UK, Ireland /
Modern Plantation for Poles in Ireland [352]
most will stay here, setting up their own communities, schools, social outets, and shops, a mini Poland in Ireland.
Irish people have communities in a lot of countries around the world.
It is a plantation, look it up in the dictionary
I know what it means, but you also know that this word (in Ireland) has a strong association with the English settlement in Ireland.
Poles did not ruin the Irish economy.
I agree.... our greedy government, corrupt business men and the hob nobbiness and grand opinions that consumed our citizens.
So with this tremendous success came a "new Irish", young spoilt brats that see certain jobs as beneath them.
totally agree....the same spolit brats are still trying to live the same life as before....
You are anti-EU?
This is a public forum and I signed up to see things from a Polish perspective,
I think Polish came to Ireland to take an opportunity, to provide for their families and build a better future for themselves - like the Irish have done on many occassions - there is a hugh number of Irish who are now in Australia and America. Its swings and roundabouts - give and take.