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Russia: Poland responsible for WW II

Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #181
Well best not **** of Korea then, theyre threatening nuclear war.... Ohh the Germans invaded Europe and were ****ing and moaning about a few sanctions. Blah, blah, excuses, excuses.
Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #183
its a cute word, im sure you have already worked it out.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Jun 2009 /  #184
The KLA were a peaceful organisation, were they? Ethnically cleansing Serbs was peaceful, was it? I see you haven't watched the video containing all the lies and deceit from Herr Sharping :(

Seanus btw a couple of years ago there were figures in Polish press and politics who claimed that Kosovo dealings were done by German inteligence services, that Germany somehow provided UCK (KLA) with firearms etc etc - at the same time there happened a takeover of criminal world in Germany by Albanian mafia - quite bloody in fact -

such views were and are ridiculed more often than not and then - you are going to be portrayed as a conspiracy theorist which is ridicule pure by definition (in the eyes of many 'educated' people) - of course there are no conspiracies - all is transparent and clean/r - only people die sometimes misteriously - for example commit suicide shooting themselves three times in their bellies (Mr Sekuła's case)

Lech Kaczynski survived quite a nasty road accident when apparently someone messed with brake hydraulics in his car (it happened in the middle 90's)

other people who were seen as dangerous to forces that cannot be named would die - Michał Falzmann, a NIK (Polish state auditing agency) inspector who investigated the FOZZ affair, followed by Walerian Pańko, the president of the agency and Falzmann's boss (Pańko died in a car accident in some not very clear circumstances)

but you know there are no concpiracies - you are a fascist if you believe there are any
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Jun 2009 /  #185
Do they let us win at football games at least???

If not they can go to hell and we withdraw our support immediately!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jun 2009 /  #186
It's complicated, that's what I will say. Conspiracy theorists at least acknowledge that there is an intricate web of factors going on and that things run deeper. Hardly uneducated, gumishu.

People go missing when they are potentially dangerous to certain causes, nothing new there.

Some French helped out the Albanians too. Kouchner, for example.

Anyway, let's not digress.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
13 Jun 2009 /  #187
Russia: Poland responsible for WW II
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jun 2009 /  #188
Any input, Wrocław? How on earth could the Russians claim that?
freebird  3 | 532  
13 Jun 2009 /  #189
hanzeatic is not German

yes it is has absolutely German roots

Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #190
But who cares what you believe...you have been a nutter since I know you.

Oih Cnut stop popping back and editing its very frustrating to answer a post and then go back and find someting else.

You must have gone near to the 15 minute limit on that one. Nutter, well i'll take that as a compliment.

Edit: irony your problem not mine, laughing......
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Jun 2009 /  #191
Oih Cnut stop popping back and editing its very frustrating to answer a post and then go back and find someting else.

First I tried to be polite as it is my nature...but rethinking that I believe it's wasted with you, so....
gumishu  15 | 6228  
13 Jun 2009 /  #192
It's complicated, that's what I will say. Conspiracy theorists at least acknowledge that there is an intricate web of factors going on and that things run deeper. Hardly uneducated, gumishu.

People go missing when they are potentially dangerous to certain causes, nothing new there.

Some French helped out the Albanians too. Kouchner, for example.

well I was being sarcastic - I am one 'uneducated' - but you wouldn't believe how this conspiracies are twisted in some Polish minds where PiS becomes the KGB and is believed and expected to conspire - where it is seen as a threat to democracy - no logic in such accustations - just picking up headlines and news flashes

and all of those prominent intelectuals who say that those who vote for PiS are 'cattle'

btw Polish shipyards that have been sold recently and the buyer could not be named at first - then it was presumed to be a company from Qatar - and now it turns out to be Sapiens incorporated with not so Arabic but rather quite Semitic appeal
Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #193
First I tried to be polite as it is my nature...but rethinking that I believe it's wasted with you, so....

Wasted? no never buddy.

More irony: group hug, group hug
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Jun 2009 /  #194
Wasted? no never buddy.

When do you think the mods will put us into the "random"? :)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
13 Jun 2009 /  #195
Hmmm...hanseatic architecture like Bremen and Lübeck then are also not german??? :)

There were many towns, doesn't make them german .....or does?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Jun 2009 /  #196
There were many towns, doesn't make them german .....or does?

They should have made a country out of the Hanse...
They had their own laws, their own protection, they became wealthy because of their trading with each other, they had everything!

A core EU if you so want :)
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Jun 2009 /  #197
BB, the Serbs can only do that through genocide or forced removal.

Sean. You should abanden such an approach and start to listen.

Serbians didn`t commit any genocide. They are victim of genocide. Genocide on Serbs is suppoprted and desired by Islamic league, EU and NATO. Serbs aren`t polliticaly correct, they aren`t accomodated to integrative processes between EU, Near East and North Africa. Serbs believe that Slavs have right to their own choices, that Slavs have right to stop to be slaves.

Why else you coming to an internet forums to get infos if you still blindely trust to the false media such are BBC, CNN, AL JAZEERA or DEUTSCHE WELLE. Their news are polliticaly colored. Open yourself Sean, to the maximum ;) ;)

No genocide or violence will be accepted and they will end up losing more as they already have!
(As did Germany)

once again. Serbs didn`t commit any genocide. Lies that Serbians commited genocide serve to justify creation of new Muslim states in the region and reduction of Serbian trerritory, after all, reduction of number of Serbs

as for Germany, you still didn`t get what goes for you

greedy fingers still grabing and grabing
freebird  3 | 532  
14 Jun 2009 /  #198
Serbians didn`t commit any genocide

what a bull. Crow, you should be ashamed to even mention that.

you still blindely trust to the false media such are BBC, CNN, AL JAZEERA or DEUTSCHE WELLE

yep, the whole civilized World is bulls*itting and the only truth is the one provided by Crow, lmao

greedy fingers still grabing and grabing

what about Serbs "greedy fingers"? lol
It didn't work out to "grab" your neighbors and now you're pi**ed off.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jun 2009 /  #199
It didn't work out to "grab" your neighbors and now you're pi**ed off.

huh? Yugoslavia at one time was one country. IMO none of this bs would have happened if Yugoslavia would have stayed a united country like it was before.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2009 /  #200
yep, the whole civilized World is bulls*itting and the only truth is the one provided by Crow, lmao

While i agree that Crows posts are worthless rubbish the same could be said about you, all you did was make stuff up to fit your own silly views, just like crow:)

what about Serbs "greedy fingers"? lol
It didn't work out to "grab" your neighbors and now you're pi**ed off.

Again a cheerfully ignorant post, while a contested province Serbs had a pretty good claim to it and they definitely had reasons for military intervention given that their countrymen were subject to heavy repressions, its the genocide that Serbs later commited that sheds negative light on them not intervention as such.

Media never getting into uncomfortable historical details feeds uneducated retards like you opinions rather then fact and then you go into public and humiliate yourself repeating it, go read up on history of the Kosovo and how heavily contested it was, its not a simple case of invading your neighbour, you sound even stupider then crow, at least he doesnt try to be offensive.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Jun 2009 /  #201
IMO none of this bs would have happened if Yugoslavia would have stayed a united country like it was before.

Well...now it seems it was only Tito's iron fist which did held the many different people together (kind of like the soviet empire).

After his death it detoriated quickly and soon the people showed how they detest and even hate each other.
They couldn't get away from each other quick enough...


After Tito's death on 4 May 1980, ethnic tensions grew in Yugoslavia.
Serbian communist leader Slobodan Milošević sought to restore pre-1974 Serbian sovereignty. Other republics, especially Slovenia and Croatia, denounced this move as a revival of great Serbian hegemonism. Milošević succeeded in reducing the autonomy of Vojvodina and of Kosovo and Metohija, but both entities retained a vote in the Yugoslav Presidency Council.
The very instrument that reduced Serbian influence before was now used to increase it: in the eight member Council, Serbia could now count on four votes minimum - Serbia proper, then-loyal Montenegro, and Vojvodina and Kosovo.

As a result of these events, the ethnic Albanian miners in Kosovo organized strikes, ...

And so it started...the Serbs wanted a Great Serbia and are now left with a tiny statelet...reminds me about something...what was that...

greedy fingers still grabing and grabing

Who are we invading or threatening currently?

at least he doesnt try to be offensive.

You have to be kidding!
He is nothing but offensive against "so called West"!
Not to mention his most favourite blame guy, the "germanized Slavs"! :)

..they definitely had reasons for military intervention given that their countrymen were subject to heavy repressions,

Germans felt exactly the same, thank you for your understanding! :)

yep, the whole civilized World is bulls*itting and the only truth is the one provided by Crow, lmao

Yeah...funny world! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jun 2009 /  #202
You read it wrong, Crow. I can see why, there are 2 possible interpretations. You chose the other one.

I meant that the only way you could get rid of Albanians, in the future, is to commite genocide or somehow force them out as they aren't going anywhere. Also, no political solution is going to work.

Crow, I've also watched and read enough to know not to believe the nonsense of the Western press. I watched a good presentation on the errors in the ways of the West. Michael Peranti or something like that.

I also posted you that video made by 2 German film makers, did you get it? It was the one about Kosovo and the lies of Sharping/NATO.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Jun 2009 /  #203
I meant that the only way you could get rid of Albanians, in the future, is to commite genocide or somehow force them out as they aren't going anywhere...

Well...it would be for a good cause, wouldn't it...

Heil Slavija!!!

It was the one about Kosovo and the lies of Sharping/NATO.

What lies again?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jun 2009 /  #204
I am not condoning it, BB. I was just saying that that would be the only way to oust them. The Russians don't care enough to do anything.

BB, I posted the video to you. You know what I'm talking about. They exposed Sharping for the lying Nazi bękart that he is
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Jun 2009 /  #205
I was just saying that that would be the only way to oust them.

Well...and I said that Crow and Co know that too and they don't care...

BB, I posted the video to you. You know what I'm talking about. They exposed Sharping for the lying Nazi bękart that he is

Why don't you tell me?
Sharping a Nazi? If your arguments are like that I'm not really interested because THAT is just crap...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2009 /  #206
Well...it would be for a good cause, wouldn't it...

Again i'm amused to see comments by a guy who's about to have between 8 and 15% of his citizens being Turks within the next 43 years.

Germans felt exactly the same, thank you for your understanding! :)

Germans felt exactly the same about gas chambers and a lot of differnet things, just because your nation was a barbaric disfunctional pile of crap doesnt make it comparable to people who had reasonable issues but solved them in unreasonable ways.

Germany always made up problems or created them in order to "solve" them later on, Serbia didnt create the issue, it just attempted to solve it.

He is nothing but offensive against "so called West"!

No, i can be offensive, you can be offensive, he's just a retard, there's a level of stupidity that cannot be offensive no matter how much they try.

Not to mention his most favourite blame guy, the "germanized Slavs"! :)

The only one taking crow seriously is crow himself.

I meant that the only way you could get rid of Albanians, in the future, is to commite genocide or somehow force them out as they aren't going anywhere. Also, no political solution is going to work.

Hard facts BB, we have a war of cultures between us and muslims/Turks, in the future when Europe gets older and they get more agressive the issue will become burning, read up on German demographics, the most optimistic ones estimate that by 2100 there will be 50% Germans of Turkish descent, by 2050 Turks will make up between 8 and 15% of your population and eventually something will have to be done, you should know best that Turkish presence is not in Germanys best interest.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jun 2009 /  #207
He alleged that genocide took place at a football stadium in Pristina. He fabricated the evidence and was exposed by smart German minds. You don't allege genocide like that, sorry!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
14 Jun 2009 /  #208
Again i'm amused to see comments by a guy who's about to have between 8 and 15% of his citizens being Turks within the next 43 years.

Astounding that you know always so exactly what will happen in the next half of century.
Your crystal ball must be really something..

Germans felt exactly the same about gas chambers and a lot of differnet things, just because your nation was a barbaric disfunctional pile of crap doesnt make it comparable to people who had reasonable issues but solved them in unreasonable ways.

Well...where exactly is the difference?

Germany always made up problems or created them in order to "solve" them later on,

Nope, if someone had asked Germans they would have said the Poles were better off ruled by Germans or Austrians...they have problems doing it by themselves and look what happened...millions of deaths afterwards

Germany surely didn't create the polish problem (we tried to solve it later though).

you should know best that Turkish presence is not in Germanys best interest.

They will just wander over to you...:)
What makes you think the coming millions of Turks will stay in Germany?

He alleged that genocide took place at a football stadium in Pristina. He fabricated the evidence and was exposed by smart German minds. You don't allege genocide like that, sorry!

Did the guys in the video tell you that?
Well..talk is cheap..where is the proof?

PS: I would prefer some accepted source please!
Not some crowish "They are all out to kill us!"- website
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2009 /  #209
Astounding that you know always so exactly what will happen in the next half of century.
Your crystal ball must be really something..

I have no idea what exactly will happen but i can make a reasonable prognosis based on the fact that for example your country is facing an absolutely drastic decline, you will lose over 20 milion people within about forty years.

Well...where exactly is the difference?

Quite a big one, Germany would start a war anyway, the fabrication of reasons shows that that Germany was already on the edge and needed justification for an already existing mindset, Serbia was pushed to the edge by Albanians and lack of appropriate reaction of the international community.

Nope, if someone had asked Germans they would have said the Poles were better off ruled by Germans or Austrians...they have problems doing it by themselves and look what happened...millions of deaths afterwards
Germany surely didn't create the polish problem (we tried to solve it later though).

Given that Germany rose to prominence through Polands downfall i'd say that not only did you create the Polish problem, you ARE the problem, of course we're partly to blame but thats a huge topic in itself.

They will just wander over to you...:)

Hopefully not, i'd much prefer Germans, after a generation or two you blend in just fine.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jun 2009 /  #210
It's not a website, BB. It's a film. Here it is,
Criticise it and you criticise German truthful filmmaking. Part 1 of 5 here.

It's in German. with English subtitles.

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