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So I am told Polish men are a chivalrous bunch?

johnny reb  49 | 7974  
31 Aug 2017 /  #31
Still you must admit that Johnny Reb seems to have outdated ideas about women.

That is because I was fetched up before the feminist movement of the 70's.
Sine then the women have slowly conditioning men to become femmy and controllable.
I think Germany is now even putting some kind of estrogen related hormone in their food to mellow men out so they are not men acting anymore.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
31 Aug 2017 /  #32
On a side note, why does every quote on here, including the ones not by Touristgirl, say 'usarmy?' Very confusing.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
31 Aug 2017 /  #33
To equal out the "britarmy".
The point here is why are Polish men chivalrous without being directed to be so by the femanist movement like the rest of America and Europe are.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 Aug 2017 /  #34
My wife and I not too long ago met a gentleman of around seventy or so, formerly a turner by profession who worked his entire life in a factory near Wroclaw, undoubtedly of limited schooling, yet typically Polish "education":-)

No sooner did we finish our leisurely Polish lunch and said our goodbyes (with me furiously translating for my wife as we got ourselves ready) then Wiktor turned to Gloria, straightened up proudly and proceeded to kiss her hand with a "Caluje pani raczki!".

My wife was so delighted she scarcely knew what to say. This, her first taste of Polish chivalry.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
1 Sep 2017 /  #35
And if a guy did that to a feminist in America she would cry rape or perverted old man.
Poland is not a Politically Correct country and let's their boys be boys and they grow up to be men.
Here in the America the feminists are so Politically Correct that they don't allow their sons to be boys so they turn out to be fems or gay.

The wide bottom feminists like the fem guys because they can control them and brow beat them allowing the women to wear the pants in the family.

The hot woman though like the bad boys who are loud, obnoxious and can hold their own.
Yes boys pull the girls ponytail that sits in front of them in class, fart, burp, sweat, talk about girls anatomy, and are loud.
That's what boys do.
The teachers however want them to sit still in class and shut up so they suggest putting the little boy on Ritalin or some other tranquilizer so he just sits there quietly like a zombie and minds.

It turns boys into fems which what the feminists want to give them total control over the man even though they eventually end up divorcing the fem when their nest has acquired substantial finances and remarry a bad boy who makes them happy.

Poland however has not fallen for the feminist movement and the men still wear the pants in the family allowing the men to treat a woman like a lady.

That is why the Polish men are chivalrous and other countries men are not.
1 Sep 2017 /  #36
proceeded to kiss her hand

As was the case with your wife, these days you will generally only find older Polish men who still do this.Hand kissing is pretty much outdated. To be honest I find it a bit creepy but that's just me.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Sep 2017 /  #37
It's a relic from an older era! In official ceremonies however, you will recall that mid-40's President Duda planted a rather auspicious hand kiss on Premier Szydlo when she assumed her role as Head of State:-)

When attending any number of receptions at the Polish Consulate in New York, I frequently observed this gallant gesture among men considerable younger than your Mr. Duda!
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
1 Sep 2017 /  #38
Older Polish men have never had to deal with the demands of today's feminists.
The younger men have been conditioned by the feminist not to look at them, talk to them, respond to them and in short be controlled by them.

(We have seen that first hand on this forum)
Consequently the younger men have lost the art of being chivalrous from being brow beat.
The feminist women then wonder why men just ignore them.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
1 Sep 2017 /  #39
Premier Szydlo when she assumed her role as Head of State:-)

Never ever has she assumed that role.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Sep 2017 /  #40
"Titular" head, sorry:-)
Krevesyn  - | 12  
9 Sep 2017 /  #41
Do y know much
People like king Sobeski and winged hussars were great and i respect them
Lately poles have become losers and Last time i heard they had a threesome with with germany and russians i dont know who was using behind and front
Ironside  50 | 12916  
9 Sep 2017 /  #42
Do y know much

Aren't you some Serbian troll? what is wrong with you guys?
@a chivalrous bunch@
What that even means? Could you define what you mean by that?
Krevesyn  - | 12  
9 Sep 2017 /  #43
He was taking pride that poles were great fighters etc etc like all losers do
Ironside  50 | 12916  
9 Sep 2017 /  #44
I think it was more about caring a suitcase or holding a door for a lady.
About fighting?
How much fighting have you done ( don't confuse with brawling) and why are not fighting right now in some Indian conflict?
Poland had a warrior class and they done most of the fighting for most of the time. Trick is not to fight if you don't have to.
Krevesyn  - | 12  
9 Sep 2017 /  #45
Well Ironside we are a martial Race ****** muslims again and again Expelled pathans from our lands and formed our dynasty
We were killed in thousands on daily basis
And still we didnt believe in conversion
A warrior class with that values aint chivalours then what it is
I am 6'1" btw and good muscle buildup
Jatt remember the word dude
Ironside  50 | 12916  
9 Sep 2017 /  #46
Well Ironside we are a martial Race ****** muslims again and again Expelled pathans from our lands and formed our dynasty

Resting on laurels. I see, reliving past glories.
So you haven't done any actual fighting in any conflict. Your ancestors must be really proud of you.

A warrior class with that values aint chivalours then what it is

I never claimed that it is. Just trying to stay on topic.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
9 Sep 2017 /  #47
Seems like someone needs to confirm his masculinity online. No way we could check it, is there?
I do like it when Polish men are chivalrous but kissing a woman's hand is too much.
Krevesyn  - | 12  
9 Sep 2017 /  #48
Yeah yeah And u were boasting about masculinity of Winged hussars btw
Last time i heard poles were having threesome with russia and germany with who using back and forward cant be determined
Anyway pls refrain from any further insult

No i am a Mechanical engineer just like gymming and dont get into a fight plus canada is lot better

Guessing are you in polish army or smthing??
Ironside  50 | 12916  
9 Sep 2017 /  #49
Yeah yeah And u were boasting about masculinity of Winged hussars btw

Who is you? Not me.

Anyway pls refrain from any further insult

Oh you have monopoly on those or what?

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