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Polish priest publishes sex guide [97]
Why not? A prostitue deals with a wider variety of partners than an average person. The best person to learn from if one wants to try out something new.
What do you want to learn from prostitute? New positions?
?Or how to please your customer? but it comes with practice, so in order to really learn from a prostitute you need to become one.
Maybe you are talking about theory, but to know and to teach - are two different things.
A priest has got neither knowledge about sex or experience in it. Why don't we tell some virgin car mechanic to write a book on sex. The same qualifications.
Catholic priest deal with a human being as a whole and from the catholic point of view, if you please. You may disagree with catholic point of view but to deny a priest qualifications to speak about sex -which is a part of human nature - it is a prejudice or a ignorance.
I completely agree with Switezianka, another case of a priest using his moral standing to venture into unknown territory and try to influence people's decisions. When will they ever learn? He should have put it into a spoof series :)
See what I meant - you are a bit prejudicial !!!:))))
Without reading one cannot really dispute the content but it could be save to presume that is not a book about technical stuff as it seems to be taken for granted.
More likely it is about psychological aspects of sexual life and I say that is no much different from what "civil" specialist offers.
I also contest a very popular view that priest cannot advice people about sexual life.
Whats about a doctor dealing with mentally ill patient, using the same "logic" as displayed above, the doctor should be sick as well.