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Posts by pingwin  

Joined: 2 Feb 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 17 Nov 2008
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 117 / In This Archive: 88
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: spending time with my son

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13 Mar 2007
Food / what is szarlotka? recipe too. [11]

Doesn't his avatar look all sooooooooooooooooooooooo good to eat right now?

Thanks Szarlotka!
11 Mar 2007
Language / Dates in Polish ( examples ) [21]

In the State if you work for a government agency and the military it the same way.

23.05.1979r. = 23 maja 1979 roku
17.01.1983r. = 17 stycznia 1983 roku

8 Mar 2007
Life / Cell phone options in Poland? [55]

I wish I was there instead of here in this freezing state texting back and forth!
8 Mar 2007
Life / Cell phone options in Poland? [55]

I have T-Mobile. There service sucks at times but I have an open GSM phone and can text messages and receive massages. I also can buy any SIMS card and use it locally it's much cheaper. Example, my mother went to Poland roamed in Poland all the time but it was $0.99 a minute. Imagaine my phone bills for the three months she was there. Last year I bought her a Polish SIMS card showed her how to use it and she got a local cell phone number in Poland, free incoming calls, voicemail and SMS. The rates were much cheaper as well.
8 Mar 2007
USA, Canada / Polish Channels in U.S. on Dish Network? [13]

You can also get quite a bit of Polish movies from netflix.

Thanks for the info I'll have to check that one out. Polish TV is on 24/7 at my house

I watch TVPolonia every day. It's $6.99 a month.

Is that on the net?? I miss TVPolonia since Dish dropped it.
8 Mar 2007
USA, Canada / Polish Channels in U.S. on Dish Network? [13]

Through Dish You can get Polsat 2, itvn, tvn24,KinoPolska and EuroNews. It just depends on what pacakage you want and willing to pay for. Dish also makes U purchase another satallite if you have American's top channels only. It's a bunch of crap! Anything to steal your hard earned money.
7 Mar 2007
Love / Never dated a polish girl, although my parents want me to (Chicago) [49]

imagine all of the talks I get at holiday parties... they all want me to find a Polish girl, this has been going on for about 10 years now

Do they ask when are U going to get married?? A great response is "Trzydziestego Lutego" they get all happy for you until they realize it doesn't exsist by then they know to leave you alone.
6 Mar 2007
Language / If you can say that, you are excellent in Polish. [32]

A heart has fallen in love with another heart,
A heart has given his heart to the other heart.
A heart asked the other heart for it,
May that heart wear the other heart in his heart.
5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

Wouldn't you like to pour a bucket of water on some stingy people who complain too much? I sure as hell would.

You have point there!!


Good one Krysia!!! Sledz, you have admit the GIRL has talent.
5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

I've heard people from the city don't like this tradition too much in Poland and they call the police... At least those who have cell phones (most).

If they play nice it's no problem, but when the hooligans get out hand then it's time to call the police and watch them get dranched. LOL :)

Thats why we do it.....

So U enjoy pissing people off yeah??
5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

we would hide on the roof,

Was that you Krysia that got me when I left my apartment on my way to church???
5 Mar 2007
Life / Polish Catholic Wedding Vows [15]


Pan Młody:
Ja ...(imię Pana Młodego) biorę sobie Ciebie...(imię Panny Młodej) za żonę i ślubuję Ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską oraz, że Cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci.

Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boże Wszechmogący w Trójcy Jedyny i Wszyscy Święci.
Panna Młoda powtarza te same słowa...

Przy wymianie obrączek Pan Młody mówi:
...(imię Panny Młodej) przyjmij tę obrączkę jako znak mojej miłości i wierności, w imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego.

Panna Młoda powtarza te same słowa...

In Church
"I, Andy, take you, _____, as my wedded wife
and I promise you love, honor, and respect: to be faithful to you and not to
forsake you until death do us part, so help me God, one in the Holy Trinity
and all the Saints." The bride repeats the same/

N., take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Hey Andy you can also use this ivo.pl/index.php?option=com_ivonaonline&Itemid=38

U can write a word or a Phrase in polish and it will read it for you in polish I think it's a great help to hear it. You can thank RazZ on that one.

If you need any more help let me know.
5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

Yeah must be Ohio.

Hey hey, watch it or you'll have Buckeyes instead of water on Śmingus Dingus!
4 Mar 2007

but im talking about english verisons OF polish sourced news!

My point exactly. Poles feel that somehow the news get distorted and people don't know what they are talking about when it comes to our country.
4 Mar 2007

Hey Daffy, it our Polish mentaliity that what news you hear there's never any truth to it about Poland. I get that from my parents all the time. When they watch their Polish station and the news it is always compare to the American news and how they leave everything out.
4 Mar 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Ok, this problem is everywhere. Here in the states people judge all the Mexicans because they cross the boarders. I just know one thing just because one person is an a_whole doesn't mean that everyone else from the same country is. I had a bad experience with a fellow at work from Mexico and after that I was weary of all Mexicans, but realized that I am not giving a chance to others who are totally opposite. It took me awhile but now I know that I can't judge everyone based on my one bad experience.

It's like a relationship we have our good and bad ones but it's our desicion to chose what we do with it.
4 Mar 2007
Life / Polish Catholic Wedding Vows [15]

CONGRATULATIONS! Here's a website with the vows, hope this helps. :)

krakowskiewesele.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view& id=163&Itemid=159
19 Feb 2007
News / Polish Keyboard with the Polish alphabet? [30]

No, no Sledz - to ja ci bardzo Dziękuję. :)

I am learning a lot from all of you. Dziękuję Sledz, Eurola, and Krysia. :) :) :)
18 Feb 2007
Life / What is your favorite Polish Music Group or Artist? [41]

Last week I attend "Iche Troje" concert. My sister loves them. They are a pretty good rock group and after meeting them personally they seem to be very down to earth. However, I really love Szymon Wydra & Carpe Diem especially the songs "Musisz Uwierzyc, Zycie Jak Poemat, List Od Pana B. and Poza Czas".

I was just wondering what are your favorites?