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Western Europe and America vs Russia WWII - chances of Poland being saved

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #271
And yes, I am proud of brave feats....

Do not be proud of human stupidity, please, and it wasn't just the Germans. We were all in it together, pretty much. None of us should be proud of any of it. It was a disgusting period in history, no doubt about it. Quit coming off as a sociopath!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #272
At least we're allowed to have nukes

Well, as you still are the only country to ever use them against women and children I'm sure you know how to use them should you feel scared again...

None of us should be proud of any of it.

Well...I didn't start this p*issing contest...:)

Maybe scrappy played to much WWII games again!
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #273
HE IS PROUD OF IT! He's a damn Nazi. Why do you think the Poles go after him so much on here! Look , this is modern Germany, they're already ramping up again. The signs are obvious

hey man, if you put it this way, we have our Neo Nazis too and as far as I know, many other countries in western Europe too so being a German doesn't make him a Nazi. He even said that "Well...Nazism was shite!" and him being proud of being German is OK. It's the same as us being proud of being Americans or Polish being proud of being Polish etc. It's out of question that German soldiers were great fighters, it's a known fact. If you disagree, just think for a second, how many countries went against the Germans and still how long did it take for us all to beat them down.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #274
Well...I didn't start this p*issing contest...

You're right about that. It isn't so much a pissing contest considering who were involved. It was horrible for all of us. Lesson from history: wars are hideous the bigger the war the more disgusting it becomes!
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #276
If you disagree, just think for a second, how many countries went against the Germans and still how long did it take for us all to beat them down.

I never said they weren't a capable force. Obviously they were. You may want to read some of the crap he's written about us today, Free. He does it all the time, almost every hour on the hour.

Who the hell has still lamp shades today

You know exactly I'm talking about.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #277
You are to good for this board! :)

So are you, Bratwurst Boy! Thanks for the compliment.
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #278
None of us should be proud of any of it

nice comment and a very rare one at the same time to be said by a Polish person. I wish there were more Poles feeling the same way as you. Then again, there's nothing wrong with loving your own country and people.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #279
there was a war to be fought...you do that best when you fight the enemy army.

Really" The war had to be fought? German logic?

Poland was an enemy to Germany? Poland, finally became a country after a century and a quarter of being split by 3 major powers. Poland only had two decades to get itself together before it was savagely attacked. I'm afraid that your attempts at rationalization of Nazism has jaded you.


Take note that you are the first at name-calling.

Does that come from the same source where your "obedience" wisdom came from?

"Obedience" is a well known German trait. You seem proud of it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #280
nice comment and a very rare one at the same time to be said by a Polish person. I wish there were more Poles feeling the same way as you. Then again, there's nothing wrong with loving your own country and people.

I'm a Polish American so I can't speak for Poles living in Poland.
But I do know the American contribution to the war: the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were a few of the darkest days in history. Hopefully nothing like that will ever be repeated.

People say we should have saved Eastern Europe and bombed the you know what out of Russia but I can't imagine how horrific it would have been considering what we knew about the first two. Some things you just can't justify and that's one of them. What could we have done? Use the rest of the bombs on Russia after Japan surrendered? We had them but I don't think anyone could have done it.
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #281
He does it all the time, almost every hour on the hour.

it's true that his point about Americans needs a little correction but if you live in Germany and watch TV, it's no wonder he feels that way. I was there and experienced that on my own. He's a good guy and he will find out sooner or later that Americans are not his enemies. Actually, where I live, most of people have a very good opinion about Germany and Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #282
Really" The war had to be fought? German logic?

Logic of the war...of any war!

I'm afraid that your attempts at rationalization of Nazism has jaded you.

What crap!

"Obedience" is a well known German trait. You seem proud of it.

...and you seem obsessed by it!
Don't you have another stereotypes to indulge in?

he will find out sooner or later that Americans are not his enemies.

God..free...I KNOW that already!!! :)

It is the downtalk of the german army, of the german soldier, by the likes of scrappy I won't let stand unanswered!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Jun 2009 /  #283
Without the $11.3 billion of miltary hardware transfered to the Soviet Union under the US Lend Lease programme Stalin would have run out of hardware long before Soviet industry developed enough production capacity to supply the Soviet war effort until 20 September 1945 when all Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union was terminated.

Soviets had the best arms and munitions in the world.

Read" Suicide" by Suvorov - most enlightening!

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #284
Just to clarify a misconception. Germany was not alone against the world. It had allies and quasi-allies which provided materials, oil, and manpower.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #285
Allies as in Italy?...next time you take them!
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #286
It is the downtalk of the german army, of the german soldier, by the likes of scrappy I won't let stand unanswered!

I understand your feelings. It's normal to fight for what you believe and love. Most of us would do it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #287
It had allies and quasi-allies which provided materials, oil, and manpower.

Sadly, I think it was us that supplied the Nazis with ammuntions. We shamelessly profited from it. It's disgusting.
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #288
He's a good guy and he will find out sooner or later that Americans are not his enemies.

No he's not and modern Germans have the audacity to equate us with the Nazi regime. There would be no modern Germany without the altruism of the US. Why don't you google the online English versions of Speigel or Die Welt sometime and read what they think of us? I'm not proud of Iraq one bit but does equate with shoving little kids into ovens? It's standard European foolishness that we should divorce ourselves of. Once they have the economic power they'll do it again, just like twice before. They are basiclly automatons anyway.. all for the glory of Deutchland. You can see the weird devotion in their eyes.
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #289
Germany was not alone against the world

when you really think about, yes they were alone. Italians ain't worth to be mentioned and Japanese way too far away from Europe. Other forces like Romanians, Ukrainians etc. didn't have enough to offer either.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #290
No he's not and modern Germans have the audacity to equate us with the Nazi regime. There would be no modern Germany without the altruism of the US. Why don't you google the online English versions of Speigel or Die Welt sometime and read what they think of us? I'm not proud of Iraq one bit but does equate with shoving little kids into ovens? It's standard European foolishness that we should divorce ourselves of. Once they have the economic power they'll do it again, just like twice before. They are basiclly automatons anyway.. all for the glory of Deutchland. You can see the weird devotion in their eyes.

puleeeeze! Any links to such comparisons?

Oh and we HAVE the economic power again...already for awhile now! Oops...nothing happened...

Wait...there were some adventures we were forced to take part in even kicking and screaming against...do you mean that?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jun 2009 /  #291
when you really think about, yes they were alone. Italians ain't worth to be mentioned and Japanese way too far away from Europe. Other forces like Romanians, Ukrainians etc. didn't have enough to offer either.

Nope. That's not true at all. The US, Britain, France and, more specifically, The Soviet Union all did their fair share of contributing to Nazi power.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #292
Really" The war had to be fought? German logic?
Logic of the war...of any war!

That answer is an automatic loser. Once again, attacking innocent villages and murdering defenseless families cannot be morally, let alone logically explained.

Don't you have another stereotypes to indulge in?

No, the "obedient" German is sufficient.
freebird  3 | 532  
1 Jun 2009 /  #293
Why don't you google the online English versions of Speigel or Die Welt

I do constantly and yes it does pi*s me off all the time and this is exactly what I tried to express before, Germans are watching their TV and read their magazines and tend to believe that crap at times but not all of them do (thank God) and I've met many very nice and honest people there who were actually grateful for our help right after the war that helped Germany to become num ber 4 strongest economy in the entire World.
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #294
there were some adventures we were forced to take part in even kicking and screaming against.

Who the hell is forcing you to drink beer and play soccer in the desert, nerd??
1 Jun 2009 /  #295
It is the downtalk of the german army, of the german soldier, by the likes of scrappy I won't let stand unanswered!

sjam  2 | 541  
1 Jun 2009 /  #296
Soviets had the best arms and munitions in the world.

I think even you will agree a huge number of these also had "Made in USA" stamped on them ;-)))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #297
That answer is an automatic loser. Once again, attacking innocent villages and murdering defenseless families cannot be morally, let alone logically explained.

Well...if you think an army can conquer nearly the whole of Europe only with killing unarmed civilians...well...you should take your brain to a doctor!

I don't care what you think..you are an idiot!

Who the hell is forcing you to drink beer and play soccer in the desert, nerd??

Better than killing wedding parties?
Well everybody does what he likes best, isn't it...

Apropos Suvorov:

....Suvorov's most controversial assertion was that Stalin originally planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation. Suvorov argued that Hitler lost World War II from the moment he attacked Poland: not only was he going to war with the Allies, but it was only a matter of time before the Soviet Union would take the most appropriate moment to attack him from the rear. This left Hitler with no choice but to launch a preemptive strike on the Soviet Union,...

A pre-emptive war anybody?
Maybe Hitler wasn't that stupid...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jun 2009 /  #298
German allies contributed to Nazism. The first was the Soviet Union which helped split Poland in two. Of course Operation Barbarossa changed that alliance. The friendly Vichy French allowed the Germans to put more soldiers to the eastern front instead of stationing them in the west. Additionally there were the German-Hungarian and German-Romanian alliances which provided manpower and supplies. I won't count the Spanish Blue Division which went to the eastern front and was never heard from again. The Japanese were responsible for many American (and other) resourses to be diverted to the Pacific theatre (to say the least). The Italians? well, they did tie down some ally divisions for a period of time. ... but all these and more were contributors to the Germans.
scrappleton  - | 829  
1 Jun 2009 /  #299
do constantly and yes it does pi*s me off all the time and this is exactly what I tried to express before, Germans are watching their TV and read their magazines and tend to believe that crap at times but not all of them do

Yes Free, but a lot of them do. We've got people lying in graves over there with bits of their bodies gone because of the mentality espoused by Feldwebel Bratwurst over here. He's a good German, right?

Here is the basic damn lesson: Never and I mean never help the Euros out again on anything. Buy there little goodies occasionally but that is it! They will be starting something again, I give it 15 - 20 years. It's inevitable. The German psyche will never be able to get over the fact they were bested by mongrels. Us and Russia. They talk about it all the time.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
1 Jun 2009 /  #300
Never and I mean never help the Euros out again on anything.

You mean your "special relationship" surely!
Nobody else ever asked you to...

I give it 15 - 20 years. It's inevitable.

Who against whom? :)

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