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Searching for Fuhrmann / Mardeman family

27 Nov 2005 /  #1
Can someone help please. I am searching for my grandmother's family, her mother, Ida Mardeman? (not sure of the spelling) was born in Szczecin (Stettin) around 1860. Ida married Henry (Henrech, Harry) Fuhrmann. There was a daughter Ida Johanna who was born in Schlawe (now Slawno) on June 20 1888 and a son Paul born November 20 1890. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks from Val in Australia.
27 Nov 2005 /  #2
First you need to make 100% sure about the correct spelling of the first/last name. Otherwise, you're going to waste a lot of time... :|
OP Guest  
29 Nov 2005 /  #3
Thanks for your comments - the main point of this exercise is to find out the correct spelling so that I can try to trace her. The only information I have is a typed copy of my grandmother's marriage certificate which has her mother as "Ida Mardeman" and then I have a scanned copy of a great aunt's marriage certificate which is very difficult to read (the writing, not the scan result) but looks like her mother could be "Ida Mademan". I know about the waste of time, you cannot imagine how much time I have wasted just to get this far, which is why I am asking for any help or suggestions as to where to try next. I am having no joy on the Fuhrmann side either. There is one document that suggests that Henry died in Berlin. I have different documents listing Henry as Harry and Henrech as well. Any suggestions???
29 Nov 2005 /  #4
Maybe you can try "Ida Mardemann" (two n's) -- I think German names like that generally have two n's...

OP Guest  
30 Nov 2005 /  #5
Thanks but have tried that and no joy with the searching I have done. I am looking for some new ideas on where to try - can you help?
OP Guest  
9 Jan 2006 /  #6
Pit and Tadek - Happy New Year to you. Can you think of anything that may guide me to finding my ancestors. I believe there were a few Fuhrmann families in Slawno. Please help me.
OP Guest  
10 Jan 2006 /  #7
Fuhrmann might correspond to "furman". It is a valid word in Polish (means 'cart driver') and can be a surname.
As for Mardemann which read like Mademan in a document, the "r" perhaps was added to avoid pronunciation problems: "mard + man" sounds closer to mademan than "made + man".

I have found two parishes in S 2;awno together with their addresses and some telephones that you might use as a starting point for your searches. Do not expect the people there to speak English

S 2;awno
parafia pod wezwaniem Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
ul. Rapackiego 24
76-100 S 2;awno
tel. (59) 810 70 39

S 2;awno
parafia pod wezwaniem św. Antoniego Padewskiego
ul. Kościelna 12
76-100 S 2;awno
tel. (59) 810 49 52 -proboszcz, (59) 810 52 27 -wikariusz
OP Guest  
10 Jan 2006 /  #8
Thank you dear "Guest"
OP Guest  
12 Mar 2006 /  #9
Am myself looking for the birth certificate of my great grandmother
with the name Mademann Alwiene who was born in Wusterwitz

cannot find anything about it.
Mademann is a name with many people in Germany
OP Guest  
14 Mar 2006 /  #10
Hello Guest - I know how you feel. I have hit a brick wall - cannot find anything about her family.... those who are left now in Australia don't know anything either except that her husband Henry was a grave digger in Berlin. Was Mademann your grandmother's maiden name or married name? Where is Wusterwitz?? Cheers Val
OP Guest  
24 Apr 2006 /  #11
Hello again 'guest'. I now believe that my great grandmother - Ida Alvine (Alwine) Mathilde Mademan was born in Stemnitz in 1860. Is Stemnitz anywhere near Wusterwitz?

Val from Australia
OP Guest  
25 Apr 2006 /  #12
wusterwiitz = Ostrowice
stemnitz = Staniewice

both are in the province whose capital is Szczecin (north-western Poland)

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