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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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29 Nov 2006
Life / Are there any neutral or positive stereotypes of poles? [40]

Polish Girls Are the Most Beautiful in the World...!!! not true i'm not that beautiful

P_G...plz.....desist...........thats my thread........topic.....

I am the arbiter of same........in IMHO...they are....:)
29 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Poles in UK claiming state benefit have cost the taxpayer 45M pounds [55]

I believe that this is also the case in Ireland, migrants from the EU were able/allowed to claim benefit for children left in their home country. It was actaully advertised widely and it was ok to do this. Part of the entitlements for paying taxes/working in Ireland.

The poster uk, used the N Ireland example ( not an Irish republic eg)...about complaints.....not sure how applicable it is, but doubtless there are instants where this happen...but it also applies to the local population.

Many people in Ireland are beginning to get fed up with Poles

I don't know what evidence there is for this, but there are bound to be strains when huge numbers move to a samll country.........160000 EE migrants into a 4 million population.

UK has maybe 600000....but 58 million pop.

If the same numbers were multiplied up...in real terms the UK would have taken ....2.3 million, compared to Ireland.........so Ireland has taken 14 times the number that the UK has!
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Syrena........no problem....its a message board.....getting info etc.......for exchanges of ideas and opinions, we won't always agree with every thing everyone says.......

It aint anything to worked up about.......chill....:)
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

no sense of humour

But it wasn't a joke aimed at you M, so take all the offence you want.........so we all have different opinions...........and thats what they are...only opinions...backed up by what research etc........?

His post seemed to be pandering to the alpha females of the board......thats all.....

it just makes you look a little simple - sorry

Arien...you're not trying to get on my good side...........well I try to keep it simple so you don't feel left out...:)
29 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

the joke

Precisely...................it was a joke....W. understood it as such......once again posters read far too much into a simple post...meant as nothing more than that.

I don't belong to any pack, never was, never led a pack...etc...so how can a message on a board be construed as such? Particularly when there aint a pack on the board....male or....female(?)

well im a normal guy who flirts a little

This was an interesting bit.....so girls.....Wolfie was just coming onto ya...in a very canine way........
28 Nov 2006
History / What does it mean to be Polish? [46]

I'm occasionally asked the same about being Irish...and I am not quite sure at times...all I know is that, I am not the typical Irishman...in certain areas but in other I can identify wholly with the stereotype.

I have often said to people that being Irish was similar to being the "soul" of humanity.....so damaged, so vulnerable, so in touch with the inner pain/conflicts of being a human.

Never quite know when you are right...but curiously, always turning out to be right........living life over the max limit, but having regard for others.

Realising that every mom is your mom and vice versa......knowing that craic/laughter...freeing yourself from the constraints of your mind ( usually through alcohol), that feeling of wanton abandon....but yet having the weight of mankind on your shoulders.............being a victim....for so many endless centuries.........but in the end being the victor!

I suppose, some of this isn't much different to being Polish........but there ya go.....

PS God, I'll have to start taking the meds again...:(
28 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Hhhhmmmmmm...have you been badly hurt along the way by one of your feamale friends/partners...its just to sounds an awful lot more than just a rant.........as if you've been torn or badly damaged sometime...just my reading between the lines.

I agree if the local female population treats their males poorly/despise them, then something is badly wrong, have you articles/ surveys etc to back up your views Maxx?
28 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Firstly, who is this pack you keep talking about........Wolfie said what he said to provoke a reaction.......and it did...but no more........not being punished is he?.............ask wolfie if he feels punished!!!?
27 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

Money does not equal self-worth. It might equal power and influence in the eyes of others, but not self-worth.

These are areas that sometimes define maleness...the pack/harem effect...who a man can persuade to be part of his group........alpha male.....most listened too, sought after. other males ergo females acknowledge as being the ONE!

Well...its a can of worms in the sense that people will disagree just because they can!!

Mainly because here are all sorts of conflicting theories out there as to whether its nuture or nature determines how a person "turns out"......either a criminal or psychopath or responsible,mature doing the right thing.

There are recognisable differences, some one mentioned physical strength etc - there is mental toughness, resilience...a lot of generalisations too as regards those areas.

So its ok to congratulate a person on their intelligence but not their physical attributes?

Simply put where did the intelligence come from...the drive...the ability...pretty much from genetic inheritance.........mixed in with application and hard work...again......perhaps built in?

The compliment depends on the circumstances..who pays it and when...and was he a guy/girl that you fancy in the first place?!

More thoughts......?

Remember....there is only one thing in life worse than being looked over.......................................and that is being overlooked!
26 Nov 2006
Love / Feminism effects both sexes in a different way - opinions? [115]

This is a can of worms topic............!!

Men/women have different "value" systems....do the females on the board feel that their worth is now to be measured solely by a male originated system....ie money?

Or that by working hard, you can earn more or get ahead the in the same way?

What posters mean that they want to be treated in the same way in the work place.........

Thats fine...but what about in life in general?

I have always remarked to female colleagues that their REAL work only begins when they get home, ie that they have a family that need nurtured, raised, loved, protected, spoilt if need be......

Anyone can earn money, but only mothers can do the really difficult bit.........ask any Polish mother, who are held in such high esteem in their culture.

Each sex has different strengths and weaknesses, nature intended this way, why should we try to second guess mother nature???!!
26 Nov 2006
Life / Retire in Poland - Good or Bad Idea? [74]

People like new pastures, a change is as good as a rest...and all those other cliches!

UK, has lots of down sides, sacrificed on the altar of money!

Poland has lots of downsides.......mainly as the result of 60 years of communism/WW II, plus a latent talent for beating itself up, being self critical, navel gazing, its only natural!

Give it 20 yrs or thereabouts............:)

From every chrysalis emerges a beautiful butterfly................effectively the real Poland has yet to re-emerge!

Long live Polska!
26 Nov 2006

about 80% of all Polish immigrants earn 6 pounds an hour or less

Yes, this is largely true...but as I have noted above....lots of them hold two jobs.....so they go all out to maximise there earnings whilst here...they know it won't last for ever, and indeed have a limited time here too.

But people on the board say that min wages back home are 80-95 pence an hour back home....well.....you can survive for a 1 or two years on just half this......in Ireland....£3 an hour.....be on your second job.......for another 20-30 hrs a week.......ergo......spending £160 a week to live...and save £250 plus week!!...or thereabouts!!
26 Nov 2006

Not really.........a lot of the people I see here in our town....work hard and play little, never see them out, they wear the same clothes day in day out, they walk everywhere, they save and send it home.....these people are not here for fun, but to get a foothold in life back home by taking back or sending back 5-15k a year for a year or two and get a start in life.

One of the girls who featured in the film I spoke about a few days ago, was shown sitting on the several hectare area of land she'd bought outside of Katowice, on which she intends to build a house in two years time, she was very proud of her efforts and the end result - she said if she stayed in Poland she would have grown old before she'd had the chance to do the same in Poland.

But she was prepared to sacrifice 2-4 yrs of life now so she'd be better off in the medium.

She doesn't appear to have any formal qualifications, its always down to hard work, committement and having a vision of where you want to go.

She is just one of many Polish people who have that.
26 Nov 2006

In Ireland....minumum wage for agricultural work is set at E8.12 an hour, though of course there are employers who will try and NOT pay this, both to locals and migrant workers!

So whilst in local terms this is deemed to be low pay, in relative terms its a lot higher than Polish people can get back home, plus lots have 2nd and sometimes 3rd jobs....ok, come the end of the week they are wrecked...but they still have had the opportunity to earn this money which is denied in Poland.

So in real terms they become "high" income workers!!
26 Nov 2006
Life / Well-educated Polish modern slaves abroad [35]

Maati...can you give us a flavour of this book, why she decided to do it, what being a "slave" meant, who was her owner...or was it just a work of fiction?

Democracy is not perfect.......................but its better than any other sort of government!

If you buy into it, its expensive to maintain, expensive from a moral perspective, and a heavy responsibility on those who put themselves froward as candidates.
25 Nov 2006

Well.....lots of the local hospitals have Polish anaesthetists, plus other specialist doctors, in UK generally, hundreds of doctors come over to do weekend shifts....there is no doubt a limited supply of this type of worker.....whereas anyone can do factory work, waiter etc

There are lots of people from Poland with degrees etc doing more manual work in Ireland/UK....so their specialsit skills/qualifications are being lost to Poland...cant be replaced in 1 -2 yrs.....doctors in 5-6 yrs.
25 Nov 2006

As regards other nations experiences; stats show ( up until the last 10 when the celtic tiger took over) that only 6% of all Irish emigants ever returned to Ireland.

However a colossal 56% of Italians returned to their home country after a lifetimes work in a foreign land. No doubt the Polish dispora will be somewhere in between.

The difference perhaps in the Polish experience is that, its almost entirely an economic migration...which gives lots of options; as opposed to others where it was stay and die or migrate and live......well to a degree!

Am sure there is a huge brain drain relative to the population...but also lots doing other jobs; the accumulation of wealth, knowledge and the "other side of the fence" experience will only benfit the aspiring nation that is modern Poland.

The biggest fly in the ointment, is the government...can they rise to the occasion?
24 Nov 2006
History / What does it mean to be Polish? [46]

In reality.....being Polish ( applies to other nationalites too)...is effectively a state of mind and inheritance........you evolve thoroughly immersed in its culture and life...on the knee of your mother, then friends as you grow up.

I honestly don't think anyone else can then FULLY understand or feel as fully part of the whole Polish experience unless you've moved through these areas and experiences.

Knowing the language is a start, but how long will it take to be fluent and more importantly, you will always have an accent..........so when you speak , the local, real Polish will treat you slightly differently...even though they may not want to...they will.....fact of life.

But and its a big but....if locals feel you are being true and honest, I think they'd make an extra effort to include you and make you feel as "Polish" as you possibly wanted to be....such is Polish culture and hospitality.
24 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Setting up shop, a N Ireland Polish migrant experience. [28]

Last night I attended a short film about the experiences of two families, from Poland and Lithuanian about arriving and living in our county.

It was filmed over a year in both Poland and Fermanagh, it started with a girl who had a marital problem and decided on a new start....where better than the new "Western Frontier", but N Ireland. She left by herself, initially, to work in the officer of a local factory on the shop floor, then graduated to the office, then she was a translator for the firm when they went to recruit Polish workers.

She then assisted the new workers in getting housing, NI numbers, bank accounts an actually set up a two week induction period for all the workers from EE. Now there are 150 Polish people working there. Earning 4-5 times what they earned back home.

Eventually, Ella, realised that she missed her son and brought him over a year later.......now hes a real Fermanagh man! Speaks English perfectly with a local accent and bright with it. So good at organising and getting things done and knowing how many Polish people were in the county; that Ella and new local partner, decided to open a Polish shop..this is now open since July this year and is always busy!

The transformation is almost complete, her sister has joined her in the shop, plus recently her parents all the way from Katowice ( mum is now working for a local shop doing clothing alterations)...and Ella estimates that between, family, friends cousins etc, there are over 100 people from her extended family/locality now working in our county!!

As a comparison, we saw where she had come from, accommodation, school, workplace of her father....so far removed and different from now in Fermanagh. Things looked very tough, and crampt...even though they laughed about it all.......we suspected she was glad to have a new opportunity. But she said she still loves Poland and hopes to return......one day.

Ella, also attended and over saw the film, and at the end, got a well deserved round of applause..........everyone wished her well and hope she and her son and family have many happy years in our community.