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Posts by horunPoland  

Joined: 4 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Jun 2007
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Posts: Total: 109 / In This Archive: 96
From: Zabrze,Silesia, Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: sport, party, knowing people

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25 Jun 2007
News / A thought on Poland! [140]

what a lot of MERDE !!!!!!!!!

you are merde red mother...er
25 Jun 2007
History / History keeps us divided [6]

Nation who don't know enything about their history is not worth to live .....
22 Jun 2007
News / your PM and President the two twins.... [24]

I didn't voiced but what impressed others probably that they say that they will fight for our rights in UE (not like SLD agree with everything like wasals) decommunisation (still many polish people want it), no chang in law in main points from christian point of view
22 Jun 2007
News / Poland's Contribution to the E.U. [56]

but Silesia (Slaskie?) is improving rapidly in all economic measures

Silesia=Śląsk or Ślonsk (in silesian language) and its true that silesia is going in last 4-5 better and better after 15 years of really bad sitauation
22 Jun 2007
News / your PM and President the two twins.... [24]

Quoting: zion
in the end Poland will give up

Dude, what planet are you from? Do you actually know any Poles? You say you live in Warsaw, but, come on . . .

true give up come on what part of poland you are??
22 Jun 2007
News / Why do Poland block the European Constitution? [68]

if think that is stipid to talk about how would it be.
All european nations had many wars Napoleon wars, 100 years war, 30 tears war, religius war, warsa gainst turky, spanish war with maurs...

in 17th century Poland had 6 wars 2 against Turky 2 against Sweden and Ukrainian uprising and war with russia so can you imagine how many people died??

thats why USA is so strong they had only one big war at their teritiry against Mexico at the biggining of their country than nort-south war and nothing.....

european land in all in blood and i think that is too many difference between many country to have constitution especialy for Poland because w are in UE 3 YEARS only and we have bad memmories from years 45-90

thats why i think that for know confederation of country is enough

and I love Poland not Europe........
21 Jun 2007
News / your PM and President the two twins.... [24]

zion if PO or SLD will lead us we will have nothing to say in EU because they will agry for everything, I also don't like twins for some of their behavior but don't say everything after GW (gowno prawda) or other Fakt.
21 Jun 2007
Work / Culinary-Art's degree, thinking about Moving back to Poland from the US [10]

You will have many oportunitis when you will back becaus you are bi-language. Dont wory. try to add your profail to some of this side and wait what thay respond...

or here

i hope you will find what you want. Regards
20 Jun 2007
Genealogy / Real good Polish names again [34]

better thay than red...

Paweł, Ziemowit, Kazimierz, Piotr, Lucjan, Sławomir, Władysław, Włodzimierz, Henryk, Ryszard, Czesław, Jan, Aleksander, Antoni, Jacek, Janusz, Grzegorz, Krzysztof, Radosław, Marcin, Mariusz, Marek, Jerzy, Józef....and more more
20 Jun 2007
News / Why do Poland block the European Constitution? [68]

in that case I strongly support twins.

and constitution of europe good joke

one history (best joke i've ever heard) one nation (who are you?? europinian hehe), one politic line (yes of course and who talked at our back with russians about pipline with oil and gas, who was agains christians simbolic in preambula of constitution, what europ done to solve problem with polish meat ??). we had 50 years of Moskwa protectorat and thanks for next 100 year of Brussel protectorat. Federation of country OK. one constitution --never
20 Jun 2007
Food / Polish vs american food [34]

DO you think we have alot of dishes in the US that they wouldn't eat in Poland?

You won't feel lost in Poland in area of food we have also pizzas hamburgers and other US food.
Original polish food is fresf very often you must cook it many hours (ex. Bigos) americans prefer other style : fast food (not only unhealthy food)

that is main different i suppose
19 Jun 2007
News / Contemporary Issues of Poland - survey/game [2]

1.Political lustration/decommunisation and to ceep voting system in EU parlament/ econimic hmm lots of problem the biggest is to low avarange salary
2. In region where I live are many factors also automotive for example Opel GM in Gliwice, FIAT in Tychy, in other place are also Toyota MAN etc major companies :

ORLEN - polish biggest rafinery
LOTOS -also rafiner
PKE - polish energetic company
PGNiG - polish gas and main c.o
there are several stealworks. mains, AGD and RTV companies etc
3. Yes polish govermant given "becikowe" to each couple who have new born child.
4.Next parlament elections will be in normal way in summer 2009 and next president elections will be at the end of 2010. (each 4 year election for parlament, each 5 year for president)
15 Jun 2007
Travel / So.. I'm Leaving for a trip to Poland for 6 weeks. [9]

so if you start from Bialystok you must see Mikołajki than Kazimierz Dolny Krakow Wieliczka and Zakopane from Zakopane go to see Gdansk/Sopot and i think Czestochowa is worth to see

closer to Białystok is Swieta Lipka mitrecule place nice lake and sanctuary
have a good time in Polan
15 Jun 2007
Travel / Getting from Wroclaw to Krakow [15]

or take Polish Express this is bus with toilet climatization and nice seets travel from 4 to 5,5 hours depents of hour of arrival (traffic jam)

14 Jun 2007
Work / 3000 PLN netto this a good pay [11]

3000 zl

no rent

cabel TV max 100 zl
phone (with calling to England ) max 350 zl
light max 100 zl per 2 month
gas max 75 zl per 2 month
lunch max 600 per month

so you have 1800 zl per month to take fun and trust me because i live here i pay rent credit and all other bills and have 2 days very good fun every weekend and i have less than half of yours 1800 zl for this...
14 Jun 2007
Real Estate / Advice about Lubuskie region? [12]

the best palce to buy house to get away from it all are Bieszczady just look at Podkarpacie region
14 Jun 2007
Travel / Poznan in July during one month [8]

Czestochowa have right or just take 50 zl from "bankomat"(cashpoint) using your bank card. And rest monay exchange in "kantor"
13 Jun 2007
Travel / Visiting Sopot this summer? [36]

Bubba how much you wil take for night/day ?? one bed room ??
i'm asking because i will have vacation (free of work) since 6 to 20 augustand tiil today i don't have any plans...
13 Jun 2007
Real Estate / Any information on Dolnoslaskie? [2]

very good place are

Kłodzko [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%82odzko]

Karpacz (nice city in mountain like Zakopane) [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpacz]

Złotoryja [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z%C5%82otoryja]

Szklarska Poręba [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szklarska_Por%C4%99ba]

Polanica Zdroj [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polanica_Zdr%C3%B3j]

Świeradow Zdroj [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Awierad%C3%B3w_Zdr%C3%B3j]

Jedlina Zdroj [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedlina-Zdr%C3%B3j]

Duszniki Zdroj [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duszniki-Zdr%C3%B3j]

Szczawno-Zdroj [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szczawno-Zdr%C3%B3j]

Piława Gorna [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi%C5%82awa_G%C3%B3rna]

and of course

Wrocław [wikipedia.org/wiki/Wroc%C5%82aw]
11 Jun 2007
Travel / Trips and Nights in Gdansk / Sopot [30]

or you can buy a ferry ticket from Gdansk to Sweden one day trip both side and very nice party all the time
6 Jun 2007
Travel / Poznan in July during one month [8]

I you have Visa/Visa Electron or Maestro/Master Card you don't need to have cash. you can easly pay in hipermarkets, supermarkets, pubs, shops. you can take also directly zloty from cashpoint using your card.

when i was in england i had my maestro and in this way i took pounds (i had zloty accound)

the best currency is beetwen banks ....

how much you need for one month...

write me befor where you are going to stay (Students House, Rent a flat, motel/hostel, hotel)
what you are going to do (how many beers you going to drink ;), how often you going to go for disco) than i will write you how much you need.

prices for some groceries:

4x500 ml can Carlsberg beer (Tesco) 9 zl
0,75 l Mineral water (Nałeczowianka) 1,45
1,5 l Mineral water (Zywiec) 2 zl
2 l Juice Costa (orange,multivitamin,grapefruit,etc) 3,29
0,5 l Beer at city center 5-15 zl (depent of local)
0,25 l Red Bull 7 zl
0,5 l Polish vodka 17-30 zl depent of mark

0,5 kg Polish bread 2-3 zl


-student restaurant 7-12 zl
-restaurant 20 and more

i think 1000 euro will be ok

more euro more fun
4 Jun 2007
Life / Polish hooliganism in sport [141]

i'm not hools to be clear but i know many and saying about them without knowing them is for me unaccapteble..