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Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #91
the hipnotic influence that man could conjure

Yeah. Just like Obama.

many would be better off today if he would have become a famous artist or architect instead.

Lol! Ya think?!

As horrible as WW2 was, as bloody fucking inhumanly terrrible it had so many positive aftereffects, guess everything happens for a reason eh?:)

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #92
Yeah. Just like Obama.

You need to stop writing now, you're embarassing yourself.


Iraq was invaded strictly to seize its oil, there is nothing positive in this war for anyone, not even US in the long term.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #93
Really? Because of Hitler Jews were given Israel, because of Hitler Russia never conquered whole of Europe, because of Hitler Poland regained some of its more prosperous provinces, because of Hitler Germans finally vented their destructive ambition in a way that permanently transformed them into a more peacefull country, because of Hitler Ukraine finally consolidated

Yeah, but at what price? It was too high. Come on, you know it was too much just for that! They could have found better ways to achieve all that.

@ Randal- Obama is nothing like Hitler.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Mar 2009 /  #94
But why is it now something bad? Where is there the "light"?

I didn't mean that preserving a national identity/pride/position is bad, but rather that doing that at the cost of victimizing other nationalities is not so good.

I don't have a problem with "Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles". Actually, I like the tune, it's really cool, but things get a little iffy if the tune is sang at the graves of others.

This isn't an invitation to any historical reviews. I just wanted to illustrate my point clearly.
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #95
You need to stop writing now, you're embarassing yourself.

Iraq was invaded strictly to seize its oil, there is nothing positive in this war for anyone, not even US in the long term.

Huh? Obama is just like Hitler. His speaking talents able to rally emotions in his cult-like followers… They weep when he speaks, for crissake. He was referred to as “The Messiah” during the campaign! He was able to snow them as to his being a radical. Many have compared him to other great speakers that were able to move people, like Jim Jones…

Yes, Obama shares Hitler-esque qualities. Yes, eventually the debacle in Iraq will turn out to be a good thing if they can hold it together, just as you recognize WWII did.

See, Sokrates, you are stuck in this mode where you are determined to oppose anything I say only because your feelings are still hurt for my exposing your Jew-baby murdering ways. To the point of making yourself look like a bitter fool.

Get over it, you petty little nothing. Or don’t. Whichever.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #96
I just don't see how Hitler helped the situation by invading and thus, destabilizing Poland. Hitler and Stalin were destabilizers, it was the US and Britain who kept communism out of western Europe.

All Hitler wanted was for everyone to be German.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Mar 2009 /  #97
Obama is just like Hitler. His speaking talents able to rally emotions in his cult-like followers…

Yes, Obama shares Hitler-esque qualities.

I think you overdid it and you are giving Hitler too much credit. The skill to make people follow the speaker is one thing. The speaker's message is quite another.
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #98
The skill to make people follow the speaker is one thing

And that's the one thing I was talking about. Thank you.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #99
Yeah, but at what price? It was too high.

There was no other way, this in no way lessens Hitlers responsibility, i'm just pointing out that world war was the only possible solution to tensions and the only way to transform Europe.

They could have found better ways to achieve all that.

Nope, there was no other way to stabilise Europe.

Yes, Obama shares Hitler-esque qualities.

Like what? He's nowhere near as charismatic as Hitler, he's educated and outspoken which earns him respect since Bush was just a little hillbilly redneck and he contrasts with Obama but he's (just like Bush) another figurehead.

Yes, eventually the debacle in Iraq will turn out to be a good thing if they can hold it together, just as you recognize WWII did.

No it will not, U.S will strip the region of oil and leave it destabilized, in time Arabs will pull their shit together and form a rabidly anti-US block and God forbid if they ever develop nuclear weapons, U.S will get nuked.

Also WW2 was never a good thing, it was neccesary to achieve status quo and stability in Europe but it was far from good, also Hitler gets no praise for that since all positive effects for unintentional (though foreseeable).

Short term goals creating historical enemies is not a smart thing to do.

See, Sokrates, you are stuck in this mode where you are determined to oppose everything I say only because your feelings are still hurt for my exposing your Jew-baby murdering ways. To the point of making yourself look like a bitter fool.

You're still embarassing yourself to the point of repetition.

I just don't see how Hitler helped the situation by invading and thus, destabilizing Poland.

He either murdered or was an indirect reason of later soviet displacements, all hostile minorities were either dead or displaced and Poland became a solid and stable society.

Hitler and Stalin were destabilizers,

Yes and no, they were destroyers of old order but ultimately incapable of creating new one, the new one came as synthesis of East/West interaction.

it was the US and Britain who kept communism out of western Europe.

Correct but communism was an artificial construct that could not last, it did help shape the Europe of today though.

All Hitler wanted was for everyone to be German.

I am not giving him any credit whatsoever, the guy was a murdering nutcase but he did trigger change and stability even if unintentionally.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Mar 2009 /  #100
And that's the one thing I was talking about. Thank you.

No, it wasn't not. Comparing someone to Hitler is certainly not a neutral statement of fact and you are very well aware of that. Stating that someone is a great speaker would be.

It is clear to most here that you are brimming with hatred to the man and anything that might even approach liberal ideas. That is not even stupid but childish.

So why compare him to Hitler instead of Quintilian or Churchill? Neither spoke about annihilating entire nations. Neither did Obama.
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #101
Iraq was invaded strictly to seize its oil

U.S will strip the region of oil and leave

So where is all this free oil we took? Lol...
This is about as childish a view of the Iraq situation as I’ve seen.
And I'll take the points on the other too, weepy. Keep nursing those wounds. ;)

Get off my leg man. You've been humping on it since the other night.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Mar 2009 /  #102
Get off my leg man. You've been humping on it since the other night

If I have something to say about another poster's word I will. Such is a nature of any forum. If you can't take it perhaps a forum is not for you and you might need to set a blog for yourself. One where visitors wouldn't be able to post comments. A blog like that would allow you to be as "Hitler-esque" as you want.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #103
So where is all this free oil we took? Lol...

Into your industry or more specifically private ventures that pressed USA into this war.

This is about as childish a view of the Iraq situation as I’ve seen.

Not at all, ever heard of "food for oil" programme where U.S gives some miserable scraps for gigantic amounts of raw oil?
Randal  1 | 577  
18 Mar 2009 /  #104

Then at least get it right, you leg humper.
Not that it matters, but nowhere did I imply that Obama was rallying people to “annihilating entire nations”. Clearly I went to pains to make clear it was his speaking style and ability of rallying masses of followers and play their emotions that I was talking about, ya liar. And who else did this, hmmm?... Oh, I know! We’re in a thread talking about another guy who…

Ah, forget it. Just be nice and honest or I’ll start ignoring you. And we all know you wouldn’t want that, right z_darius? ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #105
Obama is just a small thorn while Hitler was an entire tree trunk.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #106
I once watched a documentary about Hitler, and his speeches. They tried to get the point across that Hitler would actually hit orgasm during the most intense part of his speech.

Is this true, BB?

I really doubt that...

Yeah, it's a mystery to me why anyone would listen to him and take him seriously. He was a bit of a parody.

Well...maybe you had to be there...

All Hitler wanted was for everyone to be German.

Actually the contrary was true...
If you would read the Nuremburg laws he excluded most people from being/becoming German. To be a real German you had to proof your ancestry...

It was not the Germans, Germans as such could not conquer their own grandmothers backyard, it was not his awesome generals, awesome generals fucked up WW1, it was not even the famous German discipline which without a proper driving force is either useless or autodestructive.


I don't have a problem with "Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles". Actually, I like the tune, it's really cool, but things get a little iffy if the tune is sang at the graves of others.

But nowadays it's so frowned upon that any real measures taken to secure your own native heritage like supporting native european families will be seen as racist and Nazi if we are honest...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #107
If you would read the Nuremburg laws he excluded most people from being/becoming German. To be a real German you had to proof your ancestry...

He wanted everyone who could prove their ancestry to be German, to hell with everyone else!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #108
Na ja..."Hell" is maybe a to strong word!
Non-Germans (after the new criterias) were refrained from becoming citizes (or lost their citizenship) of Germany and lost all rights it contained (and some more).


Those ideas about citizenship and his family/children laws are not bad I think but it's still not easy to talk about it without being labeled as a Nazi and what not...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #109
That's alright for Germany but what about Hitler's attitude toward the east? In Mein Kampf, he calls all slavs "untermenschen" remember? All slavs are only worthy of being slaves to the aryan Germans, according to Nazi idealogy. Can't deny it, it's in Mein Kampf. Hitler's bible.

So, you can defend Hitler all you want but we know what he really thought. He wrote everything in Mein Kampf.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #110
Can't deny it, it's in Mein Kampf. Hitler's bible.

Well...if it was his bible and he was a zealot how come that so many non-germans were part of the armed forces/supporters or that he paid the late Pilsudski/a "Untermensch" his personal respects etc.etc.etc...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #111
He was using them. Slaves for the Reich, like it says in Mein Kampf. He wasn't against exploitation, now, was he? He would have used everyone until no one was left to use.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #112
He was using them.


He would have used everyone until no one was left to use.

You know that those who survived the war got sold by the western allies to get killed by their Slav leader, huh?

No one treated the Slavs worse and killed more of them than Stalin...
Stop waving "mein Kampf" around all the time...just look at the facts!

It's really nice reading about it in a book but reality was much more grey than black and white..

How would you call german soldiers paying their respects to their fallen polish enemies? Would they do that if they thought of them as "Untermenschen"?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #113
That doesn't excuse Hitler. Stalin and Hitler were both evil. Like I said before, both worked together to destabilize Poland.
As for German soldiers paying their respects to Polish soldiers, it doesn't have anything to do with Nazi ideology and the Nazi/Soviet system of destruction that was in place. It's irrelevant to this discussion.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #114
That doesn't excuse Hitler. They were both evil. Like I said before, both worked together to destabilize Poland.

Who want's to excuse Hitler?
But you are constantly quoting "Mein Kampf" (or at least you try to, I still don't know if you ever read it) without knowing enough of what really happened...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #115
We know all too well what happened. Mein Kampf was an early sign of things to come from the Nazis.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #116
Did you read it?

That is the program of his party, the NSDAP...
(You know, the program where a party lines out the goals and ideals)

What do you think about it?
What signs do you get from it?

HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #117
Yes but I didn't memorize it. Let me guess, you know it by heart, cover to back, lol.

What do I think of their program? I think it's crazy. I don't like it. It might have a few good spots here and there but the bad outweighed the good. I'm not a fan of radical political ideologies anyway. My opinion is they destabilize populations.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #118
Let me guess, you know it by heart, cover to back, lol.

You guess wrong again!
I did never read it...first it's forbidden for Germans (at least in Germany) and
a really lack the interest!
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #119
It's not that interesting anyway. For one thing, it's bitter sour grapes, plus neither Hitler or the other guy, Hess, was it, could write that well. Bad editing. It was written, partly, in prison after a defeat, how objective could it have been?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
18 Mar 2009 /  #120
I don't like it. It might have a few good spots here and there but the bad outweighed the good.

Well...for the Germans of that time it was the other way around...

how objective could it have been?

Do you think the real bible objective???
But when you take it as your main argument about all things Hitler you should also know that Hitler didn't take it as his bible...

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