in UK!

Great win today!

But I will pretend to know you , can you send me a virtual £20 note...that'll do nicely!

Have you been to Wroclaw, or have contacts, recommendations there?
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

You mean to make a payment to purchase?

Ideally a bankers draft, or an electronic bank transfer is even safer.

If its as a deposit, I believe you require 20% of price ( stand to be corrected), perhaps travellers cheques would be handier assuming they are widely accepted in Polish banks.
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226] wouldnt be in Manchester/Bury area are you?.....:)....
15 Oct 2006
Life / Irish man wanna move to Poland [60]

Not at all, its just that they are exclusive to the Emerald Isle......not allowed to export them even to new neighbours.........:)

Secondly, you never find an Irish man in an Irish pub abroad.......or...even leprachauns......
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Guys, a big thanks so far, plus all the links will act as a part resource for future posters!

Yes, Wroclaw am looking for an a apartment in your very own town.......!

Ideally, I am looking for a recently renovated or good order apartment in a stylish building, 60-70 sq metres.

But am interested in the ins and outs of the whole process, plus ideally they say you're best to go accompanied by a Polish person, if thinking at all about buying, makes it all so much more buyer friendly.
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Wroclaw itself, some where around the Rynek, or in one or two selected areas just north of the within a five minute walk.

Whilst in the city itself , I don't believe I saw an estate agents office along the lines we have here in UK/Ireland.

I have the allegro site you've listed, thanks.

Any other thoughts, info, again personal experiences are best.
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Wroclaw, so you can cut out the estate agent, whats their status legally in the whole process, fees, etc?

What percentage go for straight private deals?
15 Oct 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

I had done a search on buying property on the board, but not found as much useable info as I had hoped, therefore can I ask people who have experience of buying an apartment in Poland to relay their experiences to the board on the template format below?

I am particularly interested in non-Polish purchasers, given that we don't really speak the language and this makes the experience so much more difficult!

Overview - this should consist of, your gut feeling as to how the process went from start to finish, who you had to deal with and how things have finally turned out, and would you do it it again!

Where you bought - exactly where, why, advantages/disadvantages.

Price you paid - for the property, agents, solicitors, other parties

Who did you buy from - was it a private sale, via an estate agent, or notary - again advantages/disadvantages. Which is safest for non Polish speaking buyers.

Time scale - from initial search, arranging appointments, getting papers signed, delays, reasons for same.

What to look out for - this basically means, that there are certain golden rules you must be aware of through the whole buying experience, ie what to check, what to look for, what not to do any other nuggets of information only insiders would know about!

Finally, if you have links of use, please post them at the end.

Many thanks for your help in advance!

14 Oct 2006
Life / I'm Going to start a Revolution In Poland [10]

Good point Kowalski.........its the same in Ireland - a healthy/unhealthy disregard for all things governmental/rules etc! A throw back to British rule and an even tighter grasp of the populace by the catholic church.............................after thought.........who are the catholic church?????...and where are they Ireland that is......

Good sometimes...but not both countries kill more on the roads than they should!!
7 Oct 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland - integration? [41]

Yeah,where did she go; ah well,she was just using the members here for her own ends,not really interested in contributing, just taking - c'est la vie as they say in downtown Wroclaw...:)
19 Sep 2006
Language / Television to learn Polish/English. What should I be watching? [33]

Wroclaw...maybe you'll read this, our regional TV station called Ulster TV in N Ireland is doing a programme about Wroclaw on Thursday nite coming, 7.30pm local time about the mass exodus of people from your city and the mayor wanting them to come back.......!!

It is beautiful, and unique...has lots going for it.....hope to visit again in November!
19 Sep 2006
News / The 4th annexation of Poland - Watch LIVE now! [75]

Lots of variety in the arguments, some good points, some a little paranoid, some a bit pointless and personal, which dont have any place here guys....honestly!

As an Irishman, I do have a different perspective - relatively speaking Ireland (the Republic of that is) has only been independent since 1922.......only 800 odd years, of Normans, plantations, famine ( 1840...8 million people lived in Ireland, 1900.....only 4 million) English and British rule.........have we Ireland......benefiting from EU member ship absolutely yes, and by speaking English and taking RISKS........and more importantly....learning how to play the game........who to speak to in the EU, who to form alliances with.

You wont be annexed at all...............its only in your minds!

Cast off all your old doubts and will be very surprised how your proud nation will grow over the next decade..........I look forward to Poland once again taking its rightful place in the centre of the European union, but it requires hard work, diligence and bravery...........................Poland has an abundance of all three...good luck!
17 Sep 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland - integration? [41]

Cato, thats great, but here in our small county we already have a Polish page ( in Polish too) in our local paper( Fermanagh Herald), plus our very own Polish shop, how come things are relatively slow in the great metroplis that is Dublin!!!

Still, yer man had a point re meeting all the Polish locals are walking to and from their work, go on take a risk, ambush them in the street, much more personal than this forum, plus you might get a useful reply, as you can see the muppets on here haven't been very helpful!!

Come on where are all the Polish people to help this gal out????!!!!
17 Sep 2006
Travel / Isn't Warsaw a Sh*thole? [20]

LOL.............but boredom is in your of what really makes a city is the vibrancy of it population, ergo, it WILL take time for Polish peoples attitudes, way of doing things, views of life to change.

Being original, confident, selfish, cocky, brash, can't care less ways of thinking aren't natural Polish traits(?).

Again, giving it time, plus money, will make all the difference.

There was a time when the only thing Dublin was known for was its beer and pubs...NOTHING else!!!

But Ireland and the Irish, always had a different attitude to life.............ask Polish people who have gone their, there is a huge amount of irreverence, risk taking, live for today - not tomorrow! In Poland til recently, you knew tomorrow and every day after was going to be the same........again...and again......................just wait for the spark!!
16 Sep 2006

.....this is now micro-topic........the mixer topic stuff.............Wroclaw......lovely city by the way!

Am in Ireland..........BTW, 'em, hard to say......there are lots of choices in London etc, economies of scale, things too do, but too congested.................

Also the English are tolerant.................but too a point, as long as you dont interfere in their lives!
16 Sep 2006

Mixer taps.........???...............I mean come on guys....get back to the thread......dig deep, come on!
16 Sep 2006
Travel / Isn't Warsaw a Sh*thole? [20] aint great in has a long way to go, to become a truly visitable place to put on your list of capitals to visit.

But Europe has lots of less than brilliant capitals, ie Bonn, before Germany was re-united; London indeed has lots of negative aspects, Brussels isnt too hot either, the list goes on.......

But we all have to remeber its was virtually destroyed 60 yrs ago, plus has been submerged in communism for 60 odd yrs too.......................give it will improve!
17 Aug 2006
Travel / 1st time in Poland [78]

Yes, I agree guys, take away/throw away traits in modern society are responsible for many problems, partly due to raised living standards/expectations.

Ergo, both parents must work to keep up with everyone else, at the expense of children being raised by other people, no time for real parenting, too rushed, everyone is sucked into believing the advertisers......but ultimately its down to people taking the easy option and being lazy!

Western Europe could learn from Poland!! Some older, traditional values are worth keeping!
16 Aug 2006
UK, Ireland / Stop the exploitation of Polish workers in the UK [101]

Its now the law in Ireland too, parents whose children are back home in an EU country can claim an allowance for child care, which is quite substantial compared to wages in Poland.

But can't remember the exact amount!
16 Aug 2006
Travel / pickpockets or gangsters in poland? [49]

Why should people behave as if they are bereft of all civility, respect?

Say those sorts of things in your work, mixed crowd when you are out...and see what response you longer last century......