Law /
Need help with registration and buying from the Polish auction website (allegro) [2]
From what I know you just need to have a valid home address..
Registration form:
here you've got:
Imię Name
Nazwisko Surname
Firma Company
Adres Address
ulica, street
nr domu house number,
mieszkania flat number
example np.: Allegrowa Street 25/10
Kod pocztowy postal code
i.e..: 00-950
Miejscowość city
Województwo province/county
Kraj country
i.e.: *
We will send a registration confirmation e-mail - you will need it to complete the registration. Pay attention to type in a valid e-mail address.
Powtórz adres e-mail - repeat your e-mail address
Telefon z numerem kierunkowym - phone number with an area code
i.e.: (22)9999999,
tel. kom.: (600)000000 - mobile phone example
Drugi telefon - second phone number
Użytkownikiem Allegro może być tylko osoba pełnoletnia.
Oświadczam, że jestem pełnoletni (ukończyłem 18 lat) i akceptuję regulamin
Only an adult may be an Allgro user. I state that I am an adult ( 18 years old ) and I accept the regulations.
Przesyłając nam ten formularz wyrażasz zgodę na gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i wykorzystywanie przez QXL Poland Twoich danych, teraz i w przyszłości, zgodnie z polskim prawem, w szczególności Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych. Masz prawo wglądu do Twoich danych oraz ich poprawienia lub usunięcia.
By sending this form you state your acceptance to gathering, proccessing and using your personal data, according to Polish law especially the protection of personal data law, now and in the future, by QXL Poland. You've got the right to access, correcting and deleting your data.
Minimality, you should also be aware of that not all of allegro traders ship to other countries then Poland, it should usually be stated in their profiles or/and in their auctions.
You should also somehow translate and read those regulations ; )
I just remember that before you can use your account they also send you a snail mail with some information about activating your account and stuff like that. That is also to ensure that the address data that you have used are valid..