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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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20 Jan 2007
News / Countries in Europe where abortion is allowed/not allowed? [110]

Catholic countries like Ireland that ban it have a direct correlation with a pretty high birth

Recent stats show that whilst indigenous Irish families average sizes have come down dramatically over the last 30 yrs, the birth rate itself has risen in the last 10, mainly due to the large rise in immigrant groups, it has been estimated that in Dublin, that 30% of live births are from familes from Africa!!

Irish girls still go to the UK for abortions...around 10000pa
20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

No money in the world would be the lone

Thats you Eurola........but not everyone is the same........

You're talking about ...being in an ideal world etc.......lots of pps aren't!
20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

he doesn't have to be rich.

who is rich

This is what you focussed on M....but not being able to provide to the level, the woman believes......is a large minus point...

Perhaps my Bentley/Trabbie analogy was off the mark.....
20 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Hardly any people were killed only for that

Relatively...but what about those who were mentally/physically handicapped, gypsies, romanies, belonged to the wrong political party, spoke out...and anyone and everyone who didn't fit in.....what.....houndreds of thousands...(?)..pitiful really that a whole nation either signed up or tacitly went along with this.......
20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

Ranj...but you left out the money bit.....

Accuse us East of USA of being dreadfully cynical......plus fed endless propaganda by the international media.

But I have no doubt.......driving up in a Bentley Arnage...ticks more boxes, than a re-conditioned, freshly re-fibre glassed Trabbie......

Ask any of the girls on the board....:)
20 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I don't know what I'm saying anymore

Krysia.....I've waited and waited and waited......................................and finally you make a fulsome admission, in a moment of weakest.......I knew this all along, but hadn't the guts to bring it up on the board..................



PS Wouldn't MSN been handier to use last nite?
19 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Truth being guys.....take the mote from your own eye first before noticing the speck in mine!

Racism, classism, elitism - whether they are tied into religion, colour, job, title, money and any other "you're not he same as us" reactions, are all a live and well in most countries, so why be surprised!
19 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Jay, well spoken....upsetting some one aint he same as invading their country or slaughtering millions of people, you've got nothing to apologise for.....

I have a lot to learn too........as does everyone
18 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Well said Globetrotter..........we non Polish members relish your perspectives and anecdotal experiences.

None of the western countries covered themselves in glory at times..and there are lots of things which need apologising for.......indeed Irelands record during WWII left a lot to be desired!
18 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

German Generals have stated,irrevocably, that had the UK or France( with all her arms) attacked the North- Western border eg northern France, Belgium, Holland- Germany would have retreated

This is application of hind sight................supposition.......

by this time it would have wishful thinking of Germany and Russia destroying each other.

This was a point made by someone else.........again hind sight, wishful thinking...no one really knows.

Whilst there are thoughts of an inadequate response from your allies, nevertheless your neighbours at the time were hell bent on one thing, expanding their empires, influence and getting rid of the less desirable populations in the EE, perhaps the wrong signals were sent out by the western allies...but it was German troops and later Russian troops who attacked occupied and massacred your people.

That is fact, not theory or supposiiton ; all we can work on is what happened, not what should have, would have or might have happened.

PS I thought the numbers murdered at Katyn was 30-40,000...if as on the other thread....200-300,000........even more horrific.
17 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Why on earth is a Pole flattered when he is mistaken to be an Irish???

LOL....Patrycja.........is USA born and bred L...lol
17 Jan 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

To date , despite repeated Polish calls to address this, the Russians refuse any responsibility- Gorbachov and Yeltsin's brief acknowledgment means nothing.
So, given this info I'm interested how you see forgiving and moving on (not to mention to the families) to happen?

Has anything really changed in Russian attitudes to both their crimes during this period or indeed their attitude to their neighbours?

It appears not.

Is this issue high on the Polish governments agenda to seek closure or are they as frightened or politically embrassed to bring up again, as were the USA/UK back in the forties?
17 Jan 2007
Life / How do Polish view others [116]

I know that it would take only one spark to get back to the previous situation.

Is this something personal or all you friends feel this way?

Is their an undercurrent at higher levels as to how the country feels in its dealings with German, especially the recent debacle where they insulted to your president?

For almost 200 years Germans were being taught that Poles are inferior,

Was this at school, political level at home or all three?

Have German views towards your country really changed?

In Ireland, EE people were almost "exotic" by there rarity until about 6/7 years ago.....now we realise they are long lost cousins who just speak Irish/English with an accent!

The feelings of being victims/exploited/supposedly inferior......are powerful bonding mechanisms.....but things are and have changed....:)
16 Jan 2007
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]


Why stop at just Ireland...get everyone out...that'll teach the bloody lot of them......
16 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Regardless of what you say...its too fantastical...sorry can't...let someone else come on the thread and back up your claims...........

I am open to new theories......lol
16 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Really...lol.......and your "theory" is backed up by what...so GB goaded the mighty German war machine to pick on its weaker neighbours, then sat cringing on the edge of Europe waiting to be finished off........then lulled the Germans into thinking they were mightier than they were........and sent cosmic waves to A Hitler in his eagles lair to attack the Russians and to hell with the consequences?

Utter rubbish

Really...lol.......and your "theory" is backed up by what...so GB goaded the mighty German war machine to pick on its weaker neighbours, then sat cringing on the edge of Europe waiting to be finished off........then lulled the Germans into thinking they were mightier than they were........and sent cosmic waves to A Hitler in his eagles lair to attack the Russians and to hell with the consequences?

Rather more like a fantasy scenario there G....which hollywood sript writer are you putting all your faith in now?

Utter rubbish
16 Jan 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

Perhaps Anielka........its still displays the Russian attitude to your nation 60 years after the event or really that they believe they did no wrong and will forever frustrate Polands needs for closure?

Either way it reflects extremely poorly on the supposedly democratic Russia.
16 Jan 2007
Life / Poland is wearing me down. :( Polish excuses... [30]

Yup, so true Bartolome.......you'd be surprised how the collective concience can turn against one in a group.......esp if they are outsiders to begin with...brings too many ideas that management like, works too hard, too diligent, puts the nose out of joint of the leader of the group etc..........

But, hopefully theres way back........frank discussion requirement!
16 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

Yes, well it still happens...but what was funny, ie because it was based partly in truth no longer applies/happens....so much has the world moved on in recent decades. Secondly, within the island, other regions/counties are joked about...Kerry and Cavan spring to mind!

I don't know where the moron reference to Polish came from, any I have met are as able, skilled and interesting as other peoples, just different experiences and ways of doing things!

Perhaps a lot of is down to an inability to communucate well, initially, hence most problems.......!
16 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

anielka...yes...I agree.......it was all very unsatisfactory, but the ultimate BLAME for all of this lies at Germanys and Russia door...please bear this in mind at all times........

I said this before...these countries had only one thing in mind, that was to destroy and occupy Poland.....sure the response was poor from the allies, lies were told, outcomes were dreadful......but remember who charged across your borders in 1939....!

the german army was way too powerful, well trained, well led, and armed......plus they had the crazy arrogant self belief, that they were best........they were going to take a some serious stopping!!!

Still doesn't make things better........BUT...Poland now has a free future...make the most of it...grab it with both hands!
16 Jan 2007
Life / Poland is wearing me down. :( Polish excuses... [30]

Consider your options, perhaps speak to an older member of staff re your issues, in a roundabout way, he perhaps can let the rest konw your feelings.......sure we all have out off days...its just you don't want them to think you are a "humpy git" all the time...hope that translates from colloquial Irish...lol

But I do think as a guest, in a place of learning a bit more effort should be made by your colleagues......plus you don't want to be singled out for damaging rumour or innuendo.
16 Jan 2007
Life / Poland is wearing me down. :( Polish excuses... [30]

nauczyciel..not an easy situation to be, firstly you need to nip in the bud the rumours re picking up girls/students, this can be very damaging for you and not good for your career.

If need be, try and speak with your Head teacher about whats been said, having said that you may then be opening a can of worms and god know where that will lead!!

Secondly, perhaps meet with your colleagues, mend some fences, explain how you feel, let them tell you how they feel, it will not be easy but you need to get it sorted by positive action....if you let it fester...then all bets are off!

Once you have alienated, separated yourself out form the "pack" it may be very difficult to get back in.....

Some differences will be cultural, misinterpretations of language, perhaps your expectations are too high or.....were they real friends in the first place?

But at the centre of this is good communication....in an understanding, non-accusatory atmosphere..........not sure if this is of any use, but hopefully you'll get it sorted...

Can I assume you don't speak Polish.....?.......makes everything very difficult to relate well to everyone!
16 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Yeah, I think we're all agreed on this.....Polish people feel hard done by both as regards being acknowledged as important/timely participants during the war and also...their interpretation of being "sold out" by the western powers.....

At pains of repeating myself........many millions of the most battle hardened and fearsome soldiers were occupying eastern europe, the battle to defeat the Russians would have been far...far worse than defeating the germans.....

Neither the UK/USA felt this was a battle they could even contemplate......

I would not have liked to have had to make that decision to "liberate" EE from Russian control...........but someone did and had to live with it, as had millions of the EE peoples.

Far from perfect.......