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Fat People in Poland?

Ogien  5 | 237
11 Jan 2010   #1
Are there a lot of fat people in Poland?

I live in America and there are too many fat blobs around here. The last time I was in Poland, I was only 10 years old so I don't recall if there were a lot of rollie pollies.
McCoy  27 | 1268
11 Jan 2010   #2
Are there a lot of fat people in Poland?

just a few. tourists from america
RonWest  3 | 120
11 Jan 2010   #3
tourists from america

Not all. I've seen some fat people on the beach at the Baltic and they were conversing in Polish so let's be fair. Overall though, there do not seem to be as many fatso's in Poland as the U.S.
Juche  9 | 292
11 Jan 2010   #4
the population is definitely getting chubbier-you can see it in the coming crop of kids. but on average nowhere near the waistline tragedy that is the US (especially rural and southern regions).
11 Jan 2010   #5
Polish food will make you fat, Pour some bacon grease over my pierogis

The American fitness craze has taken off the past few years, most people I know maintain a weekly workout schedule.

As for all Americans being fat, that is just another stereotype like all British have rotten teeth or all Polish are stupid.
BrutalButcher  - | 386
11 Jan 2010   #6
just a few. tourists from america

Epic answer LOL
11 Jan 2010   #7
Ive seen plenty of overweight German tourists in thier speedos, enough to make me sick!

Put some clothes on and a razor couldnt hurt either to shave those hairy European backs along with those sexy women with the hairy armpits!!!!
Amathyst  19 | 2700
12 Jan 2010   #8
Ive seen plenty of overweight German tourists in thier speedos,

Oh fond memories - walked on to a nudest beach (only went for a cheeky look) on an island off Dubrovnik - full of Jerries, fat as ya like and old (just to add insult to injury) some sporting speedos, most were not :(

As for fat Poles Ive seen a few in the UK, mainly men, the odd female, but they have a long time to go before they catch up with the Brits, but Im sure the more take-aways and convenience foods come their way the fatter they will become..high fat high sugar and larger portions because people are too stupid to understand that this kind of junk doesnt actually hit the mark! People have to remember Americans and Brits were not always fat! (we dont have horrid teeth either, this is just a myth!)
convex  20 | 3928
12 Jan 2010   #9
People have to remember Americans and Brits were not always fat!

Just an interesting tidbit from back in 2006

There are now more overweight people across the world than hungry ones
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
12 Jan 2010   #10
There are not so many fat people in Poland now. But it's clearly that habits are changing.
TheOther  6 | 3596
12 Jan 2010   #11
Ive seen plenty of overweight German tourists in thier speedos, enough to make me sick! Put some clothes on and a razor couldnt hurt either to shave those hairy European backs along with those sexy women with the hairy armpits

To quote yourself: "that is just another stereotype" ... :)
urszula  1 | 253
12 Jan 2010   #12
Ive seen plenty of overweight German tourists in thier speedos, enough to make me sick!

But life would be boring if there was nothing funny to look at.
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Jan 2010   #13
As for fat Poles Ive seen a few in the UK, mainly men, the odd female, but they have a long time to go before they catch up with the Brits,

I see the exact opposite here in Warsaw.

Though unlike UK, the women tend to be slim here and men, even young ones, often have real bigos bellies.
elkrupski  3 | 15
13 Jan 2010   #14
As for all Americans being fat, that is just another stereotype like all British have rotten teeth or all Polish are stupid.

Americans probably have worse teeth. Our dental coverage sucks. $700 for a root canal. Most people just have them removed which is a cheap $200.

Anyway, about fat people. They are all over. What ever happened to the civilizations where plumper women were the beautifuls ones? If a natural disaster happened I would hope I had some extra weight! It's the skinny ninnies that are going to go first.

You also have to think about all the crap they put in foods these days. Nothing is natural anymore. Even the young girls are developing at a much faster rate than before, if you get what I mean. My mom says it's in the chicken :)

America - too much Tv watching. Available foods...Not to mention you CANT walk anywhere. The layout of my city atleast it would take a day to get somewhere and even then you have do dodge highways, cars, buses, no is a number of things..
convex  20 | 3928
13 Jan 2010   #15
America - too much Tv watching. Available foods...Not to mention you CANT walk anywhere. The layout of my city atleast it would take a day to get somewhere and even then you have do dodge highways, cars, buses, no is a number of things..

You have to have the motivation to get off your ass and buy decent food, go out for walks in the parks, not stay glued to the idiot box. The possibility is there, most people are just too damn lazy to actually do it.
13 Jan 2010   #16
Americans probably have worse teeth

Are you speaking for yourself??? Im not missing any of my teeth and most Americans do make thier semi-annual appointments. Unless youre from the Hillbilly South then I can understand what you mean.

Our dental coverage sucks. $700 for a root canal

Your dentist is overcharging you, thats double for what I paid and I dont carry dental Insurance.

Anyway, about fat people. They are all over

True fast food restaurants like McDonalds are springing up all over Europe, they all claim that they hate the food??
Somebody must be eating there otherwise it wouldnt be profitable for them to keep expanding.
Or maybe its the free toilet paper....Hahaha
1jola  14 | 1875
13 Jan 2010   #17
Put some clothes on and a razor couldnt hurt either to shave those hairy European backs

Man, I miss America.
13 Jan 2010   #18
Thats funny, disgusting but funny,,haha

It looks like a Nascar race in the background,,,yeee haw!!!!

Thats some redneck pride there!!!
jwojcie  2 | 762
13 Jan 2010   #19
World obesity prevalence among males:,_2008.svg

World obesity prevalence among females:,_2008.svg
1jola  14 | 1875
13 Jan 2010   #20
Huh. Saudi chicks are fatter than the American ones. Maybe wearing abayas should be incorrporated in the US too?
elkrupski  3 | 15
13 Jan 2010   #21
True. I do find the idiot box disgusting. Video games are the worst. Some of the younger kids in my distant family are addicted to the boob tube and it honestly makes me sad. They are overweight too. And yes, motivation is a big factor! A lot of the people I know wont even walk to the corner store because, well they don't want to walk! Unfortunately in some communities if you don't have a car you are limited to where you can go, we do not have a nice public transportation and things are far. I find it ridiculous. I was blessed with a park 20 mins away from my neighborhood and I like to take my son there. I lived in marseille for 3 years. No tv, no car. It was wonderful. Never been in better shape in all aspects..Sometimes I daydream about taking a baseball bat to all the electronics in my immediate vicinity and slashing all tires.

Man, I miss America.

Thats funny, disgusting but funny,,haha

It looks like a Nascar race in the background,,,yeee haw!!!!

Thats some redneck pride there!!!

Oh my God! that is my stepdad!!!! For real :) That is funny. He is a nascar fanatic AND he is of a hariy redneck type.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
14 Jan 2010   #22
Maybe wearing abayas should be incorrporated in the US too?

Maybe not if if makes them fatter - Im at work and cant open the file..where do the Brits come (be kind!)
George8600  10 | 630
15 Jan 2010   #23
It depends, I have been all over Poland and fatness in Poland is more or less natural. In other words beer guts, a bit thicker limbs or wider hips and thighs for the older/aged men and women. Not anything to the point where it's obese or significantly unhealthy but the natural weight gained with age. As for actual fatness and obesity I wouldn't say so much at all. Especially when compared to the U.S.


Right just like Hitler in Mein Kampf decreed it socially okay to find humor through society and media on those disabled, unfit, jewish, or even to fully label them as inferior.
15 Jan 2010   #24
Im not missing any of my teeth

Some people keep their old teeth in a jar when they get dentures lol, but you don't miss yours then ?

Hehehehe !

<joke! couldn't resist it>
PolishNutjob  1 | 74
10 Feb 2010   #25
The destructive force of blubber can be seen throughout the four corners of the globe. We see it in the starving and diseased masses of Africa, in the forced executions of orphans in China, in the child slave labor and prostitution of Southeast Asia, and in the outright obesity of the American population. And it is in the American population where this destructive tide originates. For it is the disgusting craving for yet another Whopper with Cheese by the American fatty which has caused the conversion of one of the earth’s greatest treasures, the rain forest, into mere grazing land for cattle. Millions of acres of land, formerly producing vitally needed oxygen, are now left besotted with tons and tons of cattle feces. Rising from this gargantuan new dung heap is a vast poisonous cloud of methane gas which drifts into the upper atmosphere and disrupts the normal equatorial currents – the result of which has left vast portions of Africa in continual drought.

And because of this the Polish people suffer.
beckski  12 | 1609
10 Feb 2010   #26
Im not missing any of my teeth and most Americans do make thier semi-annual appointments.

Same here, I'm obsessed with keeping my teeth in top shape.
nicszlu  - | 9
10 Feb 2010   #27
Polish people are generally thinner than the average American in my opinion. I was in Poland for 2 weeks over vacation and traveled much distance and can say that it was rare to see an obese person in Poland as compared to the USA.

Everyone has fat, obviously. But in Poland you will not generally witness the double-decker size obese beings that graze in America. lol.
Juche  9 | 292
10 Feb 2010   #28
But in Poland you will not generally witness the double-decker size obese beings that graze in America.

true. the girls are definitely slimmer, and often very shapely. the men often develop a beer gut quite early though, as well as that tell-tale pork fat that comes from eating too much swine.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 Feb 2010   #29
the population is definitely getting chubbier-you can see it in the coming crop of kids. but on average nowhere near the waistline tragedy that is the US (especially rural and southern regions).

There are not so many fat people in Poland now. But it's clearly that habits are changing.

Quoted for correctness.
Exiled  2 | 424
10 Feb 2010   #30
First of all Poland has no Blacks or Latinos who are the fatter on average.Second Poland does not have cheap food unlike in America where they want to make you eat as much as possible to make you buy the most food you can eat.I mean there are no offers like 1 kilo salami one euro or anything like that and advertising is different.Third communism produced slim people due to state control calory intake.

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