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How do you Poles feel about the fact that so many Poles work abroad? [145]
15 thousand Poles in my town mate,and about 2 thousand asians
- Did you count all those Poles yourself, or psychopaths from Daily Mail did it for you? Or did you make up the number? How about the number of Third World people in the whole of Britain? These are unaccountable millions, aren't they? But it's all right with you when those millions are there, whereas a relatively small number of Poles - and just Poles, and not immigrants at that, but tremporary workers - is a big problem for you, eh?
Bollox,Im talking about the Poles because this is Polish forums not indian sub continent forums you muppet
- Oh yes, of all the foreigners working in UK, you're picking on the Poles, lying hypocritical Polonophobic wimp. There are, for example,incomparably more Indians and Pakistanis in UK and theoretically you should slam them for taking British jobs too, but you don't - you've been slamming the Poles only.
asians,who,incidently have lived here for generations and plan to stay here for future generations...anyway,whats with all the hate for non whites puzzy? Your the definition of hypocrite,screeming "rascism rascism" then dishing it out like some bovver boot wearing skin head....
- Ah, so Asians (and Africans, etc.) staying for good in UK are okay with the racist wimp, they don't take British jobs, only the Polish temporary workers are those who take British jobs and are generally undesirable, eh? Here isthatu's racism comes to the fore fully. In order to turn attention from it he calls me a racist and even a skinhead. It's called projection in psychology, isn't it?
Thing is mate,your the one brought up in a represive propaganda infested sociaty,I was brought up to think for myself....
- Even if I were brought up in such a society, what about it? The intellectual difference between you and me is clear. And your susceptibilty to brainwashing is incomparably bigger than mine.
Nobody should "feel bad" for the Poles. Such sentiments are uncalled for. In fact, they don't mean a thing. I don't feel bad for the Poles and I am one. I think that the economy is a mess and everything that goes with it, too. But I don't feel "bad". I approach this matter with a clear mind, logic and reason. I FEEL BAD for the people from 3rd world countries. I'm lucky not to be in their shoes.
- Where did Gaby get the news that the Polish economy is 'mess'? Actually, Polish economy is getting better and better. Oh, so Gaby doesn't feel bad for the Poles only for the Third World people? And he says he's Polish? I wonder.
Gaby and isthatu - two Polonophobes cacling amicably.
Isn't isthatu himself of Third World origin? Isn't he by slamming the Poles and defending the Asiatics and others of this ilk trying to save his own miserable a$$? What a slavish lowlife with a wretchedly low self-esteem. :)