Subject |
Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? 2 3 4 5
Polish people in the UK using the English version of their name? 2
Polish TV in Ireland - is it possible to get access to it here?
Holding a British passport. Married a Polish woman. Applying for Polish passport?
Polish football teams/leagues in UK
Polish Female Newborn in UK, what gift is more indicated?
British products in Warsaw 2
The Poles in Britain - a history by BBC Magazine
English courses in London
Polish teacher needed (Manchester or Chester area)
Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! 2 3 4 5 6 7
"These Scottish are only here for the free booze" - Bestman speech at a Polish Wedding
Why are Brits so left-wing? 2
Have the British become the worst enemy of the Polish? 2
× Any Polish looking for work in Birmingham UK?
UK Ip address while living in Poland
Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state 2 3 4 5
Need Polish Dentist, Polish Cakemaker, Polish Hair Saloon (UK, Manchester area) 2
Polish language tuition needed in the essex/north london area
Wanting Polish lessons in or around Huddersfield UK
I want to buy some Amol in England, but where?
Where to buy Żołądkowa gorzka, cherry with honey in Dublin?
Slough & Elsewhere UK
"Polska. Spring into" billboards - more of the taxpayers' money has been wasted
British or polish Passport ' Advice feedback 2
Cheap calls to the UK from Poland
Buying mobile from UK - will the warranty be valid in Poland?
Polish mum wants to take child back to Poland
Polish love in Britain of the Tracksuit
What cigarettes are popular in England? i ask because of EXIT music festival
ILR ( Indefinite Leave To Remain ) In the UK
English present to take to Poland? My nephew is getting married.
British workers filling majority of low-skilled job openings - welcome back home, Poles!
Coming to England - should my friend get passport/driving licence here or in PL?
The Changing Attitude Towards the Poles in Ireland
How to set up a charity in the UK?
Can a Polish mother bring her child to England without the fathers consent?
Calling all Brits! Travel in England advice 2
The secret Polish gay men in the U.K 2 3 4 5
polish auctions eu - Has anyone heard of them?
Use of UK/EU Driving Licence in Poland
Dog / Rabies vaccination / London and EU travel
Ketamine recommended to be upgraded to class B, will this have an impact on Poland?
Mentally ill people in British society 2
English dad, Polish mum are parting. What about the child?
Recommendations for Polish shops in Manchester
Polish man on UK TV show, ,,Britain's Got Talent'' -- real or fake?
Finding ingredients for traditional British Xmas dinner in Poland?
Leaving the UK. Am I entitled to any UK benefits from NI contributions if I move back to Poland?
Polish DJ's in Cardiff
Poles robbing Poles in the UK
UKs worst drink driver is Polish.
1.2% of scottish population born in Poland 2
wife wants to have baby in poland not ireland 2
Thank you, Poles? It is what Irish have become.
Learning Polish - Polish shops in England? 2
Market Research in Leeds - Native Polish Speakers Needed - Earn £40
UK general student visit..from Poland. Applying for UK visiting visa?