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Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

z_darius  14 | 3960  
1 May 2009 /  #31
Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

No, they should not. The borders are what they are now, life is slowly return to somewhat normal. There is no need for another war in Europe. Frankly, most people want make a living, spend time with their families, see a movie, a soccer game and not have to think about who they should attack next, or by attacked by.

Enough is enough.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
1 May 2009 /  #32
it is obvious that so called west have great interest to invest in power of Germany, to preserve might of that country.

yep,coz we just love a good war with em every couple of decades....Oh wait,no,thats you serbs that get a stiffy from war innit.

Its because Romans, Teutons and others from so called west hunted Slavs without mercy and when they found that captured people called each others `Slavs`

ballder dash and piffle, the romans enslaved any bugger they came across and considering they didnt get much further than romania,fighting dacians....not "slavs" I somehow doubt the might of the XXVVIIIC legion was used to chase down your mountain dwelling hobbit like ancestors crowie,they had to much fun chasing Gauls and Celts....
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
1 May 2009 /  #33
Enough is enough.

aha, i got the point

you mean so called west with its Mulsim friends would stop after taking Bosnia and Kosovo under their control.

OK, listen this. Serbians would screw THEIR plans on Serbian lands. Then we shall think twice (i hope at least) about our future steps when choosing strategic partners.

My dear z_darius, EU, NATO, Germany, Britain, France and Islamic league (mujaheedines) are realy united in their attack on Serbians (Balkan). In their game they even using Poland as toilet paper. Let`s speak openly... Poles are terrified and its `Enough is enough` to them. Enough of resistance, you mean?

Good luck with NATO and EU. its not that i hate Arabs and Turks but simple they aren`t my kind, they aren`t my choice for my children.

once more... Good luck

thats you serbs that get a stiffy from war innit.

yes, Serbs are evil. You didn`t know that? Go ask BBC and Al Jazeera. Take your doze of brainwashing before going to sleep
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
1 May 2009 /  #34
yes, Serbs are evil. You didn`t know that? Go ask BBC and Al Jazeera Take your doze of brainwashing before going to sleep

well your the fella wanting to incite wars on the most spurious of historical links. Say what you like about us "false westerners" but were not planning to invade Normandy,gascony,sh*t,even Paris just because ,A, a hell of a lot of our ancestors come from there and B,we had " legitimate" claims on those areas due to legally treaties for most of the middle ages.......Dude,give it a rest will you,theres enough people from outside of europe coming here without all this pointless infighting amonst peoples so interbred that the differences are only carried in some deluded fools hearts.

meant to ask crow,did you enjoy your day out today throwing petrol bombs at the EU police? Or are you just a keyboard revoloutionary fighting your brave racial battles from the saftey of mummys house?

Turks but simple they aren`t my kind, they aren`t my choice for my children.

someone needs to teach this fella the birds and bees....Crow,if your not a turk your kids wont be turks...or do you just "want a brown baby,like all the other girls on the estate"?
Arien  2 | 710  
2 May 2009 /  #35
they had to much fun chasing Gauls and Celts....

Yeah. That would be my ancestors! Fuckíng Romans! Let's bomb Italy!


Seriously, even Slavic people share the same ancestors?

Edit: Oh, and following your logic, we should invade Belgium and Luxembourg aswell?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #36
Seriously, even Slavic people share the same ancestors?

lets face it,if you believe science we all came from central africa.On the other hand,if your a true christian you know we all came from ,well,Iraq. :)
Arien  2 | 710  
2 May 2009 /  #37
Once there was one continent, and we lived on that continent.


It sounds really simple doesn't it? I really don't understand why we're still fighting?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #38
I really don't understand why we're still fighting?

did you ever tried to fascinate a girl?
plk123  8 | 4119  
2 May 2009 /  #39

sorry dude.. the word has nothing to do with slavery.. you're stretching it.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #40
Nowadays it's really hard to determine which territory belongs to who or better said, who it used to belong to.

there are numerous data that can confirm that a lot of so called `German lands` were Slavic before germanization occured

We don`t even need to go back to antiquity to seek for clear evidences. Records from early Middle age, of complete medieval era after all, are more then enough...

The Conversion and Destruction of the Wends


By E.L. Skip Knox

When the twelfth century opened, a new phase was beginning in the Drive to the East.Military expeditions were becoming aggressive campaigns of occupation, and political control was being extended in to exploit the resources of the conquered territory. Before discussion of the factors behind the first phase and the causes of the second, let us turn to the Wends themselves.

It is on the German side that the two phases of the Drive to the East can be seen most plainly. Militarily, the first phase was marked by a stalemate, while in the second the Germans achieved clear tactical and strategic superiority. Politically, in the first phase the Germans sought mainly to make tributaries of the Wends. such as Otto I, also sought to make Christians of them, but there is no indication that he intended to bring them within the Empire. He probably desired only to have them acknowledge dependency in some way, as Henry II did with the Poles. In time the goal became the direct possession of Slavia.

Under these circumstances, the Wends could do little. They could not resist occupation, but neither could they accept it. Raiding brought down upon them the armies of Henry the Lion or Albert the Bear, yet not to raid meant abandoning all hope of recovering from the losses incurred during the invasions, as well as all hope of maintaining tribal customs. since acquiescence meant the death of the tribe, it is small wonder that the Wends resisted long and harl.

sorry dude.. the word has nothing to do with slavery.. you're stretching it.

i can accept that you have your oppinion but i have mine

enough said
southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2009 /  #41
Crow you think Poland should share borders with France?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #42
if that is the way to end long and continual process of German `Drive to the East` (Drang Nach Osten), if German state fails to prove its democratic and non-agressive orrientation, i am all for it. Maybe that is the only solution for peace in Europe

The Destruction and Conversion of the Wends
By E.L. Skip Knox


Only thirteen years after Urban's sermon to the Franks, a call went out from Germany for a crusade into Slavia. The call came in the form of a letter from the prelates of Saxony--of Magdeburg, Merseburg, Meissen, Naumburg, Havelberg, and Brandenburg--and the lay princes of those areas, addressed to the laymen and churchmen of the lands immediately to the west: Halberstadt, Corvey, Paderborn, Minden, Cologne, Lorraine, Flanders, Aachen, and Lüttich.... The call ends by pointing out how rich the land was in Slaviaand suggesting that the crusaders could not only save their souls but also win for themselves some choice lands.

The Wendish Crusade is significant in one other regard: it was a sign of the future in the Drive to the East. Livonia and Prussia were conquerednot by the older methods but by crusades, by crusading orders in particular. The Brothers of the Sword in Livonia and the Teutonic Knights in Prussia were at once the conquerors, baptizers, and settlers of those lands. The Wendish Crusade marked the first time in the German east such a comprehensive task was undertaken.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
2 May 2009 /  #43
Crow you think Poland should share borders with France?

Since the French are also secretly Slavs Serbia should gulp them too...as they are at it...

Maybe that is the only solution for peace of Europe

Erm....there IS peace in Europe Crowie! :)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
2 May 2009 /  #44
Since the French are also secretly Slavs Serbia should gulp them too...as they are at it...

Was Napoleon a Slav?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
2 May 2009 /  #46
I learn stuff on here I never learnt in school
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
2 May 2009 /  #47
Well...your school was all part of the big anti-slavic conspiracy by the false westerners against holy Sarmatia....I tell you!

....my school too....
Daisy  3 | 1211  
2 May 2009 /  #48
Well I am from Wessex ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #49
The Destruction and Conversion of the Wends
By E.L. Skip Knox


Much of Slaviawas covered by swamps and lakes in the Middle Ages. Western Holstein (Ditmarsh and Sturmaria), much of Mecklenburg, northern Brandenburg (along the Havel River), and much of Vorpommern, were all covered by swamps and lakes.3 This was good land,

It was not merely that, by 1150, Slavia was passing under German control, but that the princes who were now beginning to control Slavia were consciously trying to attract settlers; they were making the land itself more attractive, economically and legally, to the Lowlanders than was their own land. That was the crucial factor: the attractiveness of the newly won land.

The Wendish Crusade also drove Wends off the land, especially in Brandenburg.

Albert the Bear inherited Brandenburg in 1157, and two years later helped secure his control by bringing in large numbers of colonists who had experience with draining land.43 Margrave Albert "had them live in the strongholds and villages of the Slavs."

Of the three basic forms of the Drive to the East, colonization and settlement had the most far-reaching effects.

freebird  3 | 532  
2 May 2009 /  #50
Crow you think Poland should share borders with France?

I believe, Poland should be neighbors with Greece and Serbia should be a part of Poland.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #51
I learn stuff on here I never learnt in school

Listen, my intention is to give information to those who would like to know

Why close eyes in front of fact that `Drive to the East` (Drang Nach Osten) existed and still exist? It`s wrong and reactions of some people here is proof of false moral in modern day Europe.

When power of German economy start seriously to drop, when propaganda of that state become rediculous... it is expected that numerous former Slavs found salvation in Slavija,... seeking for their ancestral heritage

I believe, Poland should be neighbors with Greece and Serbia should be a part of Poland.

better part of Poland then part of Turkey, Greater Albania, Greater Hungary or Greater Germany.

In Poland, Serbians would always be on their own, respected for all what they done for creation of new mighty Polish state, which anyway incline to Sarmatian heritage.

Only Serbian condition for entering into realm of Polish state should be demand for neutralty of Poland on current military alliances (to go out of NATO). In the perspective, Serbians would expect full independance of new state (Polish Sarmatia) what would neceserely exclude membersip in EU. Good relations with both- western Europe and Russia would be supported by Serbians.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2009 /  #52
I hope Slavs will never fall for french food in case of neighbourhood and keep borsh alive.
Anyway these panslavic dreams are interesting.I mean Pariszki is not so far after all.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
2 May 2009 /  #53

we wouldnt be so cruel. it would be Parysz
southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2009 /  #54
Bordauszko and Marsejszka?Strassborg.It sounds good.

Albert the Bear

Did he have a chain too?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #55
Crowie should pay for the referendum...he want's something after all! :)

why haste with referendum? It won`t be necesery when German economy colapse

for now, my statement here should be enough for you... when I as a Serb say that those Serbs who were forcible germanized secretly dream to return to Mother Slavija and that joining to Poland represent reality to them.

Albert the Bear
Did he have a chain too?

that`s the good one

that Albert the Bear took with his greedy fingers Brandenburg (before captured was Slavic Brunabor), in 1157

Bordauszko and Marsejszka?

Sorbona already sound enough Slavic
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
2 May 2009 /  #56
why haste with referendum? It won`t be necesery when German economy colapse

Umm....can you give me more precise ideas how you would proceed and why?
A more step after step approach?
(The last time as there was a german economic collapse people didn't go searching for their slavic ancestors...quite the contrary...)

*sits back with popcorn*

I mean...you can't even get serbian heartland (Kosovo) back! Wanting to grab whole of Germany sounds abit...well...funny! :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #57
Well I am from Wessex ;)

I think you mean " falsewessex" dont you?


really,your claims for terriotory go back that far? Your more insane than I thought. Didnt the Turks and byzantines run the balkans then, sorry crow,you'll have to move,the Ottomans want their lands back.......
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
2 May 2009 /  #58
you are not serious. i do not propose agression but respond on agression, talk about agression on Slavic world that is fact from past and modern day reality. In the same time i expect that collapse of Greater Germany occur peacefully in slow process

But, that what you just said only giving me opportunity to underline that Serbs resisted to all of them: to Byzantine Empire, to Turks, to Germans... that`s how it was back in past, that`s how it is today. Only methods differ

by anology and by all what`s going on in continuity in (at least!) 1000 years we can note that all those invaders on Serbs has common interest to defeat us. In general, they (Turks, Islamic world, Germans, complete so called west) are all united when it comes the moment to deal with Slavs. Hate on Slavs unites them, greed for vast Slavic resources and desire to assimilate our beautiful people.
Arien  2 | 710  
2 May 2009 /  #59
did you ever tried to fascinate a girl?

Even better, I've succeeded!


I bet you're going to suggest I should try to fascinate a slavic girl?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874  
2 May 2009 /  #60
In the same time i expect that collapse of Greater Germany occur peacefully in slow process

Erm....a peacefull collapse???

Hate on Slavs unites them, greed for vast Slavic resources and desire to assimilate our beautiful people.

Aha...and your answer is conquering western Europe and to assimilate the Germanics?
That makes you different to the "false westerners, the Turks, the islamic world" how exactly?

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