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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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27 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Phoned up an agency the other month,the phone was answered in Polish. At the time it was funny,the lass had been chatting to someone in the office and "forgot" to switch back to english. We had a bit of a laugh and Id tried a bit of Polish myself,which was a help as her english was pretty basic to say the least. Anyway,at the time it was funny,looking back it cant help the people who genuinly belive "their" jobs are going to Poles if evnt the receptionists at local job agencies are Poles with a tendency to forget which country they are in.
26 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Brits and Poles - can't we all just... get along? [20]

maybe this is why they dont like you? meeeooow pull your claws in sammy.
Wander around a scummy neighbourhood and be surprised not to get a warm welcome, welcome to planet earth 21st century style i'd say. And as for being "at the back of the cue behind asians etc|" ,course you bloomin are,you came after them,thats what cues are,or did you expect some preferential treatment for being white?
26 Sep 2007
News / There is no Muslim in Poland [116]

We will not eat halal, because we live in Poland

Dont eat it then you muppet,no one is forcing kebabs down your throat are they?

Probably because welfare benefits are poor and Muslims are not interested to settle here.

Probably theyve got more sense,faced with a choice,UK or Poland to find work,it would seem they make the same choice as a large amount of Poles.
25 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Gullible pretty polish girls with immigrants in Ireland [60]

i see it for myself in England, all the illegal immigrants who want to stay in the country used to try and latch on to the UK girls, however the UK girls don't stand for it anymore so they have moved on to our European visitors who are members of the EU. In this individual case Polish girls,

Seeing a lot of this with Kurds in my neck of the woods,they're either with pig ugly fat english women 10 years older than them or pretty young Polish girls about 10 years youngewr than them. Ah well,each their own,Im sure some are genuine love matches and best of british to them but im sure also that a lot of single mums will be returning to Poland with little ahmeds in tow.
23 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

blame the tossers in power who let our borders turn to dust not the people taking advantage,though it is wrong that people with homesand families and traditions and roots here are more and more being pushed to the back of percieved cues or forced to scrabble in the dust of employment to fund forgien students gap decade.
23 Sep 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

lukasz,Im glad you saw I wasnt trying to say "we're the best" etc or to put Poland down in anyway,as you noticed I pointed out that in the 80s many brits went to germany for work much as Poles now come here. All I meant was that with so many of your young people over here and showing no plans to leave any time soon it would seem as though Poland is on a slow but steadyish course to succes instead of a more rapid advance.

lukasz, do you really think the 3% vote in one region for the ndp is a reall threat to you (poland) or europe in general? I have extreme distaste for the far right but they are still a fringe element,Im sure our"own" scummy bnp types have a higher % rating in the UK but they are not a threat as such............wanders off wondering if the ghost of neville chamberlinn has taken me over.......
22 Sep 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

which counts for naught when as soon as they graduate they come here to pick potatoes or pull chickens guts through their bums(the chickens bum,not the Polish graduates), unfortunatly the UKs towns and cities arnt full of Helmuts and Fritzies but Pawels and Tomeks,while this is the case Poland can only hope to slowly crawl up the economic ladder while Germany,much as it pains me to say was the cheif archetecht of that ladder they now stand near the top of(built by british builders lol ),their graduates are doing graduate level work while many of Polands are not. This cannot susstain a country,look at the republic of Ireland,untill it stopped loosing its best and brightest around the world it was an economic mess and a backwater of bad old days attitudes,now its a beakon of hope for all small nations.
20 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

He has good points. Its all very well for comfy middle class types with jobs to be complacent but if your in a situation where the only jobs available are the "low skilled" jobs and you do get off your" lazy butt" to look for these,say your local high street,in the windows of the agencies are signs,just like they used to be a few years ago for jobs,only now those signs are written in Polish,this is the North midlands,a small city,not slough or London. If all the agencies in Poland suddenly started advertising in Korean I can imagine the reaction.
18 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

As for racism in general, the Polish history of this is not exactly squeaky clean anyway

Is that from Polands 20th century Empire with its famous African and Asian colonies? Or the big black civil rights movement brutaly supresed in 1960s Warsaw?
13 Sep 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

What do you want, to sit at the same table as France, Germany, GB, US or RF?

Thats the idea of europe mate,(or ideal) no matter who you are,if your a member of the club your opinion counts.

Germans should read some historical books, and check if anybody in history have broken our nation or made us submissive.

The point of the EU is to move on from the times when our soldiers were shooting the crap out of each other.Frankly the latest rounds of so called political talks have been an embarresment for both your countries,both obsesing about the events of 70 years ago instead of focusing on the future. We are far from perfect,our leaders lied to take us into an ileagal war in iraq so Im not saying britain is perfect either.
12 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

Ok,lets deal with enema at the gate then,see how much fact was left. Right, germans v "russians = fine, vassilii tsitsev a skinny young boy=actualy a chubby 30 something ex sailor in the red fleet. Crack shot with nagant=correct,but not the highest scorer and also used a ptrd anti tank rifle never seen in film; vassillii vs that jerry= never happened ; blocking detachments behind one rifle between 2 men assualts in stalingrad= utter tosh,yes men were sent in waves in stalingrad,usually armed with the latest papasha for close Q fighting,any men squeezed into the tiny soviet bridgehead needed to be able to kill germans,an unarmed man finds this difficult.........

the world at war was made slap bang in the middle of the cold war,balanced to an extent but littered with old nazis going unchallenged in their opinions.

No one is disputing that a major soviet "tactic" was human wave but to insinuate the entire soviet armies were some untrained mob herded to the front and fighting only because the men in blue hats were behind them is false and goes against the fact of their smashing the german armies time and again.

Isthatu, it's impressive - you knowledge of WWII! Who are you, mate?

a sad semi obsesive mate with far too many books :)
11 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

Quoting: isthatu
UK and USA had copiously suppled with war materiel which still only accounted for a small fraction of soviet materiel

Would this be why the russians force marched there own men into stalingrad.
With 1 rifle and 1 ammo clip between two men.
( The first man shoots. when he dies. The second man picks up his weapon. loads it and shoots. )
Yes we supplied them. Bc they were allies against the fascist war machine.

Ah ha, History from hollywood :) Enemy at the gates has a lot to answer for,the whole one man with rifle one with ammo is old german propaganda bs,yes it occasionaly happened in 41 but by the time of Stalingrad 42-3 this was far from the case. Even though at the time supplies from the west were not reaching in the vast numbers they later would,which is the time under discusion ie 1945,by then no force in western europe could have conceivably stopped the rkka.The Americans were still far more interested in finishing off japan which they saw as Their war unlike europe which thery saw as europes war still,pretty much only patton saw different and we all know what happened to him.
11 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

Sorry torny but your grasp on the situation in spring 45 is as oscypek says way over simplified if not down right factually wrong.
Distence, The RKKA and Polish LWP were at the oder,a distance of some 40 miles,the western allies were only just over the Rhine aproaching the Elbe.

The Americans had no units trained in Guerila warfare,where as the soviets had been succesfully using partizans and rasvidcheks(sp) scout units since 42.
Fighting the germans with aid of weather; your point? every army utilises the weather,but mud was just as deep and snow just as cold for "russians" as germans.

Every one saw that the "russians" couldnt wait to get back at the germans;and the entire free world sanctioned it and saw it as almost the "russians" right after the horrendous crimes commited by the germans all through the soviet union and border states.And frankly "our" leaders were glad that the "russians" had such a thurst for revenge as it meant that they,the "russians" would do the bulk of the fighting and dying.

What exactly do you mean by the soviet union did more damage to its people than the germans? if you mean stalin and his various terrors,probably getting close in actuall numbers killed,but the germans caused the loss of over 27 million people in the western soviet union and states such as belrus ,lithuania etc so in terms of the period 41-45 the statement the germans wernt as bad is fatious and in poor taste.

Down too Roosvelt,lol, no,Roosvelt saw the only real power in the area at the time was the soviet union,which both UK and USA had copiously suppled with war materiel which still only accounted for a small fraction of soviet materiel. Roosvelt and Churchil were playing the long game politicaly and roosvelt passed on the decision to Eisenhower whos saw no gain in expending American lives on capturing what he saw as purly a symbolic landmark.

Nobody desputes large amounts of rapes and lootings took place in berlin and other parts of germany( as a side also in poland but im not dealing with that crime here) the german armies did exactly the same all through the soviet union for the four previous years, the only difference being that while most of the haus frau's are still here to tell ofthe horrible events the germans rather more efficiently tended to round up their victims and burn them in pits.
10 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

agreed, Churchill was shocked to find Poland betrayed by roosvelt etc, but the Americans hardly "gave" berlin to the soviets.While the still relitevly small US expiditionary force was over 100 miles from berlin the soviets with far greater numbers were less than 30. In a sense I suppose the western allies did let the soviets take berlin in the way they realised why waste so many lives on a symbolic pile of rubble,the soviets and a Polish army lost over 350 thousand men taking berlin,more troops than britain had in europe.
10 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

lol. Love your girlfriend's response.

the "one that slipped away " im afraid;) Still did have fun and cemented my love for Poland with all the quirks thrown in :)

Thanks for not classing me as a tourist Bartolome,but I suppose,truth be told I was just a tourist. My experiance another day that same trip might ilustrate my point better; I was taken to kola flea market ( Im interested in Polish mil' history and was looking for bits and pieces) where we found a mix of stalls where if I asked a price in my obviously halting Polish I would be given a price 2 even 3 times higher than if my g/f asked or Id overheard but was just confirming,so if you count trying to overcharge "tourists" (i play the game,i dont mind paying a little more coz i know my pound streches a long way ) 3 times as rude and uncivilised thats an example.On the other hand,on the same market I met traders who on discovering I was a brit interested in Polish history would present me with little gifts like books and badges so that shows another side.
9 Sep 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

cool,do I get a bottle of falling down water then, I met plenty of rude people in Warsaw,but didnt form an opinion of an entire population on that fact. The one who sticks out was a late middle aged woman who berated my Polish g/f for daring to speak in english with me on a tram as she(the sourfaced old party flunky,or so i was told) couldnt understand what we were saying to each other. My g/f said something to the effect of you have no one to report our conversations to anymore so what do you care. So no,rude people are rude people,I dont think they make distinctions very often.
9 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Are British people really interested to integrate with Poles? [92]

Sofi, The whole kiss on the hand thing,I admit myself I would probably hesitate to use it on a British girl, but on my last visit to Warsaw I was "taught" the proper way,ie you lightly but firmly hold her hand at around waist/chest level then you,the bloke,bend your head to her hand till she see's the top of your head(hard luck if youve a bald spot :) ) after a bit I was getting right into it all. Id love if we had those sort of manners still over here.

I also remember about 6 or 7 years ago going to Arnhem in holland ( if you know your history scene of "a bridge too far" where british paras were on one side of the rhine and poles on the other trying to reach each other) , I had walked to the bridge,leaving my then g/f at our mates house, to pay a little pilgramage to a memorial.On the bridge was another lad ,who turned out to be Polish,maybe a couple of years younger than my 23, it was pretty obvious that we were both in the area for the history as he was reading one plaque and I another. So I introduced myself and so did he,but with a click of the heels and a little bow of the head!!! that stunned me but Im pretty old fashioned like that and love all the old 30s40s manners from b/w films.Shame it seems to be dying out in Poland now aswell but,you never know,the way he world is the "norm" soon becomes something to rebel against so with all the coursness and rudness around maybe it will soon be "cool" to behave like a Gentlman again?
9 Sep 2007
News / Why are foreigners coming to Poland and from which countries? [119]

what on earth has been the point of this thread?Black vs White IQ levels,eh,wtf has that got to do with why do people move to Poland? Statistics are the tool of the unimaginative and can always be manipulated by some smart a r s e to prove whatever they like. The whole of the above arguments have been pointless,untill we all become some how telepathicaly linked to other members of our exact racial background what on earth is to be gained by boasting how many high iq holders belong to your club?

So,apart from some Koreans selling dodgy looking hotDOGS and the freindly arab guys I met in a Warsaw Kebab shop,just who else is moving to Poland and why? Do people who manage to get out of belrus get leave to stay in Poland?
9 Sep 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

no, of course they do Lukasz, sorry if im not being clear though:(
really, I will have a look then,thanks, though I do find my blood presure rising when I read that sort of nonsense..........yes,you are right,unfortunatly there are a few "well educated" people who appear to hold those strange views. One example I can think of is a famous film clip showing ethnic germans in ,I think Poznan, saluting the invading Germans. The "historian" claimed this showed that some Poles welcomed the nazi's and so must have been involved in the later holocaust,when in fact all it showed were germans greating german soldiers who happened to be on Polish soil.

oh and as a big ps, your english is far far better than my Polish so I didnt mean any disrespect mate :)
9 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Are British people really interested to integrate with Poles? [92]

When she asked me about my nationality and i said im from poland. she just said -see ya, and have a nice party.

She may just have figured you would go back to Poland and leave her one day,maybe she couldnt face the eventual rejection :)
Dont take it to heart whichever way though. Try something that all the girls love,the old Polish kiss on the hand,British girls god bless em seem starved of the romantic type lately. "elo luv,wanna shag?" is more what theyre used to hearing in pubs :)
9 Sep 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

ok,fine mate,just didnt like you getting the wrong end of the stick,as you did,and acuse me of being some muppet who doesnt know history.

To be frank,people who think poland was culpable for what happened to the jews in ww2 are beyond redemption/education. It doesnt take a PHD to figure out that an occupied country that ceased to exist( general govt and warthgau not exactly a free Poland) couldnt have had much say in anything carried out on its soil.

and again,I think its your english mate but I will not follow your orders to "Just read that," Ive read just about all I care to on the subject thank you, but am glad for any others who may not have they will be able to follow your links.
9 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

our (almost city) flies the Polish flag on may the 3rd,its a nice start,we dont have any specifically Polish festivals here as yet,but how many festivals are organised by the under 25's anyway? what i mean is,in the States you have huge Polish american comunities dating back 150 odd years,over here you have two main groups, old boys who fought with Anders or in the Home Army and had to/chose to stay here,ie 80+year olds,and young singles/couples over here to work hard and in some case too hard maybe to help mums and dads back home,they dont seem like the natural demografic to start up festivals and trad dancing events etc,maybe in 5 - 10 years with those who settle but not just yet.