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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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23 Mar 2007
Life / Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade? [117]

So the buying power of your money (the goods you can purchase for your average salary you make in the country you live) is the bottom line. Poland has still a lot to do to improve it.

I think Wroclaw said it best:

Is this part of the answer/problem.

Polish people want to make money.

Foreign [British] people want to make money.

The Foreign folk have a headstart.

Poland is just getting started.....economic success doesn't happen overnight for a country.....it takes several generations to build. Based on the work ethic of the Polish people (from what I've seen and heard), Poland will reach it sooner than later. The people just need to keep working towards their goals and never give up.
23 Mar 2007
Life / Do Polish people sneeze? [38]

I think he must be either Lithuanian or Martian.. I am gonna finish with him tonight

A wise decision, my friend, a wise decision:)
23 Mar 2007
Life / Do Polish people sneeze? [38]

Any fluid expelled from the human body.....use your imagination:)
23 Mar 2007
Life / Do Polish people sneeze? [38]

I hear they don't pass gas, burp, or excrete bodily fluids in anyway also.
22 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Unfortunately we live in a dog eat dog world

.....and somedays I feel like I'm wearing Milkbone Underwear......

--Norm Peterson from Cheers
22 Mar 2007
USA, Canada / Polish Canadians [117]

he must have a really bad experiance in those countries, which, of course doesn't justify his rants.

Granted, he may have had some horrendous experiences in those countries, but ever notice how we reap what we sow.........what's the saying, "Negative attracts negative......"

he is obviously deranged

That at least would give him a legitamite excuse......
22 Mar 2007
USA, Canada / Polish Canadians [117]

I find it hard to get how Polish people can stand living in Canada, or any other US state?

Are you suggesting that Canada is a U.S. state? If so, I'm assuming you failed geography as a youngster in school (unless of course you haven't reached that grade yet).
21 Mar 2007
Life / Polish positive attitude [24]

Does it really exist and if it does - where is it?

I think people like your friend are leading examples for others to follow....it might not be overly abundant right now, but over time, positive attitude will grow as the successes of others become apparent. Kudos to your friend, btw.....that's awesome.:)
21 Mar 2007
Life / Poverty in Poland [50]

As for cigarettes - advertising is banned in Poland.

Probably because they used little mauve bears as a part of there marketing campaign!:)
20 Mar 2007
Love / I'm heartbroken and confused - are all Polish girls like this? [14]

Apparently, it's not uncommon for Polish women to behave this way. I guess in other cultures, people explain why they're leaving you.

Can anyone offer any insight please?

I don't think its a matter of culture, but more a question of maturity. When I was younger, I admit, when I didn't want to see someone anymore, I would just blow him off. I figured he'd get the hint. I was just a coward. I thought it was because I didn't want to hurt their feelings, but really, I just didn't want to face the fact and accept the responsibility for hurting someone. It wasn't until it happened to me that I came to the conclusion that its much better to be honest, even if it hurts, then to leave someone guessing. The turmoil it causes, especially when everything seems to be going well, is just unbearable. I had something similar happen and I truly thought something terrible had happened to the guy. I ended up hearing from him again, many months later, to find out he was engaged (to someone he was with before me). I won't go into anymore detail, but I will say, I have met someone new, and I'm much happier with him.....he's so much more than the other guy could ever dream of being. Good luck.:)
15 Mar 2007
Love / Hot Polish guys photos [73]

The 2nd guy is definitely hotter than the first! Why do you have a picture of Paris Hilton mixed in there?

Even Poland's President is better looking than the first guy......steroidal bodies are just disgusting IMO.
13 Mar 2007

So you are engaged to be marry, Blingin? Congrats if you are. I'm not in Poland, but I know there is a thread running around this forum on Poland and racism....should be able to find an answer there. Even if you come across racism, if your love is strong, it can survive it. Good luck and welcome to the forum.:)
9 Mar 2007
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

english is currently the language of global communication... hasnt always been and wont always be...

Exactly.....back when I was in grade school which was many years ago, French was the #1 spoken language in the world.
9 Mar 2007
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Quoting: MATRIX
English people are one of the most hated...

yup... jealousy breeds resentment...

Ohhhh, that is soooo gonna come back to bite ya in the a**!:) :)
7 Mar 2007
News / Are the Polish embarrased by President Kaczynski? [30]

People abroad also may vote, If they don't then they shouldn't criticize others' choice.

True statement, Grzegorz.....it's the same here in the U.S. I know a lot of people who b*tch about the Govt. but don't even vote.....if they are that disatisfied with the current administration, they need to try to change it as opposed to just sitting on the sidelines whining all the time.
5 Mar 2007
Feedback / What rule have I offended with this translation request? [21]

I will try in the future to be more polite, humble, and exact in my requests!

No apologies necessary, Rick. We've all made mistakes on here (I'm surprised I haven't been "banned" yet). Just stick around and live and learn. Welcome to the forum, BTW:)
5 Mar 2007
Feedback / What rule have I offended with this translation request? [21]

The original title of your thread was "Translation Please". That was not specific enough because your thread needs to give some idea of what the content. Messages that did not follow the rules...just read the rules and it explains it....:)


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