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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

Yeah must be Ohio. They even drink Pop :) Do you drink pop or soda?

I think everyone expects to get wet this day. Even out on the streets.
5 Mar 2007
Life / Smingus-Dyngus - Polish tradition [155]

Dang sleds (don't you say that in Chi town or is that Ohio?) You can wiki it.

AKA Lany Poniedziałek, Polewanka or Oblewanka.
Early in the Polish evolution of the tradition, the Dyngus custom was clearly differentiated from Śmigus: Dyngus was the exchange of gifts (usually eggs, often decorated like pisankas), under the threat of water splashing if one party did not have any eggs ready, while Śmigus (from Śmigać, to whoosh, ie make a whipping noise) referred to the striking.

Later the focus shifted to the courting aspect of the ritual, and young unmarried girls were the only acceptable targets. A boy would sneak into the bedroom of the particular girl he fancied and awaken her by completely drenching her with multiple buckets of water. Politics played an important role in proceedings, and often the boy would get access to the house only by arrangement with the girl's mother.
5 Mar 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

i almost feel tempted to join the forum, so i can start a thread "why is Gregorz such an antagonistic little s**t"

Please don't if you're going to take stuff like this to heart. We don't need another winer. If you've been here long enough to see what types of things are being said about PL working in the UK and stealing jobs, maybe you'd understand his sense of humor....which of course I'm used to by now.
3 Mar 2007
Language / If you can say that, you are excellent in Polish. [32]

Any idea what this is ?
I've heard it said before but when I asked they just laughed !

King Carol bought coral-coloured beads for queen Caroline

Powiedziała pchła pchle: pchnij, pchło, pchłę pchłą.
Pchła pchnęła pchłę pchłą - i po pchle!
2 Mar 2007
Food / Bagels in Krakow [7]

Well, the inventer of bagels created them in Krakow, so I figured they'd have a super excellent bagel shop.
2 Mar 2007
USA, Canada / POLISH PEOPLE IN CT.... [21]

Japh... you seem desperate. I don't think women like that. Maybe you should create your own introduction.
2 Mar 2007
Travel / Anyone been to Zakopane? [36]

If anyone has more photos, please feel free to post them here. Is there any possibility for Off-Piste.

Not sure where. Everywhere i've been in Poland these areas are protected adn you can get a fine for going out of bounds. Maybe there are some private pow tours.
1 Mar 2007
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

I've been mulling whether to get a helmet for the past two years

Yes.Yes.Yes you have to get one. You only have 1 skull.
1 Mar 2007
Travel / Anyone been to Zakopane? [36]

But, it's too bad they are in the US :)

....well, for Europeans anyway.
1 Mar 2007
Travel / Anyone been to Zakopane? [36]

The nightlife is good, but I don't like it because it's way too crowded. The Slovakia side is a little less.
1 Mar 2007
Travel / Snowboarding in Poland [75]

It's really painful to learn by yourself, but tons of fun once you get the hang of it. It's good to learn both also. Some powder days can be awesome on a board.
1 Mar 2007
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]


Nah it's all good. Gosc is entitled to an opinion. But it was obvious that it's a waste of time after it continued to slag me off because I like to snowboard.
1 Mar 2007
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

like anything you say can piss me off? LOL not really. I've been here for a while and trolls like you come and go. You're just another queef in the wind. I don't need to post all of my hobbies or interests because it's not your business to know everything about me.

Try regestering yourself :)

can i ask now what are we all talking about ?

Well, the conversation ran into a little pothole named gosc. So, I had to say a thing or 2. It's all good now.
28 Feb 2007
USA, Canada / POLISH PEOPLE IN CT.... [21]

Huegel. You freakin rock man :) Was that tape on your caps?
28 Feb 2007
USA, Canada / POLISH PEOPLE IN CT.... [21]

Right... haven't seen anyone here in the Polish forums that are from New Haven CT

Also, not many people know what CT is or New Haven. There are a lot of people from other countries in the forums. We just had a lesson in another thread for CT, so we're good here now.