I don't know why people are so negative about Poland
Well in fairness, Poland is still incredibly conservative. Gays have no rights basically and the religious still sent the agenda.
if you aren't racist and/or homophobic then you're very much in the minority.
Women are treated like slaves, who once married must immediately spend her time focusing her energies on keeping her husband happy and/or producing sprogs for overzealous grandparents.
Imagine a country where artificial insemination divides opinion. For western countries it's a human right, in Poland it's a can of worms coz some religious clowns cannot understand its actual workings.
Politicians are too scared to hold a referendum for abortion , they are happy to allow women cross borders to have it done instead.
The roads are dangerous, as we've seen in other threads, Poland has one of the worst ratios of roads deaths in the EU. That's a fact and cannot be argued against.
Drink driving is an accepted norm.
Political corruption is rife, there's nothing that cash cannot get you here.
You can even get an operation in a hospital faster if you're willing to hand over a cash-filled envelope.
Tourists are welcome in Poland, white-skinned Western immigrants are too, others not so much.
That's why there's so much Poland bashing, there's so many things that it needs to improve on. From my years of living here things are improving........but not nearly fast enough.
I feel like I've moved to Poland 20 years too early, there's plenty of potential, but until the older generation and their (old Communistic) mentality disappears I doubt things will improve vastly.