UK, Ireland /
Why do Poles come to England? [514]
Years of fighting our German brothers
those same "brothers" that bombed coventry london sheffield portsmouth dover etc etc etc.......
and more pants from the fasch'
"Still, if Mosely had come to power we wouldn't be in this dire situation now. Those 700,000 Brits who died in the war would of lived on to have children."
Mosley was a opportunitist, and rightly ended up in jail for 2 years,then released mid war because he was seen as a pathetic little man who only attracted shell shocked WW1 veterns and a few jew bashers from the east end. Just when would he have come to power? Sorry would that be when Chamberlin resigned and Churchil took over,9 months after the start of the war against YOUR(not any bugger elkses you traitor) arayn brothers in the wehrmacht. And not to quibble over figures but it was 350.000 not 700.000.
Basicaly,what you and your bone head bnp/blut und ehre tribe is a bunch of cowardly traitors to this country,saluting the hooked cross and boogieing on down to "nazi" rock in grubby council estate pubs or crappy little marquees in feilds....
You speak for nobody but the ill educated minority,the same bread of TRAITORS that signed up for the BFK,and even then there were only 50odd of them.......
ps,Poles come to England to meet refined educated people who like nazis and faschists........NOT
All the best isthatu. If you need any more grenades in the "rekonstrucja Powstanie Warszawskie" just whistle. I'm be right behind you, mopping up the Gerries you deck.
with pistols against tigers.......:)