Life /
Is Poland cold? [40]
Mankind is generally very "plastic" and you can get used to different weathers very quickly.
I am mentioning it for the second time, but while in Poland when the temperature drops below -10 C I try not to leave home, but when I was staying in Finland in winter after a short training I was cycling to the university when it was -25 C...
And of course when it is cold it is often calm and dry sunny weather (no wind, no clouds - heat disapears ito the space and the temperature drops) so it is much easier to stand. One of my friends who was spending winter in London said that he never felt so cold and he had to buy warmer jacket than this he is using in Warsaw becouse of wind and humidity...
Not to dispute what is cold and what is warm it is good to find some info on Polish climate:
I can say that:
Jamuary - can be -10 C during the day and -20 C at night or +5 during the day and 0 C during the night (nothing between becouse you are in Russian high or Atlantic low - there is no transition zone, of course can be one week cold one mild... this is normal winter)
February - much the same the same but the high pressure with dry cold weatrer dominates more often
March - also very often high pressue with cold, dry sunny weather but with much bigger difference between day and night (+10 day, -10 night), or if Atlantic low is strong we can have early spring with +15 C and rain
April - time of change - in the begining it is often +12-15 during the night and close to 0 at night while in the end +20-25 C day and +10 night
May - often warm in the begining and in the end (+25-30 C) with cold period in the middle (called "The Cold Gardners" - it is connected with melting of icebergs on the Atlantic and formation of high pressure between UK and Skandinavia) when it is about +15 C day and frost at night...
June - often warm +25 lets say (but there are a few days of +30), stormy
July - begining can be wery wet and cool (time of highes precipitation in Poland) - with about +20, end is often the warmest part of the year (for two-three weeks maksimium temperatures are clos to +30 C)
August - drier than July - beining hot (+30 C), end can be cool (+20 C)
September - often nice warm (+20-+25 C) weather with domination of high pressure from Ukraine (not this year - now we have low pressure over Ukraine and high over Scandinavia - just opposite as it shoud be and it results in +10 and rain..)
October - begining can be nice (+20, sun - but cold nights and fog in the morning)
, end often cold and wet
November, December - worse weather, like English winter, between -5 and +10, wind, snow, rain, fog etc... And horrible darkness (this can be a problem when you are from USA where you live at the latitiude of Rome and can not be used of reddish low, cold sun between 8 and 4 o'clock...It is dark when you go to work/school, and it is dark when you are back...
So when we add terrible weather of this time of the year we have on average 10 hours of sun in whole December...