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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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16 Jan 2008
History / Want to know more about Poles and Polish soldiers during WWII? [18]

"giving Poland the distinction of being the only nation to combat Germany throughout the entire war in Europe."
"Poland was also the only nation to fight Nazi aggression on every front "
eh?,no it wasnt,both Britain and france had forces in Russia.......
"The solution and working enigma machine were then delivered to England where they were used for decoding Nazi messages throughout the war,"
Wrong,they lasted for around a year untill the germans changed the codes and machines and work had to start all over again on cracking the new codes at bletchley park.

Rest of its good though :)
16 Jan 2008
Life / Must See Movies in Polish? [65]

"Czterech pancerynych i pies"

Cracking,on my pc now.After watching it I dont see what all the complaining
about,those russians seemed like lovely people............

Zakazane Piosenki (Forbidden Songs) WW2

is this out on dvd yet?
16 Jan 2008

Well according to another thread it verges on illegal to say that poles served the germans willingly so maybe it is hushed up a bit in poland,after all ,they dont exactly teach about the BFK in british schools. It appeared in the Polish press late last year so its not some "polonophobe" rumour or slander as some on here may try to claim,just a fact of history.
16 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

C'mon, I thought we had a deal to be serious. You can't honestly compare Palestinians to Germans.

Your just a savage then,whats the dfference with children and old people?

The Wehrmacht chased the Brits from the continent at Dunkirk and they never made it back till D-Day.

Muppet,we kicked your arse all the way back across North Africa,then up into Italy by 1943 you deluded Hun. We kicked your arses when you tried to murder our civilians in 40/ 41 (then we smashed most of your cities to hell way before the yanks came on the scene)and you guys were so chicken sh it from then on you became the first nation to fire rockets and missiles at civilians.

believe we kicked Russia's butt,

Bollox, who kicked russias butt,drivel

When we regained independance.

that would be 1945 with a polish govt that didnt so much kick as lick russias butt.

Absolutely right.Hitler wanted to grab GB's colonies as well.

no,hitler wanted GB to keep running the colonies,he knew that germans historicaly are sh it at that sort of thing,good at wiping out whole native populations,not so good at getting them to work.

can anyone remember how many brits were killed by americans in the first gulf conflict...?

a hell of a lot less than they killed dropping bombs on american lines in op Cobra in 44.
16 Jan 2008

No Peter,not all,there were some 1500 Gorale volenteers to name just one unit. But probably the smallest amount of the occupied nations.
16 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

blah blah blah........
Say what you will,but one countries armed forces in another and puppet govts etc are just colonies Sorry,I keep forgeting Mother Russia can do no wrong,never has,never will,Mother Russia is ALWAYS the victim of evil outside forces.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

all our aquisitions were totally unprofitable for center.

Just because you were rubish at empire building doesnt mean you didnt try!And besides,just when has Russia done anything profitable? I mean anything legitimate?
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

NATO should not take part in military action in Asia or Africa. This is in their status.

I doubt it,seeing as NATO was set up to counter the threat of the warsaw pact forces . Do you think Nato,in the event of ww3 would have gone,"nope,cant bomb the soviet pacific fleet coz its in asia"?

I for one am proud our(uk) forces went in alone in Africa,we put a stop to the carnage in Sierra leone,one of the few good things tony blair did.
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / I'm designing a Polish restaurant for British people - need information [44]

Why do you pick Sheffield specifically?

lots of rich southern students with naff all to spend daddies money on?
Seriously,Go to the consulate,I think its up near the SU,might be the road the english lit dept has lots of buildings in.....definatly online anyway,Im sure they will help you.
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

I cant agree,anti personal freedom,my arse, as a leading member of the Royale family would say. What do you think gave your country its freedom? The fact there was a united europe chipping at the iron curtain. all these ,"ooh,brussels is destroying my freedom" whingers just dont realise how good they get it now as opposed to pre european co operation days where backwards countries could pass outrages laws banning all sorts of real freedoms,like freedom of personal expresion,freedom to .......oh forget it,there are enough anti eu knobs around here without me getting in a pointless debate with someone who doesnt now the meaning of responsibilities.

You think its fine that Poland should trade with everyone,have all the advantages of a post communist sociaty but do fek all to earn that place,fine,see how long you'd last that way.
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / I'm designing a Polish restaurant for British people - need information [44]

Well,you could have a week where the managment are all german,then one where they are all russian,then the following week have the local russian steak house take over by force ...........

Seriously though,expand your thoughts a tad mate. So this place is going to be aimed at British nationals living in Sheffield that want a taste of Poland. A sort of Murphski's theme place? Traditionaly Polish,a toughy,depends on peoples tastes really,bars,cafes etc are many and varied in Poland as are traditions and styles.
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

You better explain how this is in Polish interest to meddle in Middle East politics??

have a look at some of the other threads closer to the topic,war on terror et al.
I suppose you are one of those that ***** and moan about poland having been left alone to the sviets yet cant see that things swing both ways,you can either sit in your bunker and hope the world will go away and leave you alone or you,Poland can come and join the international community now and again. Its a case of "put up or shut up."

(not that I dont empathise,I would love to be a citizin of one of those countries that manages to do alright on its own thank you very much,I just dont think they exist on this planet.)
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Ok,in plain English so you can follow. Lesser,you come across as an isolationist nutter,the type who see's enemies everywhere and only really feels safe under the duvet with their teddy bear.No offence you understand.
15 Jan 2008
History / Professor Thomas Gross Threatens His 'Neighbors' - Poland atrocities [18]

Yes,but Denying the holocaust SHOULDNT be a crime,its making idiots into martyers,the same should be for trying to imply Poland was responsible.These two views are the views of cranks and nutters and should not be given the oxygen of publicity that a "crime" gives their stupidity.
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Hows your bunker coming along lesser? got all the baked beans you need? plenty of water and such ?
15 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

isthatu wrote:
well, this thread certainly shows who's been blinded by religion - matthias, z_darius, Matyjasz, lesser

can't speak for others, but are you really saying I am blinded by religion?
Can you quote me on that?

hey,I dint write that!!!!!!!!!!! A great big chocolate chip cookie if anyone can see where Im have meant to have written what Darius has just attributed to me.
15 Jan 2008
History / Professor Thomas Gross Threatens His 'Neighbors' - Poland atrocities [18]

Rubbish lesser, you can be punished for the crime of race hatred,homophobia with the threat of violance etc,but I tommorow could write a book claiming all the jews supposedly killed in the holocaust were actually kidnapped by aliens and taken to live with the ewoks and there is no law that can touch me. I think you may want to stop your paranoia of all things "western" you sound like a moskaly in the politburo. British law is quite different to Austrian law....in fact as different I imagine as Polish is to Romanian......
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Babies of Polish couples born in England [25]

changed since the 1960's.

I should hope so too,but atleast the mini skirt is still in fasion. All countries change,if they dont they become international laughing stocks as backward nations. Somethings Im sure were far better in the 1960s but taken as a whole I know which time Id rather be in.
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Why so many British can't spell ? [83]

Maybe it should be, I'm not fond of the kilt.

no,me neither , I much prefer my LBD for those special occasions :)
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Babies of Polish couples born in England [25]

Sadly, there is no Britain today

HELP,THROW ME A LIFE BELT,I CANT SWIM !!!!!!!! where's "it" gone then? It was there last time I looked out the window!
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Babies of Polish couples born in England [25]

Is the baby healthy,is mum happy,do mum and dad get enough sleep. Thats all that matters here...........
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Keep doing what you do.

lets just tone down the levels of abuse we can both sometimes throw around here. Its not big,and its not clever.We may know we are not serious but others may not:)
15 Jan 2008
Life / Local Poles taking advantage of foreigners living in Poland [235]

i can see that if i didnt have my girl for a translator they would probrerly try and steal the lint from my pockets...

all depends on who you meet at the end of the day,had experiance on a non touristy warsaw flea market one or two traders bumping the price up 3 fold when I turned to confirm the numbers with my companion,ie,I definatly heard 3 hundred,checked "he said three hundred didnt he?" then being told,nie nie 3 thousand.....you just have to larf :)

Same market,3 different stalls the owners found out I was a brit,interested in Polish history and weighed me down with gifts off their stalls,books and badges and brass plaques.
15 Jan 2008
Life / Compulsory National Service in Poland [26]

the kalashnikovs were the main weapons

My Cadet days, .22 versions of the old Lee enfeild jungle carbine from ww2(or,more often,air rifles)....you guys got AK 47s...NO FAIR :)
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

yeah your right we don't agree on much but when in comes to this issues im glad we agree.

and like ive said elswhere,and come to think of it,so have you,nothings black and white,I will often argue shades of gray or play a little devils advocate just to get the juices flowing ,so to speak.
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish kids in UK education system [57]

lukasz,at heart your a nasty,bitter little man arnt you.

I remember your face form your profile ... maybe one day I will met you ... and we will see

see what,more open threats of violance?

assimilated Jew learning Jews form Israel what does it mean to be Jew.

Where are you going with this herr obergruppentruppen lukaSSz?

himself will rent his flat form pakistan people

and whats wrong with that,you rascist slime.

who adpots English culture there ... nobody Indian have their Pakistan people have

apart from an initial WDF does that stream of vagualy english words mean....Just what do you know about British Asians? How many have you met? Did you go to school with any,work with any,any contact at all with any?

it is just place to make money.

only for parasites,are you a parasite lukaSSz? no,you havnt been to the UK,oh,theres a surprise......

I prefer Russians and Germans ... and Gipsies

Oh ,how terribly enlightened you are,humanitarian awards all round. Sorry,you say you prefer the Germans,yet you show a pic of a drunk German wearing a swastika,whats all that about?
15 Jan 2008
History / Professor Thomas Gross Threatens His 'Neighbors' - Poland atrocities [18]

According to a Polish law passed two years ago, anyone found guilty of accusing the Polish nation of cooperating with Nazi or Communist war crimes can be imprisoned for a maximum of three years in jail.

Funny,sounds just like the sort of laws totalitarian regimes with something to hide pass,very stalinist.

Jewish population of the village was massacred by its Polish neighbors, and not by the Germans as previously believed.

hardly earth shattering is it.
Whats with trying to cover up history,it will always bite you on the butt.
Whats the plan,from now on all History books have to pass the "Puzzler Test"?
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

exactly matthies,we might not agree on much but I think we do here. It is irelevent whethere ANYONE thinks that Israel should or should not have been created. Thats a cozy academic argument. The reality is it is there,people with no connection to the shady way it was created live and work and try to live normal lives there now and as such deserve to do so in peace and saftey.

To polarize and say,Israel -bad to Palestinians,Arabs good to them is just plain wrong. One of the major factors in the tensions of the area is the fact that since the refugees fled to neighbouring Arab states those states have had no interest in intergrating the palestinains into their own comunities or even giving them a little patch of their own land. In many ways the palastininans have been the patsy for the various unsavoury rulers surounding Israel/Palestine and as such their suffering has been caused by both sides.

OMG how can you writte such a things about your nation ... yes it is true converts are the worst.

What the fek are you on Lukasz? what on earth do you mean convert? I havnt converted to or from anything,Im agnostic,my direct ancestors are a split mix of catholic and presbeteryan,all from a nations that have had an established christain church 500 years before your country existed,I think you ARE PICKING UP ON THE FACT WEEKS AGO i MENTIONED HAVING JEWISH FAMILY MEMBERS......YOUR ANTI SEMITISM IS SHOWING ITS FACE BABY....you know,its not illegal to have jewish relatives here buddy or indead marry someone of another faith,we dont generally burn or hang converts here,havnt done for a long long time,we leave that to less enlightened papist sociaties.........
15 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Russia never had any colonies,

followed shotly by;

during the times of RU Emp.,

Ok gaspadin kostya, how do you have an Empire without any colonies?

our Central Asian vassal posetions of Bukhara and Samarkand.

Oh ,right,vassel posestions,not colonies,right,I see the HUGER difference there ,ja panjemajo,harasho.

OK to blame today’s church for crusades and Spanish inquisition but it’s a serious faux pas to blame the Windsor’s for the slave trade, since both had nothing to do with those awful crimes?

because doctrines change, If the church has apologised for its past genocides in south and central america ,and abandonment of its catholic brothers at the time of jpIIs rule in the 80s in salvador etc,fine,no critisism should be directed at it,if it hasnt apologised for its crimes as recently as the 80s where fighting communism was seen as more important than stopping peoples being murdered by fascists in central america then,crack on,treat it with the contempt all institutions that seek to control peoples thoughts and actions deserve.
15 Jan 2008

Broadsword calling Danny boy.....
Re Polish nationals in the German forces;
Defining "Polish " at this time is complicated.Many who served with the German forces may indead have been born/raised in Poland,even having Polish passports birth certificates etc but were seen as "German" by themselves and subsequently the nazis . One whole area of Poland was designated practically overnight as being part of greater germany and all its non jewish citizens were either suddenly "german" or forced out to the general govt/conscripted into labour service in the reich.

These are the two main groups of "Poles" who would find themselves in the german army,one group willing volunteers for the fatherland,the other group forced by the fact of families being to all intents hostages of the german occupiers.

Would you refuse to join up with a wife ,children and parents to worry about?
The war service of these groups is variable,many will have indead fought for the wrong side,many more took the first oppertunity to desert and the large Free Polish armed forces on record at the end of hostilities had a high proportion of men who had worn grey before khaki. Anyone in Britain who has spoken to Polish veterens will have met at least one or two that served in 3 or four armies,first in 39 the Polish army,then the german forces,deserting on the eastern front and serving with red army forces before finding a way to the Free Poles in the west.

The other part,re "joining in hunting for jews..." well,lets just say the Polish Police dont have a great record in this situation,but remember,even the nice British Bobbys in the Channel Islands readily handed over lists of the islands jews and turned up at the arrests. And,if your talking about Ghetto clearances and such like some of the nazis most efficient "jew hunters" were other jews,either spies working for the gestapo/SD or the Jewish Ghetto Police .