Today's youth (even before the Millenials) are all the result of non parenting of the worst order.
That is because their parents generation not only worked very hard but also they could save half of what they worked for.
They knew how to live on a budget because of living through the Great Depression and going without.
The generation of, "children should be seen but not heard".
They wanted their children to have what they did not have so they spoiled them to the point of making them dysfunctional in society.
Most of these spoiled brats received huge inheritances which would be your generation Lyzko.
The next generation is what you call "Today's Kids" or your kids generation of "Children should be heard and seen to be glorified and put first !
Problem is their parents have spent all the inheritance and have gone in debt trying to keep up with the Jones's.
FACEBOOK will be a footnote in history on how QUICKLY it manipulated a generation of self conscious self centered BRATS to be MELT down 'candidates' and anti-depressant addicted psychopaths all teetering on the brink of coming apart at the least little "Difficulties" in their lives !
'LOOK AT ME...........LOOK AT ME !'
There was a poll taken of the youngsters: 68 - 72 % of them think that SOCIALISM is an 'excellent idea' !
Of course, that's because they live at HOME, (no bills to pay) FREE (read Socialized) Laundry, Meals, RENT,TAXI Service (Mom & Dad) .......
Parents give them POCKET Money, dissuading them from getting J.O.B.'s !
Free cable, free wifi, free cell phones, free designer cloths, phew.....
And add that to the Progressive Liberal Socialist propaganda that they are being brainwashed in our schools by our Marxist Commie instructors.
Each and Everyone one of them have a HUGE solid brick wall awaiting for them on their HIGHWAY OF LIFE (because of lazy bad parenting.............and they are ACCELLERATING !