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I am Polish and I am offended.  2
52 - How dare anyone offend Poland !...

Off-Topicaphrodisiac - 15 Apr 2012 / johnny reb - 6 Nov 2019
Spelling, grammar and punctuation task in English
12 - Well obviously the mom had the little one and not the other way round:-)...

Off-TopicWielkiPolak - 6 Apr 2015 / Lyzko - 9 Sep 2019
Some November afternoon in Warsaw... Poland Solidarity with France  2
Funny mistakes by Polish users of English  2
Slavic languages - oldest European languages.
Plastic surgery in Poland - the best place to go?
7 - I wonder how many of them are sorry to see themselves after the last payment has been made and...

Off-Topicmedespoirch - 18 Feb 2019 / Rich Mazur - 20 Feb 2019
Work in the US or in the UK? Moving out of Poland.
Rotten West vs. Innocent Poland
Ukraine - a country in Central Europe?
When would Poland start to intervene in the regions in order to protect Her interests?  2
36 - Why is this thread in off topic? Because I dared to put right question?...

Off-TopicCrow - 29 Feb 2012 / Crow - 3 Aug 2018
PF - The Omnibus Edition  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51
1502 - Nay-Smith, sure. Biggest here...

Off-Topicszarlotka - 24 Oct 2007 / Crow - 16 Jul 2018
Usenet - Soc.culture.polish
Help for Stalker - threats from an ex-boyfriend
Modern parenting = bad parenting?
× WB's body building and general fitness thread  2  3  4
97 - Are you still BAITING me delphia ? Sounds like delphia is getting a bit nervous dunnit. To...

Off-TopicWroclaw Boy - 22 Jun 2015 / johnny reb - 3 May 2018
Czech company wants my name and id number as well as passport number for freelance job
What Slavic language is closer to Lithuanian?
Is anyone in Poland planning a trip in Croatia?
After spending another 3-months in Europe
5 - Merged: New Year's Eve in Europe Francja. W Paryżu na ulice wyjdzie blisko 8 tysięcy policjantów i...

Off-Topicpierogi2000 - 22 Jul 2013 / NoToForeigners - 30 Dec 2017
Help my Cygan Warszawski series take off
What Poles know and eventually want to know about Slovenia and Slovenians ?
14 - True. Not really....

Off-TopicCrow - 26 Jul 2017 / Crow - 31 Jul 2017
I need advice on baby clothes problem?
Tester Napięcia 12-36-55-110-220V by K&K, Made in Poland
ATT: PF-ers - Hang or hoist up Polish flags on 2 and 3 May, not 1 May!
5 - There you go then. Something for everyone - socialists can have it as Labour Day, I can have...

Off-TopicPolonius3 - 30 Apr 2017 / delphiandomine - 30 Apr 2017
Can't register on this Polish website?
6 - Must be the issue on their end indeed; tried another browser too ; | The best may be to...

Off-Topicfabolousmsg - 22 Apr 2017 / Tlum - 28 Apr 2017
Some Kurdish and Polish Similarities  2
B.Sc IT graduate. Which country can I apply for 100% visa approval in Europe?
Polish and Russian Christians! Lest's unite today!  2
41 - Alright. i`m in...

Off-TopicKtos - 24 Dec 2015 / Crow - 23 Oct 2016
Anglo-expat ingrate still insulting Poland's head of state  2
Is 'Russkie' offensive in English?
Alternative households breed misery and are hell for the kids
An English Version of Gadu-Gadu?  2  3  4
105 - Please help me find English-speaking users in Warsaw. (Nie mowie po polsku)...

Off-Topicnauczyciel - 15 Nov 2006 / Pie Eye Eye - 26 Aug 2016
This is Where i Milosz Interviews W American Hiphop Artists
6 - Welcome back Cas !...

Off-TopicCas Milosz - 24 Apr 2016 / johnny reb - 8 Jun 2016
Did anyone see Prince in Warsaw?
8 - Didn't you say in Krafty that Prince is utterly pants?...

Off-TopicZabena - 22 Apr 2016 / Harry - 22 Apr 2016
To all: if you want to be a minimum "credible", do check your sources before posting any BS found in the net
9 - Me, too. Someone had the "audacity" to post a link that showed France in a bad light...

Off-TopicInPolska - 25 Mar 2016 / TheOther - 27 Mar 2016
Posting Pics of Posters as you imagine in your mind (Joke/game)
14 - The dog looks intelligent I have to admit....

Off-Topicporky pok - 19 Mar 2016 / porky pok - 19 Mar 2016
Protestant countries developed faster than Catholic countries
Russian or French? Learning another language besides Polish
Since (stupid) stereotypes (about other countries) galore...
10 - Cheese-eating surrender monkeys... ;)...

Off-TopicInPolska - 25 Feb 2016 / TheOther - 25 Feb 2016
Which PF expats are corporate "sleepers"?  2
55 - In fact it has a Polish copycat version of Honneur et Patrie....

Off-TopicPolonius3 - 14 Jan 2016 / Polonius3 - 16 Jan 2016
EM-11C ORKA Polish plane - anyone wants to buy one?
5 - That's pretty awesome! :) Thanks for posting that!...

Off-TopicGregrog - 2 Mar 2013 / Niko - 4 Nov 2015
The factors that caused the fall of the Soviet Empire
12 - Absolutely, Pol, in politics (and in business) there are no friendship and no love....

Off-Topichammock - 18 Oct 2015 / InPolska - 18 Oct 2015
Polonophobe Alert: JIGGLE (@JIGGLEIN on Twitter)
Bozia - does such an affectionate term for God exist in other langauges
6 - Maybe it was actually Pan Bozek and only sounded like Bocek is rapid speech....

Off-TopicPolonius3 - 5 Jun 2015 / Polonius3 - 8 Jun 2015
Best Portable Pool and Swimming pool care in Poland at Auchan supermarket
"fake" PESEL nr.
5 - I am sorry but........ do you realize that a PESEL is an 11 digit number that you can simply...

Off-TopicPatrick1999 - 29 Nov 2014 / JollyRomek - 6 Dec 2014
Thanks a lot for all of your kindness
27 - Thanks, yehudi :) I would like to and I hope I will one day....

Off-Topicshade - 6 Oct 2014 / Paulina - 20 Oct 2014
Where to find Emma Watson look-alike in Poland?
Haitch' or 'aitch'? How do you pronounce the English 'H'?
6 - Hey, you can obviously see me on my webcam, how'd you do that?!...

Off-Topicmilky - 9 Sep 2013 / InWroclaw - 5 Jun 2014
Polish Programming Forum - No one wanted friendship
Are you living in Poland?  2  3
77 - Are you living in Poland? Yes. Warsaw...

Off-Topicdelphiandomine - 7 Oct 2012 / Marius - 28 Jul 2013
Loading a photo of Poland from your mobile/cell phone takes 30 seconds, come on!  2  3
ING Bank and PROGRESSIVE Insurance
If a polish girl sings about how she will kill her boyfriend, then it's ok
Languages you [dis]like
9 - I like Brasilian Portugese, sounds predaciously sexy...

Off-TopicWielkiPolak - 10 Nov 2012 / zetigrek - 13 Nov 2012
I am teaching my Polish friend English, advice needed
I am a Pariah: My Horror Story  2
44 - I think that I'm too old to learn a language to really speak it in any useful way. I'm...

Off-TopicPolkaTagAlong - 16 Aug 2012 / PolkaTagAlong - 26 Aug 2012
"Curiosity" Lands On Mars! Huzzah! Poland's Mars Society Must Be Ecstatic.  2  3
Book: Gogol's Taras Bulba  2
37 - Its Peking, Bombay and Keeeeeeenya....

Off-TopicGUZY - 20 Oct 2010 / isthatu2 - 11 Feb 2012
The fees, cost per session of psychotherapy worldwide, especially Poland
6 - The luck of the Irish...

Off-TopicNatasa - 18 Oct 2011 / Barney - 18 Oct 2011

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