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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
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12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

I didn't know they had tigers in Ireland.

Over run with 'em since their only natural predator the Pythonikus Fekdrinkgurls was cast out ;)
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

lol,a hundred thousand happy new years to you too frank :)
God ,we must be baffling the non Brits/Irish on here,I hope they didnt take it seriously :)
12 Jan 2008
Life / "I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion? [146]

I havnt seen a mullet in the UK for years Im afraid,unless worn by odd looking wanna be cowboys of a certain age and certain girth around the waist line.....

actually,no,I tell a lie,for about a month last year it seemed to be "in" for certain rock chick types to get an almost mullet,almost but not quite,still funny though:)
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

I don't believe the required recipe can be replicated,

I hope not,I wouldnt want Scotland to be an utter backwards hovel run by peado preists and ex treacherous terrorists for 60 odd years before getting charity money from europe.....

No less than the English were to control, terrorise and intimidate local populaces over many centuries........on all continents and many countires......dont pull that one...!

Got no shame..??.and for your reference, was referring to the Irish War of Independence, or perhaps you would deny any country its right to self determination?

Britian was great...only in its own eyes.........

**** I can here strains of clannad in the distance,whats that coming towards me?Its Micheal flattly with a tommy gun........*******
Muppet,Im a Mick/Jock........

but you gotta ask for permission from the man in No 10..why do you need to do so.....

You mean the Scotsman?
Ireland,famous for ,mass emigration,people to dumb too try something other than potatoes for a bite to eat,Black "beer" that tastes like sludge and whiney rock stars in strange cowboy hats.

I'll give kudos for Thin lizy,3 of the Corrs , Dave Allen and Father Ted.
12 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

should not just include expulsions of all the people of europe but also the events that led to these expulsions. if so then we agree

We do,100%.

things are not always what thye appear on paper,


you insist on using this strange "soviet/polish government"

like it or not,by the time of the expulsions the "Lublin" govt was the de facto govt of Poland,they may not have been the "right sort" of Poles in the govt but they certainly wernt nigerians or Argentinians.I use the Soviets along side the Polish communists to show the fact that the Polish communists were,ahem "supported" by the soviets.

As for the expulsions of Germans, other than my feeling that they got what they deserved

I would hope you feel the same way about say palestinain women and children forced out of their homes by the IDF because one or two men from a community of hundreds may have commited crimes/murders.

IMO "they" didnt get what they deserved,by and large the Guilty had either been shot,or escaped back to germany wth the other ranking nazis and the armed forces.

IMO the situation would be incomparably worse than Northern Ireland in the last few decades. Just think about it: opressors and their victims asked to live as neighbors within months, sometime days of people having lost a family member as a result of the war. That would be like sitting ona barrel of TNT.

I wont argue there,but to say the germans didnt suffer the expulsions misses a point,they did,it is only speculation to say what may have happened,however probable,however,that people who may have had nothing to do,or as little as possible rather,to do with the nazi regime,its rise to power or its subsequent conduct,were penalised and suffered along with guilty parties such as those who had riden on the shirt tails of the whermacht into their little peice of living space is the point here,I think,the point would seem to be to show that nobody "wins" that even the innocent suffer . I am always reminded of an old boy I met at work once,his father was German but had lived in Poland all his life so in 1939 joined up with the Polish army and was killed defending his homeland,as he saw Poland,after the war the family were forced to leave and ended up in Britain as,although the Polish govt saw them as germans,moving to germany was seen by the family as moving to the land that had caused so much suffering for their country,Poland,as my work had taken me into this gentlemans home I was able to see his fathers picture,a fine looking chap in a wz31.

No maybe if we had gas chambers on displayed...

wouldnt really work,as a plain room isnt really all that impresive,and going into them at say auschwitz,is imo a bit creapy,and I dont mean in a ergh,there might be ghosties in here way,I mean,its a scene of so much suffering why would you want to stand there?
12 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

so your satisfied the musuem is k if its takes the whole war into account. not k if it focuses only on the expulsion of germans

I think Im with you,yes. If the museum was soley about say the expulsion of ethnic germans from east prussia say,yes ,I would be "against" it,as it is a museum dedicated to all suffering,and showing the german aspect in context Im all for it,after all,Ive said in an earlier post that imo if it helps to show someone the consequences of starting wars then it can only be a good thing.
12 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Ooh,get her.....
The thread is about a museum in germany that highlights all the refugee problems of 20th century europe and the world,included are the germans forced out by the soviets/polish communists. Thats the issue,nothing about compensation,dura.
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

Maybe we have less interest in slaughtering people,I dont know,your point being?
Well ,Im not going any further with this,seem to remember that arguing with irish nationalists leads no where,I dont need the hassle of checking under my car every morning or removing all the litter bins from my local shopping center.....
12 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Germans should not be compensated for several reasons

Also surprised that this is an issue.

Er,its not,read the thread title again,and maybe a few other posts on the thread.Youve missed the point by a mile.
12 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

Hungarian Jews could have been helped prior to them being deported to Auschwitz.

Yes,there were many deals being brokered around this,unfortunatly I dont think the allies would ever have been prepered to trade war equipment for a few thousand lucky(specificaly also rich/conected or "special" such as artists musicians etc) refugees. I havent read the book,but Im guessing we may have studied the same topics if not the exact same sources(ie,the lottery of just who the "head" jewsish fellas thought worthy of saving?)

I agree that bombings would have not prevented all the killings, but it would certainly seroisuly disrupt them.

Agreed, its just unfortunate that the cheifs of the allied airforces wernt quite the humanitarians you and I are. Harris knew what he wanted and was determined to get it without diversion.

Someone one sacrifices a few to save many.

The 55thousand dead RAF bomber command crewmen can testify to that.

but also those from the other continents sacrificed their lives for the Brits.

not to get drawn in/diverted,but,from "other continents" Im assuming you mean say Canada,Australia New Zealand? Yes,many many thousands of brave young lads did volunteer for the RAF or RAAF RCAF etc ,but,the situation at the time was that those countries felt far greater ties to Britain than they may do now so this was seen as fighting for the "mother country" as odd as that seems in this day and age.

B-29s from France could not even reach Warsaw in September 1944

B17 actually,B29s were only serving in the Far East during the war.

Dec. 26 1944 McGovern's squadron dropped 50 tons of bombs on oil facilities in Monowitz

Yes,and killed a few British army POW/slave workers at the Bune werk(just mention that because surprisingly few people realise that there were many British POWS at auschwitz.)
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

but over the centuries there were several reasons why the Scottish got into bed with the English...one being, treachery within their own ranks!!!

hhhmmm,swap "Scotland" for "Ireland".....

So is pizza dont start saying we have an infinity with Italy though do we?

Just what did the Romans ever do for us?.........

Ford are at present in the process of selling off Land Rove

That would be the US Ford motor company then.....
12 Jan 2008


for once I agree with you :)

the life of Poles in the UK isn't, on the average, rosy.

swap Pole for any nationality,including British....

To compound the problem, the UK media have been very hostile towards the Polish guest workers, methodically setting part of the local population against them.

As some one else said,the right wing press have,as they always have done,you are just the latest,a few years before you it was "kosovans" are stealing our houses and fiddling with our kids,before that "Bosnians" are stealing our houses and sleeping with our women,before that "kurds" are stealing our......you get the picture,go back far enough those same papers were probably saying those bloodye normans are stealing oure olde housese....

it is believed they are the most numerous immigration group (the alleged numbers vary; some seem to believe there are as many as 1.5 million Poles in UK!),

Yes,the sources for this figure come direct from Polish organisations here in the UK...(but as always I suppose you will just brand them self loathing polonophobes......)

I was going to respond to more but cant be arrsed......people have taken their stands and dont seem to budge...
11 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

But seriously,I know the bombing may have prevented the Hungarian jews from their fate,and also the Roma etc,but,surly the nazis would have just found another "solotion"?After all,they didnt need such sofisticated methods to wipe out the "soviet" jews ,Im thinking Grannies gorge et al.

But,sorry,bombing raids deeper than Auschwitz,not really,on a grand scale,exept maybe say the romanian oil feilds.Just look at the percentage of RAF bombers brought down in the op tempest resupply missions.
11 Jan 2008
USA, Canada / 2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign people [90]

isthatu wrote:
Bush,great fun at a BBQand a ,dare I say it,pretty likeable guy,scary as fcuk as a world leader.

LOL so true.

He just comes across as a really likeable bloke,I loved his line yesterday ,very self depricating( a trait a lot of people seem to ignore,and very "british" in so many ways :) ) where he was asking whether the interpretation was working in palastine," You know,a lot of people say I have trouble enough speaking English ....."

re the apostate thing, I doubt very much the sort of radical muslims would hate him anymore than they would a Christian who talks about Crusades.....but an interesting point Carol.

ps, dont know much about this Ron Paul geezer,but his name just sounds like a porn star name......
11 Jan 2008
Life / "I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion? [146]

SANDALS WITH SOCKS! That used to be a tell-tell sign of someone fresh off the boat from an Eastern European country.

Funny,its sandels with black soxs and a fishing hat that is the stereotype of American tourists in the UK.....has been for decades.
11 Jan 2008
Life / Do Polish people tend to stick together? [49]

There is a difference between the more adventurous types who like to go it alone,and those say recent arrivalls in the mass migration bit who are not so much coming to the UK for a different experiance and to genuinly explore another culture but rather just to find work that is unavailable at home.To generalise would just be a disservice to both groups. When I travel i like to imerse myself in the local culture,and have infact kept my gob shut at times when Ive heard an "English" accent,the exeptions being once in Poland and once in Holland when I heard a very local(South Yorkshire) accent being used.
11 Jan 2008
USA, Canada / 2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign people [90]

over here in the UK you would think ,from the reporting,that only Hilary and Osama,sorry,Obama are in this race.....all I will say is,whoever gets in,cant do worse than the last guy.....Bush,great fun at a BBQand a ,dare I say it,pretty likeable guy,scary as fcuk as a world leader.
11 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

I would personally join the Israeli army. If allowed.

yes,you could join one of the many IDF units made up of Arabs......
11 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

bomb Auschwitz to avoid further extermination

the USAAF did bomb Auschwitz,well the stammlager anyway.but really,How far do you think most bombing raids could get without suffering serious casulties? Why should more allied lives have been thrown away on something that would only have been a symbolic gesture.WW2 wasnt about saving Jews no matter what todays kids are taught in schools. WW2 was about crushing nazi germany,something that would never have happened if allied efforts had been directed aginst a single rail line and one of dozens of death camps. A lovely idea in hindsight,if not thought through but,think about it,with a clear head and naff all would have been achieved.

BTW,please dont take a moral high ground just because you can trot out that Poland saved the most jews etc,that is simple maths,with the vast majority of europes jews being in Poland of course a larger proportion are going to be "saved" one way or another.
10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

mmmmm white pudding suppers from North Berwick....I salivate....
My Polish ex wanted to try haggis,I made the mistake of telling her what it was made from BEFORE she tried it...oh well,live n learn :)
10 Jan 2008
USA, Canada / 2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign people [90]

Currently he looks too young and too "cool" to be the US president.

Remember JFK anyone??

she wants to find "her own voice"

crumbs,it shouldnt count but she didnt half come across as a nagging housewife in NH

McCain -

Ruther have a real vet' in charge than a draft dodger,maybe a little more empathy for the mil' situation the US is going thru right now?

(glad I used to watch West Wing or this whole election procces would shoot way over my head:) )
10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

Cheetham Hill

Glad to hear,it had potential,havnt been there for a couple of years but,being warned by locals to "run down any lads on bikes that come anywhere near your car.." kinda made me home sick for the other side of the pennines :)
10 Jan 2008
Life / Polish Songs related to Hope [29]

did not have such courage in 1941 when you left it to the Red Army to come to your rescue.

would that be the same 1941 that saw the RKKA pushed back to Moscow and stalins little boy surrendering to the hun?
10 Jan 2008
Life / "I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion? [146]

or being asked by a drunk english lad who discovered I spoke a little Polish,"whats the best chat up line to use on a Polish girl?"

my reply, "od peerdolly" (sp? but you get the picture :) )