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Jewish love towards Poles

southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jan 2008 /  #1
I have noticed a great deal of sympathy of Jews when they write in this forum about polish people.Can this love be objective or maybe can it lead to some prejudice in favour of Poles?
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2008 /  #2
This is silly and prevents serious discussion om these issues. Firstly some people obsessed with anti-Jewish paranoia (in this forum mostly from outside of Poland!!) spread their love message. Later some Jewish nationalists read this and this just confirm in their eyes what they always thought about those ugly Poles. So, both groups start to argue and their stupid comment do provoke some more reasonable posters to enter "discussion" and lose coolness. This spiral of love spreads later outside of internet forums and that is how Polish-Jewish friendship is flourish.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jan 2008 /  #3
With Jews there seems to be a problem.
1.1500 years before Jesus was born they were expelled from Egypt by force.The ones who managed to stay alive came to Israel.
2.In Israel they had wars all the time against the Philistines(now Palestinians) and every other folk in the region
3.The Babylonians slaughtered them and radically expelled them from Israel
4.The Greeks who became governors of them after the collapse of Persian Empire performed some massive killings of Jews when there was revolution
5.The Romans crushed them totally,slaughtered every person who resisted and their families and expelled them again from Israel to every possible place
6.When Greeks revolted in Alexandria against the Roman Empire(1 million people),they killed every Jew living in Alexandria before the roman army came
7.In Middle Age Jews were expelled,exiled and slaughetered many times in almost every country
8.They were expelled from Prague by Czechs 3 times
9.They were discriminated and persecuted in Russia
10.Hitler decided to exterminate them.Almost every european police was happy to help the german occupators to find the Jews and send them to concentration camps.Many times they actively helped in the gathering and extermination of Jews(especially in Baltic States)

11.Stalin decided after the war to start pogrom against Jews again.
12.Arabs never accepted jewish presence among them.They try to get rid of them any way possible.

So there seems to be a long time hatred towards Jews which has not to do with Christians only.In fact it has started by the time Jews appeared in history.The egyptian pharaos were the first to do massive pogrom and cleansing of Jews.

The reasonable question is maybe is there someting in jewish people's attitude that causes so much hatred and harshness towards them?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
2 Jan 2008 /  #4
Telling everyone that they are the "chosen" people (contrary to everone else) and denying assimiliation into the host countries might have something to do with that....
vodka  1 | 38  
2 Jan 2008 /  #5
Telling everyone that they are the "chosen" people

there are two nations who think they are choosen by God. Jews and Poles
read part about Messianism.
Frank  23 | 1183  
2 Jan 2008 /  #6
With Jews there seems to be a problem.

No more so than with other nations, races, religions...by yet again by questioning the legitimacy of the Jewish people and their beliefs you automatically join the ranks or the prejudiced and persecutors of the world..........aka Nazis.

The world is full of anti-semites........and people who could never think for themselves...always following the herd, pitiful.

Telling everyone that they are the "chosen" people

So you're condemning 1 billion Catholics too...who belong to the "one true faith"....get a grip......the wolrd will always be full of the prejudiced, from whose well springs forth the never ending flow of injustice and persecution.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2008 /  #7
there are two nations who think they are choosen by God. Jews and Poles

Polish society don't have messianic tendencies anymore. Rather lunatic politicians, for example LiD (without God in this case) or different kind of Fotygists. Currently this is more common for Americans.

So you're condemning 1 billion Catholics too...who belong to the "one true faith"

The Jews think that God is exclusively their. This is not true for Catholics.
vodka  1 | 38  
2 Jan 2008 /  #8
Polish society don't have messianic tendencies anymore.

yes we dont have this tendences anymore, but it is beautiful part of our history.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Jan 2008 /  #9
Which is why Jews are targetted for abuse. Fine, have ur views, but don't tresspass on others territory. I'm sure there was nothing about Poles and Jews being divine entities in either the Big Bang or Steady State theories. So Brits, or any other Christian nation for that matter, are not the children of God, just Jews? Come off it!! Holier than thou weirdos have major chips on their shoulders and should be ignored
Kilkline  1 | 682  
2 Jan 2008 /  #10
Telling everyone that they are the "chosen" people (contrary to everone else) and denying assimiliation into the host countries might have something to do with that....

True. I saw a documentary recently about the Monty Python film 'Life of Brian' and in it they mentioned how they had to cut out a particular character they had created called Otto. He was a rabid semite with a little Hitler moustache who ranted about one race, one set of beliefs and talked of purifying the nation of foriegners and non jews and expanding the nation to give 'living space'. Obvious parallels were being drawn with Nazism.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Jan 2008 /  #11
with a little Hitler moustache who ranted about one race, one set of beliefs and talked of purifying the nation of foriegners and non jews and expanding the nation to give 'living space'.

lol,he was the leader of the JPF***fekers***,you see his boys at the end in the suicide mission,look closely and on there picklehaubs they have odd half star of david/half swastika symbols,v'funny.
Dice  15 | 452  
2 Jan 2008 /  #12
With Jews there seems to be a problem

Boy, you are a f****up moron. I pray to God that you don't represent an average person in Poland. But if you do, then my Old Country will remain a sh*t-hole for ever.
OP southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jan 2008 /  #13
You have quoted only the first sentence without the evidence to support it,so you can answer as if it were an ungrounded personal statement.Can you deny the historical facts which follow?If I split and isolate the sentences the way I liked,I could make everyone appear moron,psycho or whatever.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2008 /  #14
everyone appear moron,psycho or whatever.

and only you are so smart? :)
OP southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jan 2008 /  #15
I mean if I omit or cut sentences the others have written,I can give to their words a totally different meaning,which can be the opposite of what they write.

That is what Dice did.
lesser  4 | 1311  
2 Jan 2008 /  #16
That is what Dice did.

and myself in previous post! :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Jan 2008 /  #17
Which is why Jews are targetted for abuse. Fine, have ur views, but don't tresspass on others territory. I'm sure there was nothing about Poles and Jews being divine entities in either the Big Bang or Steady State theories. So Brits, or any other Christian nation for that matter, are not the children of God, just Jews? Come off it!! Holier than thou weirdos have major chips on their shoulders and should be ignored

Jews were (and still are) targetted because they have a nack and a good head for business, they will move around almost nomadic and still have wealth - someone mentioned about the jews in Prauge - most of the wealth in Prauge was generated by the Jews - they were bankers in some way - they had skills and inteligence and this bothered the Czechs - so they were all to happy to send them off to the concentration camps and take over their properties etc,...if any one has been to Prauge they will know that the Jewish district is quite a nice place...

Jews are peaceful and in general no threat to anyone, so I have no idea why people on this forum are attacking them and making statements like you have.

Jews dont have an attitude, if you knew any you would know that this is not true, they have strong family values and keep to tradition.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
4 Jan 2008 /  #18
Jews are peaceful and in general no threat to anyone, so I have no idea why people on this forum are attacking them and making statements like you have.

ask Palestinias holded in ghettos whose land have been stolen by Jews. what do they think? Generaly all countries where Jews have been or are in big numbers have negative atitude towards them. Maybe because they are friendy towards host nation to the moment it is good business if not most of them change side. I m conscious there were some small exceptions
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 Jan 2008 /  #19
there are two nations who think they are choosen by God. Jews and Poles

Looks like you never chatted with Born Again Christians in the US :)
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
4 Jan 2008 /  #20
Boy, you are a f****up moron. I pray to God that you don't represent an average person in Poland. But if you do, then my Old Country will remain a sh*t-hole for ever.

- Oh, how touchy he is about even the slightest word of criticism about Jews - so touchy he throws $hit at the alleged 'his' Old Country. Preferring not to notice the horrific Polonophobia of many Jews, its ultravulgar ultraslanderous expressions? Preferring not to remember e.g. the Stalinist period: Morel, Lola Potok, Berman, Wolinska-Brus, Michnik and the rest of the murderous bunch? - No, pal, Poland isn't your 'Old Country' and She isn't a sh*hole; it's you, I'm afraid, who are made of this precious matter. I consider those like you as ferocious enemies of Poland and Poles as Hitler and his bunch.

Jews were (and still are) targetted because

- Jews also target others, and very well indeed. For instance us Poles. For instance in this very forum. Preferring not to notice that? Learn history, ignorant hypocrite.

ask Palestinias holded in ghettos

- And e.g. the families of the Polish victims of Jewish Stalinists.

I have noticed a great deal of sympathy of Jews when they write in this forum about polish people

- For instance where?! What specific threads, posts?! I hope you wrote your post in a substance-induced state of mind...?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
4 Jan 2008 /  #21
Jews dont catch up with Tatars. Tatars the best example of loyal citizens.

I have noticed a great deal of sympathy of Jews when they write in this forum about polish people

it was irony
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
4 Jan 2008 /  #22
- Oh, how touchy he is about even the slightest word of criticism about Jews

so just like you when you hear the slightest word of criticism about poles :-P
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
4 Jan 2008 /  #23
Jewish love towards Poles

this love is noticable when we see Jewish tourists in Poland, calling our citizens Pigs behaving like animals. (especialy those with hairlocks)

exampel of behaviour or dewastated hotels by Jews (who even dont remember WWII)

last time some hotles owners reject to rent rooms for Jews bacause later they have to paint walls to get rid of racist slogans.

they are even worst than drunk English teens.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
4 Jan 2008 /  #24
so just like you when you hear the slightest word of criticism about poles :-P

- I suspect you'd find it an impossible task to prove that I'm so touchy about the slightest word of criticism about Poles I throw $hit e.g. at England, just as this character does in regard to Poland. If you are critical about the touchiness of folks about their native lands, why don't you, first of all, aim your criticism at some of your compatriots living in Poland, such as 'Wroclaw Boy' and, indeed, yourself? :) You both are English xenophobes (and Polonophobes) big time (this doesn't mean I think all the English people are like yourselves).

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
4 Jan 2008 /  #25
- I suspect you'd find it an impossible task to prove that I'm so touchy about the slightest word of criticism about Poles

lol - damn, look how touchy you got over that tiny bit of criticism
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
4 Jan 2008 /  #26
this love is noticable when we see Jewish tourists in Poland, calling

- Including some of those taking part in the so-called March of the Living. I've seen a documentary about it, showing what the mainstream media liars carefully hide from view. It's shocking horrible stuff. Scum like this should be forbidden from ever visiting Poland. I hope I live long enough to see this.


- You bastard. Why the fuk I can't dislike you, bubby, nor even such an a$$hole as Wroclaw Boy? I must be fuked up on my mind.

vodka  1 | 38  
5 Jan 2008 /  #27
Including some of those taking part in the so-called March of the Living. I've seen a documentary about it, showing what the mainstream media liars carefully hide from view. It's shocking horrible stuff. Scum like this should be forbidden from ever visiting Poland. I hope I live long enough to see this.


Israel press noticed this problem.

Manifestations cited by the committee have included hysterical weeping, anorexia and lack of appetite,violence toward the "locals" (the Poles), vandalism and theft of items from hotels, and the hiring of strippers to come to their rooms.

Israeli students should learn to understand the history of their people, but also the history of the Nazi idea and the power of its attraction. The Holocaust was not a demonic blow. Human beings were responsible for it.Not the Poles as a nation, but the Germans and their many collaborators in Europe, including in Poland.

The third question is why the hell does everything have to fall on the Poles? The answer is simple: Because the emotional shock occurs on the soil of Poland, hence the Holocaust is perceived as an issue between the Poles and the Jews. (The Germans elegantly slide out of the equation.) In this context, young people's paranoid wrapping of themselves in the flag, and their violence toward Poles , seem logical, even normal. It doesn't take a psychologist to explain these phenomena. But this is not the way to learn history.

isthatu  3 | 1164  
5 Jan 2008 /  #28
young people's paranoid wrapping of themselves in the flag,

I was with a bunch of British students at Auschwitz and was shocked to see this,in fact,a lot of our students were bothered by the fact that in the ultimate symbol of where blind nationalism can lead you they thought it aceptable to carry on in such a manner. Not onlky wrapped in the battle flags of the IDF but also push and shoving our students out of the way,and in block 11nearly pushing one of our young girls down back into the basement. Arrogent,rude and plain asking for trouble was my first thoughts about them.
vodka  1 | 38  
5 Jan 2008 /  #29

I m young person and I dont understand why young people from Israel come here call us murders. Some members of my family have been killed in concentration camps. I like to read about history but why young Israelians come here and do things mentioned before, who cares about what they feel. Poland is free and they should care about their apertheid country and behaviour like this will not be accepted. If we need to dep we can do it because the historical fact is that communism was much more Popular in Jewish community than in native Poles community and first war agains Soviets was in 1920. And Poles have saved the biges number of Jews in Europe durring WWII. In Nazi German occupied Poland there were Polish collaborators the same as Jewish, example Jewish police packing other Jews into trains to Auswitz

The most flustrated citizens are citizens of 80 000 people Oswiecim/Auschwitz looking on 20 years old victims of WWII or orthodox rasist jews.

hopefully there are some Jews who started to talk about past and present times in open way and noticing some facts cant be called antisemitism.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2008 /  #30
Shelley S, I am, albeit to a very small extent, Jewish as my mother's family name is Caddell. Lukasz gave u a good reply that the Jews aren't angels in Palestine. I was just making the point that Jews use religion far too much as a tool and they are OTT with it. The chosen people, come on!! This is just an ego trip

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