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Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #61
Then I ask again. Show me the link where he said that. It shouldn't be too hard.

Watch a Scottish account on Youtube. He shows clearly how the buildings were detonated. Gordon Ross gave the presentation.

Geez, I've just seen one of the hijackers going past my window, what's he doing in Gliwice? They're everywhere you know ;)
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
17 Mar 2009 /  #62
I don't get people like you Warsaw. Here you are, 50 years after Hitler, probably in your early 20's? praising him and the Nazi's for what they did, but at the same time, being proud of your Polish heritage. You know, had you lived back then, neither the Poles, nor the Germans would have accepted you. You would have been seen as someone inferior in the eyes of the Germans, and seen as a volksdeutche (potentially a spy) by the Poles.

I wonder, what would you have done?

Why havn't you answered my question, Warsaw?

Because I dont live on here like some of the left wing liberals that have nothing better to do.

You dont get people like me because maybe people like me live only in a world of reality, and we dont care what people like You think. Early 20's is correct. Dont remember the last time I praised the great Fuhrer or the finest NS soliders of the world, aka (nazis?). But aswell I have never denounced them. How do you know I wouldint be accepted? You lived to tell about it? Can you prove there was no polish or slavic blood that fought for the germans during ww2? Or the other way around due to the prussia areas still holding strong german ancestry and bloodline, maybe some being mixed. When you dont know, dont speak. National Socialism was just a counter reaction to the Zionist uprising. And Hitler wasent some kind of racist, he was a Germanic Folk Preservatist, big difference. He also made axis alliance with Japs-(non white) and Egyptions-(non white) and many non Germanic countrys served in the SS aswell, Croatia-(slavic), Serbia-(slavic), Finland-(nordic), Estonia-(baltic nordic), Bulgaria-(slavic), Romania-(slavic)....So on

Its not about what I would have done then, its about what im doing now. What I do now is Stand for Race and Land.
yehudi  1 | 433  
17 Mar 2009 /  #63
Can you prove there was no polish or slavic blood that fought for the germans during ww2?

Ukrainians fought for the Nazis. They're certainly slavic. Hitler ignored his own race theories when it was convenient, because it was all insane nonsense to begin with. To see people like Warsaw8 being taken in by those ideas is pathetic and sad.

And Hitler wasent some kind of racist, he was a Germanic Folk Preservatist

That is one of the funniest lines I've read on this forum. I guess Hitler's main activity was building folklore museums.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
17 Mar 2009 /  #64
That is one of the funniest lines I've read on this forum. I guess Hitler's main activity was building folklore museums.

Well...with Hitler any notion about Germans dying out or taken over by Turks would be moot...(you don't know how much I hear that nowadays)

In that case Warsaw8 is not so far off (Mutties got medals for having lotsa blond kids, families with many children got lot's of state support, free higher education for the youngsters, free holidays on the sea etc.etc.etc....)
yehudi  1 | 433  
17 Mar 2009 /  #65
That hitler wanted to preserve the german volk is of course true. If all he did was encourage the breeding of blond kids, he would be no more sinister than a breeder of arabian horses. It's the other side of his program (exterminating the races he hated) that was the problem. Yet Warsaw8 says he wasn't a racist. If Hitler wasn't a racist then the word has no meaning at all.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #66
Hitler was a total racist. If one person pursues the creation of one unique race at the detriment of all others, and kills them, then he is a racist.

I agree here, yehudi. The skinheads in Poland, those that like NS music, need to get a grip.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Mar 2009 /  #67
Yet Warsaw8 says he wasn't a racist. If Hitler wasn't a racist then the word has no meaning at all.

He was a pragmatic racist willing to relinquish his racism to support other goals which is what Warsaw tries to get across but he was a racist.

The skinheads in Poland, those that like NS music, need to get a grip

And a job, on a minefield.
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Mar 2009 /  #68
If one person pursues the creation of one unique race at the detriment of all others, and kills them, then he is a racist.

I think this is the very definition of evil racism.
Telling silly jokes, not racist.
Lynching, racist
Showing some insensitivity, not
Denying employment, yes

He was a pragmatic racist

Excusing Hitler, racist...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Mar 2009 /  #69
Excusing Hitler, racist...

Not really but apparently you're too dumb to read what's written in plain english :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #70
These are ideas from an essay I wrote 14 years ago now, LOL. In my first year at Uni. Showing my age here. I can't imagine myself with grey hair.

Actually, the author of the 4-part treatise was American. A guy called Joel Feinberg. Sounds Jewish to me. Deep but an enjoyable read. All about the multifarious nature of the harm concept.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
17 Mar 2009 /  #71
Ukrainians fought for the Nazis

Some Ukrainians fought on Nazis' side first year of the war, but definitely not FOR Nazis. Later they fought against them.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Mar 2009 /  #72
The idea of racial/ethnic superiority is neither new nor unusual. It has been practiced with terryfying results for millenia by human race - Germans practiced it, English (later called Americans/Canadians/Australians etc) did, so did Jews, Dutch, Spaniards, Portuguese and a few other nations. At any time, those in power over the despised ones used the best killing technologies available at the time.

What's actually pretty new that now more and more people want to change that, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The problems is the length of the tunnel.
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Mar 2009 /  #73
free-floating evils are fine if they don't lead to harm to others whereas manifest evil which has a direct impact on others is bad.

Someone I know wrote this and I thought it was very good.
I've quoted it a couple of times now. But for some reason it keeps getting removed by the censor-happy powers here.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Mar 2009 /  #74
If all he did was encourage the breeding of blond kids, he would be no more sinister than a breeder of arabian horses. It's the other side of his program (exterminating the races he hated) that was the problem.

I read somewhere on the www Hitler eventually regretted publishing Mein Kampf. I wonder why he ended up regretting it? Was it because he, eventually, started regretting what the Nazis did, or was it because it could be used as evidence, a blueprint for Nazi ideology, or was it for some other reason? Anyone here know?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
17 Mar 2009 /  #75
I read somewhere on the www Hitler eventually regretted publishing Mein Kampf.

Said who?

What's actually pretty new that now more and more people want to change that, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The problems is the length of the tunnel.

Trying to preserve your heritage is age old, agreed!
(Especially the Jews were quite successful during more than 1 Millennia in the Diaspora)

But why is it now something bad? Where is there the "light"?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Mar 2009 /  #76
I found this link, from The History Place's website:

When Mein Kampf was first released in 1925 it sold poorly. People had been hoping for a juicy autobiography or a behind the scenes story of the Beer Hall Putsch. What they got were hundreds of pages of long, hard to follow sentences and wandering paragraphs composed by a self-educated man.

However, after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, millions of copies were sold. It was considered proper to give one to newlyweds, high school graduates, or to celebrate any similar occasion. But few Germans ever read it cover to cover. Although it made him rich, Hitler would later express regret that he produced Mein Kampf, considering the extent of its revelations.

Sorry if it's too long...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
17 Mar 2009 /  #77
Although it made him rich, Hitler would later express regret that he produced Mein Kampf, considering the extent of its revelations.

I doubt that...it's not logical.
As the quote rightfully states it was some kind of an obligatory "gift" and school material etc...it was on all book shelves if the contemporary German wanted or not.

Hitler had needed only one little order to make to get this book to vanish (not that most people cared).
But he never bothered so it seems to be doubtful (and I never heard or read about such a thing).
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Mar 2009 /  #78
It seems logical to me he would express regret. Who wouldn't? The book was all over Europe, no way Hitler could have written up an order and made every copy vanish. He must've expressed regret toward the end of the war during the US invasion. That's why I question why he expressed regret...was it because he knew Nazi Germany was about to be defeated?
Randal  1 | 577  
17 Mar 2009 /  #79
I can understand that somewhat. I think he wrote it for practical reasons: to get his ideology out there and to make money. But often smart and paranoid people don’t like others peering into their minds. And such a book lets others see in deep. So he regretted it once it no longer served his needs? Or maybe he simply regretted putting his playbook out there for everyone including opponents to see. Who can say for sure?

Maybe some of his followers here can shed some light on this?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Mar 2009 /  #80
In the film Valkyrie, Hitler is portrayed as sad and somewhat feeble, a melancholy man looking hopelessly into the eyes of his german shepard dog while at wolfschanze. He is a hollowed out version of what one sees while viewing early propoganda films produced by the Reich. The impression being he is saddened and deeply troubled by it all. This was toward the end of the war, however...too little too late.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
17 Mar 2009 /  #81
He was a very sick man already at this point, often acting under drugs as we today know...
Nobody can really know what was going on inside him and how much of it was still the "real" Hitler!
OP Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Mar 2009 /  #82
He was a very sick man already at this point, often acting under drugs as we today know...

I once watched a documentary about Hitler, and his speeches. They tried to get the point across that Hitler would actually hit orgasm during the most intense part of his speech.

Is this true, BB?
17 Mar 2009 /  #83
lol, wtf..
OP Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Mar 2009 /  #84
lol.. it is true. It was a well-made documentary, too. They did mention the drug use, but they also mentioned Hitler's sexual disfunction.

I wonder though, would it be a dry orgasm? more mental than physical satisfaction?
ha ha, if not, it would certainly lead to most embarassing situations afterwards with having to change his pants.
17 Mar 2009 /  #85
lol.. it is true. It was a well-made documentary, too

I know, it's just so damn funny.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Mar 2009 /  #86
The guy was close to having seizures every time he spoke.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #87
Yeah, it's a mystery to me why anyone would listen to him and take him seriously. He was a bit of a parody.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #88
No it was not, the camera obviously does not convey the hipnotic influence that man could conjure up.

I want to make my position here clear, there is no redeeming Hitler and no justification but personally i stand in awe by the sheer magnitude of his achievement, he managed to conquer most of Europe, he managed in broad daylight to murder milions and almost built the kid of Empire the world has never seen.

It was not the Germans, Germans as such could not conquer their own grandmothers backyard, it was not his awesome generals, awesome generals fucked up WW1, it was not even the famous German discipline which without a proper driving force is either useless or autodestructive.

It was all Hitler, he took all the bits and pieces and made them work together, the guy was epically twisted but the word epic is still there.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
18 Mar 2009 /  #89
I'm not in awe of him. In fact, I truly believe many would be better off today if he would have become a famous artist or architect instead.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Mar 2009 /  #90
Really? Because of Hitler Jews were given Israel, because of Hitler Russia never conquered whole of Europe, because of Hitler Poland regained some of its more prosperous provinces, because of Hitler Germans finally vented their destructive ambition in a way that permanently transformed them into a more peacefull country, because of Hitler Ukraine finally consolidated.

As horrible as WW2 was, as bloody fucking inhumanly terrrible it had so many positive aftereffects, guess everything happens for a reason eh?:)

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