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Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy [732] - page 13 of 13


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Looking for Olbrys relatives
Henryk Ziolkiewicz - Grandfather a Blacksmith
Tracing my Kuszniewicz fathers roots
3 - as you have the full name , date and place of birth it is easy to ask for a...

Genealogyfranwsh09 - 14 Sep 2006 / aida56 - 20 Sep 2006
LOOKING FOR THE POLISH MOTHER OF MY SON - JUSTYNA. She used to live in Swiss Cottage, London.
6 - Your name isn't any better...

Genealogymontanemach - 5 Aug 2006 / krysia - 24 Aug 2006
Lonski, Crnawska and Knapik - looking for a small town called KSZECOTY
Altynski and variations
5 - Well... R.I.P. Stanislaw...

GenealogyVadim Altynskiy - 6 Aug 2006 / Vadim Altynskiy - 8 Aug 2006
Searching for Labencki / Labedzki family
Looking for info on a man who start a supermarket brand in Poland in 20s
Searching for Fuhrmann / Mardeman family
Skepe (Skępe) Parish, Lakie (Łąkie village) in Poland
Looking for Chludzinski / Chuldzinski and Wnuk family
Nyciacha (Nieciacha?) / Pieczonka / Chomiak / Jaworska from Wojtkowa area

Archives Home / 2005-2009 / GenealogyArchived