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Posts by IronsE11  

Joined: 3 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Mar 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 441 / In This Archive: 396
From: East London
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: West Ham United FC, getting help with English/Polish translation!

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13 Feb 2009
Love / Love my polish girlfriend alot but under pressure from family [166]

What would you then say to English citizens who don't want Poles in their country because they opnly want to see and talk to Englishmen? Maybe there are American restaurants in Poland, because there are Polish people who enjoy the odd Big Mac or two?

Talk about having your cake and eating it!
13 Feb 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

My god you are stupid.

For the record, I have got more in common with the Pakistanis at my local cricket club than I will ever have with you.
15 Feb 2009
History / Any apologies about Sikorski's 'murder'? [95]

Stalin bluffed them, outsmarted them, tricked them, you pick the verb.

True, the fact that Churchill and Roosevelt didn't present a united front didn't help matters. Roosevelt (quite incorrectly) assumed that he could use his people skills to 'handle' Stalin. Part of this tactic involved the incessant belittling Churchill, which achieved little.

I can't understand all this talk of Soviets being needed to end WW2 as though they were tottering on the verge of pulling out and didn't have a vested interest in continuing the fight.

There fear of a negotiated peace was real. Granted it was unlikely, but few people saw the Nazi-Soviet pact coming. Roosevelt desperately wanted Soviet support in the war with Japan which was the main reason that Stalin was appeased. Stalin was furious about the Allied delay in opening a second front. When it was finally agreed, it didn't represent the kind of leverage required. Stalin played the better hand, but he definitely held the cards.

I think both Churchill and Roosevelt would not face up to Stalin...

Maybe, but it's I don't see what Churchill and Roosevelt could have practically done. In reality, the Allies could do nothing to impose their will on Stalin, short of declaring war on the USSR. Operation unthinkable was just that...
17 Feb 2009
History / Any apologies about Sikorski's 'murder'? [95]

I do agree about the sell-out, tho'. I think both UK and US just allowed themselves to be totally shafted by Uncle Joe.

Once again, I fail to see what leverage Churchill and Roosevelt had against Stalin. The Red Army had all but defeated the Nazis in Europe before The Western Allies even landed at Normandy. Stalin had Eastern Europe in his possession. Even if Eastern Poland hadn't been promised to Stalin at Tehran, it would have taken nothing short of a war with the USSR to wrestle it from him. Stalin held the cards.

Incidentally, wasn't it David Irving who popularised the idea of British sabotage to Sikorski's plane? The man who claims Hitler was innocent because there are no documents to say he knew about Holocaust (and says Churchill is guilty of Sikorski's murdr because there are no documents).

True. David Irving is a joke. Nothing he says should be taken seriously as it almost totally agenda driven. Indeed, he should not even be considered a historian.
8 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Youre saying its perfectly natural for men to go gallivanting around sticking their penises into other mens rectums.

Yes. If people have a natural inclination to do this (i.e. they find men as opposed to women attractive) then it is perfectly natural. Humans have been doing this since... well forever... so why is it unatural?

I used to assume you were a brit with a Polish girlfriend now im beginning to think youre a brit with a Polish boyfriend.

I'm actually a black, disabled lesbian.

Now telling stories how a man sticks his penis in another man's anus is also education?

As opposed to telling stories about how a man sticks his penis in womens vagina? It's simple sex education.

Looks like it's time for you guys to start "the homophobic thread." Most racists find homophobia to be an easy and natural transition (just supplant "black" with "gay").

It's just a fundamental lack of understanding. I genuinely think people are scared of what they don't know/understand.

I was wondering about this myself. Homosexual behaviour is prevalent throughout the human race and apparently a number of animal ones too.

The Romans and the Greeks loved it a bit of it.

No, there is no such thing as homosexual people, there is only homosexual behaviour

People who find their own sex attractive? Whether this is manifested through homesexual behaviour is a another thing. I know gay people who are married with children... they are gay, they just don't want to admit it to society.

Why give a sh1t?
8 Mar 2009
News / Poland embraces new effort to fight anti-Semitism [138]

It's just that a number of people make sweeping generalisations about 'the Jews', and I always wonder who they are incorporating...

My great-gandfather was a Polish Jew (father's, fathers, father). I therefore have a "Jewish name" and "Jewish blood", but I don't consider myself Jewish in the slightest, just English/British.

One of my best friends is half-Polish Jewish (Mother's side, both his grand-parents survived Aushwitz), half Irish, but he is considers himself a Brit. He has indulged in some Jewish tradition (as much as Irish tradition), but he is not religious.

Essentially is it religious/ethnic/cultural/political?
9 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

I cant respect them for not respecting others.. this is how they do things to find
other gay males, by going to public places and making signals and signs in the stalls
etc.. instead of going to a gay bar , where theres plenty of homosexual males and females to choose from, I cant turn a blind eye when you run into people who just
dont respect your privacy.. thats just way to much to ask for in my opinion.

and it happens to this day.. if you demand respect as a gay community, it should be
given.. and its not.

then they wonder why other males act out these hate crimes.. its unacceptable

Nothing like stereotyping eh Pat... I agree it's shameful, I mean you rarely see this sort of depravity in the heterosexual community! Still, I guess a good old fashioned lynching is what they deserve.
9 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

where? I did say if they want respect then it should be given, hows that sterotyping?
it is what it is.. if they want to have a relationship with a male or female , like I said
keep it to yourself.. dont tell us the details.. I dont care.. really.. just like my sexual
preference isnt a care to them.. of course it isnt.. so fekin what right??

Sorry if I misunderstood, but it appeared as if you were suggesting that this is normal behaviour for the average homosexual! I was just making the point that whilst some homosexuals like to meet up in toilets or hang around Clapham Common late at night, there are also heterosexual couples who enjoy dogging, and heterosexual men who happily expose themselves to young girls in parks.

You obviously believe that sexuality and therefore acts of affection are a private thing... that you should not make outward gestures which are an indication of your sexuality. I trust that this preference is not exclusive to homosexuals?
10 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Heterosexual sex has a purpose on the scale of the species. Homosexuality doesn't.

Sorry, I forgot that's why we have sex education!! Because without it we wouldn't know how to produce? Right? Sex education covers the emotional as well as the physical. A fair amount of it is aimed at educating people in regards to STD's... why bother with this, if it is JUST about reproduction?

The usual B.S. line of attack.

I don't understand the process of cheese making and yet I am not afraid either of the the process, nor the result.

The same with gays. What is there to be afraid of? They may be as offensive to some as the various stages of cheese processing but they appear to be less complex than cheese.

Gays have been around forever. A little abnormality, mistaken identity like many others. Certainly not a reason to bash or persecute, but neither it is a reason for glory or deserving "education".

Cheese makers aren't discriminated against in the same way homosexuals are. The whole point of this type of education is to teach people that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, and not something to be feared or hated. If cheese makers were regularly discriminated against, I'm sure there would be some educational drive to help people understand that cheese makers are ordinary people.

I agree with you, it's not a reason to bash or persecute but many people still do. Thus the need for education. It's a pretty simple concept. This is not about glorifying anything.

Actually, it is not. If you understand the meaning of the word prevalent that is.

Why don't you look the word up:

Prevalent as in widely practised

Which it is, and has been throughout history.

Right. Certainly nothing to celebrate. Shall we also celebrate alcoholism or any other human idiosyncrasy?

Yeah, because alcoholism is just like homosexuality? Jesus wept.
10 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

and again, I disagree with the school age children

And again, this is not what I'm arguing about.

promoted or celebrated or encouraged.

No I said educated, although I'm interested in your concept of encouragement? Is it that you think the promotion and celebration of homosexuality will encourage people to become homosexual? Do you think people can catch 'gay'? More importantly, are you worried that this might happen to yourself?
11 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

It’s not about me. Why do the gay advocates always try to implicate others as being gay?

I only asked the question because your post suggested that homosexuality is something that can be "passed on" to people though promotion, celebration, encouragement etc.. This highlights a fundamental lack of understanding of the nature of homosexuality, as illustrated:

Yes, this is a brazen attempt to normalize gay for kids. Yes, it is underhanded indoctrination.

Are are suggesting that (lets say) a 14-year old straight boy, who is taught about the natural phenomenon of homosexuality in sex education, is suddenly going to think:

"I used to fancy that Sarah girl from my history class, but now I have an incurable urge to bugger my mate Dave"

I don't really think indoctrination is an issue.

Here in schools they have things like “Celebrate Gays Week!”.

I am referring strictly to sex education (taught at an appropriate aged). Personally I'd pay as much attention to 'celebrate gays week' as I would the following:

Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month
AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
American Heart Month
Bake for Family Fun Month
February is Fabulous Florida Strawberry Month
Festival of Camellias Month
From Africa to Virginia Month
International Boost Self-Esteem Month
Library Lovers Month
Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month
Marijuana Awareness Month
National African American History Month
National Bird Feeding Month
National Black History Month
National Care About Your Indoor Air Month
National Cherry Pie Month
National Condom Month Link
National Children's Dental Health Month
National Get To Know and Independent Real Estate Broker Month
National Laugh-Friendly Month
National Mend A Broken Heart Month
National Parent Leadership Month
National Pet Dental Health Month
National Senior Independence Month
National Time Management Month
National Weddings Month
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month
Relationship Wellness Month
Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month
Spunky Old Broads Month
Sweet Potato Month
Wise Health Care Consumer Month
Worldwide Renaissance of the Heart Month
Youth Leadership Month

Apparently these are all celebrated in February.
12 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Sure it is. There are success stories out there of gays getting cured of their condition. But again, gays don’t want to hear this. They’d rather be accommodated than helped.

There lies the root of your homophobia... the fact that you are completely ignorant.


Spot on Shell. People who are comfortable with their own sexuality usually don't care. It's often the ignorant types, who believe gay can be caught or indoctrinated, that make the most noise when it comes to homosexuality.

I used to enjoy the odd trip down (C)anal (S)treet, and I more often than not had a great night. Bah bar was always a laugh.
18 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

I don't appreciate my kids being indoctrinated

I'm not sure what the problem is.

There are a number of ridiculous misconceptions about homosexuality - this thread is testament to that.

Why would any right-minded person be opposed to efforts to help rid society of these misconceptions (which often lead to hatred/bigotry/discrimination/mindless violence etc.) through education of the facts regarding homosexuality? (I'm not talking about the A-Z of anal sex, just the basic concept of homosexuality). That is unless, their own bigotry is manifested through these misconceptions. In which case, its clearly not just kids who need educating.

I guess haters will always hate, regardless of anything else. Some people get upset with the fact that some gay rights groups campaign for.... well gay rights. Do these same people feel the same about the efforts of Martin Luther King? I mean, I don't mind blacks, I just don't like it when they ram it down my throat... If my kids are taught about black history, I will withdraw them from school etc etc...
18 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

They claim that everyone is born with the potential to be gay.

They (heterosexuals) believe that the use of condoms actually increases the risk of contracting aids.
18 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

I don’t know all the ins and outs (ew!) of Homoism!

Maybe you should book yourself on to a gay awareness course then? Unless of course you're scared of....

....well you know, catching gay.
18 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Funny how people defending gays will use gay as an insult like that.

Where has it been used as an insult? You only believe it is an insult because you are a rampant homophobe.

And a complete moron of course ;)

no one ever accuses me of being black.

Just out of interest, how do you accuse someone of being black?
18 Mar 2009
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]


Only very simple people believe that homosexuality is an ideology. But then again, you think that 'being black' is an ideology so there's not much hope for you. Try looking up the word 'indoctrinate' in the dictionary:

1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
2. to teach or inculcate.
3. to imbue with learning.

You've already admitted to knowing very little (well actually nothing) about homosexuality, so I'll give you a quick lesson:

Gay can't be caught, it isn't an ideology or a conscious choice. It is a natural state of being, a sexual preference which is determined before a child becomes sexually aware. It is therefore impossible to indoctrinate someone with "gay". Unless of course you were referring to one of the other definitions (2 or 3) which define indoctrination quite simply as education.

Now even you aren't stupid enough to think that by teaching children about black history, they could in fact become black. So why do you think that homosexuality can be pushed on someone? To learn isn't to become. It's actually the most basic of concepts, try hard and you might be able to grasp it.

If I school you again

Thanks for the schooling, although it would appear I have a better knowledge of the subject than you. I actually find it strange that someone who admitted only a few posts ago that they know nothing about homosexuality, feels qualified to "school" people about it.
25 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Dictionary - liberal - 8 entries.

1. a. - Free by birth; hence, befitting a freeman or gentleman; refined; noble; independent; free; not servile or mean; as, a liberal ancestry; a liberal spirit; liberal arts or studies.

2. a. - Bestowing in a large and noble way, as a freeman; generous; bounteous; open-handed; as, a liberal giver.

3. a. - Bestowed in a large way; hence, more than sufficient; abundant; bountiful; ample; profuse; as, a liberal gift; a liberal discharge of matter or of water.

4. a. - Not strict or rigorous; not confined or restricted to the literal sense; free; as, a liberal translation of a classic, or a liberal construction of law or of language.

5. a. - Not narrow or contracted in mind; not selfish; enlarged in spirit; catholic.

6. a. - Free to excess; regardless of law or moral restraint; licentious.

7. a. - Not bound by orthodox tenets or established forms in political or religious philosophy; independent in opinion; not conservative; friendly to great freedom in the constitution or administration of government; having tendency toward democratic or republican, as distinguished from monarchical or aristocratic, forms; as, liberal thinkers; liberal Christians; the Liberal party.

8. Noun - One who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; an opponent of the established systems; a reformer; in English politics, a member of the Liberal party, so called. Cf. Whig.

Take your pick.
25 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Spare us. Today's Leftist "Liberals" bare no resemblance to the dictionary definition. Citing that has become a tired and dishonest defensive ploy on the part of Leftist Libs.

Bless you gtd, sorry I mean Randal, I knew I'd get a rise. The term Liberal has a completely different meaning in the UK and US. A study of the history of the Liberal party might help you.

Anyway, I like this one:

Not narrow or contracted in mind

I also like William Harcourt's definition of liberalism:

Liberty does not consist in making others do what you think right. The difference between a free Government and a Government which is not free is principally this—that a Government which is not free interferes with everything it can, and a free Government interferes with nothing except what it must. A despotic Government tries to make everybody do what it wishes, a Liberal Government tries, so far as the safety of society will permit, to allow everybody to do what he wishes. It has been the function of the Liberal Party consistently to maintain the doctrine of individual liberty. It is because they have done so that England is the country where people can do more what they please than in any country in the world.

I think you're a bit of a liberal at heart really Randal ;)
26 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / no anti english comments please [48]

I agree. You are able to distinguish between the government policies vs. blaming the immigrant.

I find that some posters on PF keep forgetting about it.

True, I am always puzzled by people who blame others for doing exactly what they would do in the same situation.

As for immigration, this is the United States of Europe, we are too far gone for that to change. I for one am happy, in a few years time I will be travelling to Eastern europe for a better standard of living (as per Sokrates Nostradamus like vision).
27 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

How come is it that I cant make you angry?

Because your bait is too obvious. Fishing is an art you haven't quite mastered yet. miranda is far too experienced to bite.
28 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / Why Scotland doesnt Need any Immigrants By a Scotsman [56]

Well they are always complaining they have mass asians in every nook and cranny

Well I guess that explains it then. I completely forgot that Asians in England don't count towards the population of the UK.
28 Mar 2009
UK, Ireland / Why Scotland doesnt Need any Immigrants By a Scotsman [56]

Wow that many, I though it was around 30 million?

Get out of the EU before it destroys your country

It hasn't been that low since the turn of the century (1900 that is), long before the EU.
2 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

this is happening all over uk, and it very sad stuff, but i do also blame the general typical british public, nobody is really taking to action about it or fighting for there land or people.... i dont get this nealry eevrry one i know in uk is racist to another group in one way or another but that dislike dosnt leave the confines of the pub or workplace, people are too scared from government and police in uk i think, its bad situation

I agree, its a fucking disgrace. This country just lets anyone in, and it's all because of the liberal leftist do-gooders who want impose multiculturalism on us. Did you know there are areas of my home town which are almost entirely Polish? This country isn't Slavic, but it might as well be renamed Great Slavain the way things are going. And this is allowed to happen by our government. I blame the British public too. Most of the ones I know hate the Poles, but they are too scared to voice this opinion outside of their own social circles. That's why everyone is voting for the BNP......

....Oh wait, they aren't.