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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

So many questions......lol

Just a few quotes from the originator of this post..........has one of your endless questions been answered...if not.....

We dont want foreigners in Poland buying out our homes, go home english GO HOME and leave us alone. And dont tell me I didnt want you, Poles dont want you here bloody capitalists.

Dont be suprised with hostility towards foreigners buying our land . Beware .

Me, Grzegorz and there is all Poland hostile towards bloody foreign capitalists that steal our land.

Better dont buy land in Poland, just friendly warning.


You have no clue about polish reality.

Ppl will get pissed. In fact ppl are pissed already now........ dont ask me what happens next because pissed crowd is unpredictable , not to mention pissed nation

quote=ola123] PS Whoever wants to stay in Poland and live here I wecome but bloody capitalists that push prices up 2 words for you: **** off. [/quote]
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Gz...not here to slag off Poland, just raising issues, I don't know it all, nor does anyone....but isolationism, distrust of foreigners, especially now Poland belongs to the biggest/safest conglomeration of advanced countries that mankind has ever known, must be grasped, not run away from.

Carpe diem...etc...:)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Reference to you troops Puzzler....try and learn some history....hardly zionist, propaganda..........feel free to post another irrational response puzzler........:)


"Meanwhile Napoleon was pushing on with preparations for war on a colossal scale. By the summer of 1812 he had about 750,000 men under arms, of whom 450,000 were destined for the actual invasion. Only half of them were French, the rest were made up of Poles, Italians, Saxons, Bavarians, Swiss, Austrians, Prussians and Illyrians."

Sorry...GZ....did I leave you out on the last post.....apols.......:)
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Gz...awe...pissed you off....so Poland nor its origins supplied any troops....come on Gz....denying your roots, again....what sort of Pole are you?

Not mentioned battle of britain.....pointless and of no real consequence to outcome of war II.

"Poles dont want you here bloody capitalists."

Original post, said capitalism was wrong........:)...not so wrong that Poland wishes to belong to that exclusive EU club!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Puzzler........Poland did ide with Napoleon 1812, supplied 50000 troops......and pissed off the Russians since then, the main reason you country was so trashed by your great neighbours German/Russia, was to put your previous misjudgments to bed, plus a weak Poland was good for both countries.

Poland seemingly harboured (by original invitation to lots of religions) the very people Hitler took offence too.......the jews...and Poland for inviting them in, paid a very, very heavy price........true.....

Poland was expansionist too........so you are saying Poland has never done any wrong...esp to your "friendly" big neighbours....???????!!!!!

Plus Polish insistence of huge reparations didn't exactly turn out well did it...self-inflicted...short term gain, satisfaction of seeing a greater power than Poland done down...misjudgement.

A huge amount of your weakness stemed from the nobility continually undermining the rulers of your country and making Poland seem weak from the outside, easy to prey on....self inflicted....

The last 60 years don't seem like a nightmare........excuse me........

History has and will repeat itself.....

My argument is factual..........you just want to bury your head in the sand........not a nice place to be....

Wake up and smell the coffee.....

The original sentiment that Poland doesnt want or need foreigners buying "Polish" land is typical of certain attitudes......

Capitalism, may not be perfect.........but sure as hell beats communism.........or was Lech Walesa etc, all wrong?
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

M...yes, true....but in the interim periods...your country/population has been ravaished like no other.......it seems to lurch from .....crises to good times to crises.....at the moment you are in period of change, Poland is still quite uncertain..........its trying to punch above its weight in an exclusive group, it needs to be careful............

If it concentrates on itself, builds bridges/alliances without offending too many countries it will be ok......sincerely hope so!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Polish history.......is quite frankly a bit of a nightmare...most it appears...to be self inflicted, from its grandeur of the 1500/1600s to a relatively poor, politically inept country of modern times.

It continually made poor decisions, bad judgements and ended up either on the wrong side or backed losers in recent centuries. So when wars came to be fought, scores to be settled, Poland has been the whipping boy on mainland Europe.........it appears to have learn nothing at all, judging by recent pronouncements and its government will continue in this vein for the forseeable future.........will things change?

I doubt it, at least not for some time. Poland is only relatively homogenous, not by choice but as result of the most horrendous war in history......no other reason.

Its time for change, real change..........buying land.?..so what..........!!!
12 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

..................gee...another thread.......thats gone nowhere except to reveal posters petty hates, prejudices, ignorance and to fail to understand that little or nothing that anyone on this board does will make a blind bit of difference...all the main decisions are made by big business/multinationals............tinkered with by EU/UK and Polish governments...then they all go with the flow...ie whose making the most money and when.........
11 Apr 2007
Life / How are Poles generally viewed outside Poland by other nations? [84]

Merged:Being Polish and trustworthy...a paradox?

I just noted in the "smiling" thread about a guy who appeared to be an average USA citizen, though spoke Polish, being surprised at "new" Polish people speaking in Polish then realizing he also spoke it too.......they then turned heel in either embarrassment or fear or inadequacy and left the scene pretty quickly.

However is this due to their not trusting someone overhearing their conversation and not identifying themselves ( legacy of not trusting anyone back home, communism etc), are Polish people a naturally very suspicious nation, or trusting no-one full stop, who isn't a friend family member?
10 Apr 2007
Life / Question regarding Polish women vs Jobs abroad [110]

Was this a racist slur, denigrating to the Jews living in your country for several hundred years......Witek.......?

Polish people I suppose need to be a little bit more pushy........and raise their English/German/French speaking abilities...the world/EU is their oyster...as it is for the Irish.
10 Apr 2007
Life / Question regarding Polish women vs Jobs abroad [110]

Greg ...you tart....lol

Partly cos, their ablities to speak in English are poor, no need to talk to a floor, secondly, its easy to get into, its pays 20-25zls an hour...as opposed to 5zl back home......so why not?

Until their levels of English improve and their qualifications are given EU/Uk equivalancies this will continue, plus they are largely migrant workers...not staying for ever...so don't want that responsiblity..................perhaps...:)

Witek...plz write in English....:)

Polak ciagle jest robolem

it is no wonder the Jews in Poland used to say "nasze kamienice , wasze ulice"
10 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Poland top overseas property hotspot [29]

Bubb...you tart....wot a put down....betcha hello ( or goodbye as it is now) presents himself toute suite at the nearest A&E.....:)
10 Apr 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish girls 'too pretty' for British schools [150]

As for fashion, Polish fashion sucks. Its tat. Well, from the crowds I saw in Krakow.

Again...as per my thread...."Polish women are the most beautiful in the world"......this was a very generalised statement...I know....but whilst the Polish woman may not have the spending power to buy designer clothes....my retort was that Polish women possessed something far more valuable..........the "designer body".

No matter how you dressed up a short, badly proportion , over weight body........then it is remains just that.........

What Polish women wear, they wear very well, have the physique to carry off and look far more feminine than most of their western counterparts.

They may not be classically the "prettiest"...........but sure as hell they maximise their attributes far better....plus don't become adverts for failed weightwatchers clubs!
9 Apr 2007
News / Poland's Contribution to the E.U. [56]

GlasVegas... Majority of people are quite nice, but you can't let them take advantage of you, as anywhere else in the UK, I suppose...

Oh, so you've met one......lol

Polands biggest contribution;....as Irelands was over many decades/centuries to the world/UK/europe...was/willbe its people.....end of.

They will be the yardstick by which Poland will be measured.....
9 Apr 2007
Life / Is English taught in schools in Poland? [14]

But I also notice that their English is very British: they say "Mum" instead of "Mom". And they say "loads" instead of "lots". Sometime I feel like Harry Potter is with us in the room! Maybe we can go hang out at the pitch and enjoy a bag of crisps!

Eeeeemmm...no Shopgirl.....its English.........not British English......in the USA you speak a "dialect" I suppose.......as Winston Churchill said..."Two great nations divided by a common language"
9 Apr 2007
News / Poland's Contribution to the E.U. [56]

eeemmmm....didnt quite say he was Fisz!

Steering a thread Daffy...is like steering an oil tanker in a hurricane...sortof in the lap of the gods!
9 Apr 2007
News / Poland's Contribution to the E.U. [56]

Daffy...don't be so hard on bart....remember you used to be a newbie too......lol

PS You can never have enough threads about the beauty of Polish women...IMHO....:)
4 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Wages - UK and Ireland. [26]

The amount quoted by T is then taxed, (so in hand getting 4.00 an hour), .......none on the first 4-5 thousand, then a proportion at 10%, then most of the rest up to 36K @30%....for a lowly office worker...getting 8-12 K depending on experience, quals etc....but in city, good p.a.s earn a lot more!
3 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Wages - UK and Ireland. [26]

Brutto...but as you've seen G...not all employers honour these rates.........
3 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Wages - UK and Ireland. [26]

G...if you are doctor who can cover a weekend shift in inner London as a GP out of hours provider ....for a 8 hour shift you can make up to £1200......ie 5.7 zlts to the GB = 6840zlts....:)

Other end of the scale....some pps are working for 3 euros an hour...:(
25 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

And Katyn had nothing to do with some 19th century campaign

Perhaps not...but countries collective memories........are rather long.....