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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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28 Dec 2006
Life / Moving to PL - how much money needed for 6 months? [26]

eh.. it will be hard for me . i don't speak polish and i ll do it without my parents' permission...

So your name "Kitten".......won't be reflective of you shortly........breaking all the rules...esp in Italian society.............and baring your new found "claws".....:)
28 Dec 2006

Stats for your consumption.......

Of every 100 Irish people who emigrated to the USA only 6 ever returned to live again in Ireland.

Of every 100 Italian people who emigrated to the USA 56 returned to live again in Italy!!!!!!!

Why the difference?

Each nations experiences are different at different times.......so will be the Polish experience!

Poles should building their country not England, Irland etc.

Ideally yes.......but your country does not yet have the money, drive, knowledge of how to do this...............Ireland didnt til the early nineties...........now look at them!!!!
28 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Define racist...first.......

Then check for previous history/traits of rascism...what,when,why.....re all the details...

Then look for present day attitudes...do a relevant survey, ask the right questions off the right people for the right reason.....

At the end of it, you may have yet more questions re your above question!!

It appears the evidence gathered so far...is anecdotal...or worse, someone elses!

Polish people don't appear to be currently, any more racist than any other people in the world.....ergo the whole world is found to be racist...to a greater or lesser degree depending on the individual questioned!!!

28 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

Maati...good points, people in Poland are naturally conservative...new ways of doing things, interacting with other peoples etc have yet to become common place, Polish people will have to open their minds to other concepts the way the EU ( UK, Ireland, Denmark ) have opened their own borders for them to come and work.

Returning Polish people will "seed" the nation with new ideas, theories, openess not seen before, it will take time.

On the one hand everyone loves new things...on the other, they are scared/suspicious..only natural....but things will become different......hopefully for the better....
28 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Quoting: buttonmoon, Post #6
To others, would appreciate if replies could keep ON topic.

You're new here, aren't you? Won't happen, trust me.

And Syrena...you're contribution was?..........throwing verbal stones from the side lines....lol
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

yeah...got too many screens up.....soz.....nah...you're way too young.....and slim hipped...aaahheeemmm.....
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Tongue in cheek.....A........tongue in cheek..........

I don't want to give you nightmares with some of my stories....:(
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Tongue in cheek.....A........tongue in cheek..........

I don't want to give you nightmares with some of my stories....:(
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Gee.....so many lapsed catholics...............kicking the faithful when they are down.......shame on you A...

PS You sound nearly like the type of girl mr Buttonmoon is looking for....
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Not for a second...then again....my Dutch.........is somewhat lacking....:)
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Neither am I Arien....:)

Just read it again...maybe your sarcasm didn't quite carry across the north sea, England and the Irish sea...:)
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Ok, but is it a slang word, used in a less than flattering manner..........plus depends who uses it?
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Quoting: buttonmoon, Post #6
To others, would appreciate if replies could keep ON topic.

hey, it's a free world, but you didn't demand anything, you've asked pollitely. how refreshing.

The capitalisation of the ON word, is indeed being demanding.....IMHO Arien

In the US it may be, but I often hear the PL people refer to each other as "polak". I'm assuming it's the same in Ireland as the US?

Not heard it over hear...but then I don't mix too often with Polish people.....perhaps someone Polish could give us their view...?
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

which is why the Polaks are so welcome in my view

Lesson no 1 to newbie called buttonmoon......."Polaks" is slang/abusive term ...plz desist

2 Don't tell contributors what they can or can't post

3 You still haven't defined your criteria.....
27 Dec 2006
Life / Getting a NIP or PESEL [21]

Ah...a National insurance number.....ask Wroclaw about this, ie e-mail him, am sure he knows as hes living in Poland.
27 Dec 2006
Life / Getting a NIP or PESEL [21]

pps or rsi

further clarification.......soz!!!...plz....!!!
27 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

Maati, wasn't having a go at you personally, ie your own unique problem....haven't read all of the thread; some people are selfish others totally responsible...its the way life is...but it takes two to tango...ie your man feels the need to stray, ....ask why?...wholly her fault....none his?

All she has is a miniature dog

To some people that is all they need.........their dog will Never ever stray....but humans do...male and female.......:(
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Roz....such a relief...I thought I had ruined Xmas for some one...lol....as big as a size six...hhhhhmmmmmm......lol
27 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Firstly, there are 4 million RCs in UK, so roughly 50/50 male female....ergo 2 million to choose from.

Fill us in on the remainder criteria, am sure someone can help out.......or are you really looking for a Polish catholic girl?......like the rest of the guys posting for a "nice" Polish girl on here........( not sure what that is, no offence meant guys!)
27 Dec 2006
Love / Why are polish girls more approachable than north american girls [158]

Quoting: Maati, Post #151
She's a slut to me.

You said it, sister. She needs to get a life.

Says who...........wheres it written down......huh?...where are the laws except those dreamt up by the less than imaginative mind controllers of society, whether they be religious or governmental.......

Its just the herd trying to keep the "strays" in tow....laughable......

If you approve ...so what...if not...so what.......

Think about Galileo.......finally arriving at the concept that the earth moved around the sun.........he presented his findings to be utterly condemned by THE most omnipotent insitute of all time.......the Vatican!!!

He was right, he could prove it.......but was it accepted........NO....because he went against the "herd".....................laughable again....we were all born with free choice....some use it...some don't!
26 Dec 2006
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

In Ireland, they now estimate there are 200,000 Polish people, if the population is 4.5 million, and say half are economically active then Polish people make up 10 percent of the workforce.

How would Poland react/cope with an influx of 1.7 million immigrant workers in a little over two years?

Yeah, puts it in perspective !!!
25 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / A blog of a Polish man in Ireland [5]

People, don't think this guys blog has appeared on the board before, it seems that such is the Polish interest in ALL things Irish that they have even brewed their own version of Irish "stout/porter"...ie...the black stuff...Guinness et al)...called such evocative names such as Dublin, Cork and even Belfast!

The Polish and Irish disporas are apparently mutually self sustaining......the Irish, been there dun that over the last 150 years....Poland been there dun that over the last 100 yrs but after a 50 year hiatus, now doing it again.......the BIG difference is, they are doing it now legally AND more importantly because they want to ....!

Enjoy....I haven't looked at it myself.....so assume its warts and all.......or maybe he's wearing green tinted spectacles ????....:)
24 Dec 2006
Life / How much is rent in Poland per week/month? [6]

As in any line of business/service...the smaller the package/period the higher the cost....etc.....plus the long term renter would be signing a lease of sorts/large deposit being paid over, to guarantee rent being paid...etc
23 Dec 2006
Travel / Goth Shops in Cracow.. [9]

Wroclaw...what are their prices like....selection...quality......copies etc?

BTW...Have a happy one!
23 Dec 2006
Travel / Goth Shops in Cracow.. [9]

Goth, heavy/death metallers are still in their relative infancy ((?)...I stand to be corrected on this by any one native to Poland!!) in most of Poland, rarely seen on the streets during the day, but not so sure about the night scene.

The only place I saw anything remotely like that mentioned above was a little indoor market stall near the main rail station in Warsaw.

But then again, wasn't really looking!!