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2016, the year of change in Poland?

goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #1
New government, new values it seems.

Finally the Cursed Ones are getting the amount of publicity they deserve with many hours of TVP time that will be assigned to make their story heard in the next couple of days.

It seems to me that 2016 is the year of lowering masks, we can more and more clearly see who is the villain and who is the ally in the finally coming to an end Sketch of what Id call the III RP.

The youth of our great country, whether we take the millions that needed to escape from poverty, living in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, France or Germany, and the youth that decided to stay are all becoming more and more united in their (our?) patriotism and national pride.

Left ideologies of forgetting history, "looking to the future" accepting every piece of crap ideology that the West has adopted are going into the secrets of the Poliszynel.

Poland seems to be reviving itself, sure PiS aint the best government a lto of us would wish for, though I did vote for them, I have couple of my friends on the Kukiz's lists of MPs.

We have, and we are vigilant so that Nocna Zmiana may never repeat itself. They tried with .Nowoczesna, the party that after 100 days still did not prepare even one Act of Parliament! Now they are trying with KOD, so called volunteers are getting paid 200zl, their numbers are overblown, and looking at their "crowds" all you can see see are faces of people that are closely knitted to the old regime.

Cursed Soldiers day, for me personally was for personally a test for the Government, they have ticked all of my boxes with this advert:

The future looks bright!
Librarius  - | 90  
27 Feb 2016 /  #2
the secrets of the Poliszynel

Open secret - In various European languages, including at least Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, and Portuguese a Pulcinella's secret or a Polichinelo's secret is an open secret.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #3
Thanks Librarius :)
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Feb 2016 /  #4
Yes I think its terrific that they are winning the battles of the 1980s - things that really were keeping the average Pole up at night.

Now I'm looking forward to my 500+ which I understand will be in my bank account on the 1st of April. The government seem to have been a bit quiet about it the last few weeks but given their competence I full trust in them and I have no doubt I will be able to spend it on clothes for my kid on 2nd April.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #5
your second kid that is.

Average Pole cared very much so about what was going on, first democractic government for the first time in 70 years, overthrown because they wanted to uncover the truth.

You are not an average Pole it seems, or you were very young at that time in which case you are absolved from your past state of blissfull ignorance.

If not Nocna Zmiana, we could have been as wealthy as France or other developed countries, instead we had Balcerowicz that destroyed Polish economy for the years to come.
27 Feb 2016 /  #6
I'm going to spend it on Vodka
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Feb 2016 /  #7
Yes, second kid - proud Pole and he attends church with me every Sunday. Come on Mrs Szydlo - don't let us down with that cash.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #8
I hope you are not a parasite and you actually need these money lol
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Feb 2016 /  #9
There was no discussion of whether we needed the money or not - PiS promised it to all parents of two kids. But I have 100% faith they will deliver their promise just as soon as they have finished the important business of deciding who might have been a double agent 30 years ago.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #10
from what i recall this is the help provided by the government to the poor families that cannot make ends meet before the 1st. if you are not in this position then you are a parasite and a thief, in the UK we have a good saying for people like that, that steal from the state, chavs.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #11
I hope you are not a parasite and you actually need these money lol

Now now Goofy. If PiS can't enact a law stopping wealthy people from claiming it, then you can't blame them for doing so.

I for one cannot wait to read about all the stories of wealthy bankers collecting their 500zł while poor families with one child get nothing.
cms  9 | 1253  
27 Feb 2016 /  #12
Nope - the draft law says all second kids get it and that is what was promised by Mrs Szydlo in the election. Its our reward for producing another generation of hard working Poles and I'm waiting for it to be paid. 1st April she said.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
27 Feb 2016 /  #13
from what i recall this is the help provided by the government to the poor families that cannot make ends meet before the 1st.

From what I remember PiS candidates thoroughly rejected any type of means testing for the 500 zl during the campaign. It was to be an entitlement and not a welfare program (despite what they might be saying now).
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #14
Well Ihiope theyw ill change it then, parasites should not be helped
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #15
from what i recall this is the help provided by the government to the poor families that cannot make ends meet before the 1st.

No, Goofy. This is a programme designed to boost the demographic situation, which means that it applies to everyone equally.

PiS intend for lawyers, bankers, doctors, company directors and more to claim 500zł per month from the 2nd child onwards. PiS couldn't care less about the single child family that earn 1601zł per month.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #16
Mehh it aint too bad, so according to this article, 1 child families will also be granted fianncial entitlements with only difference being that they will be screened for wages etc so rich folks (which tend to have a smaller amount of children) wont scrounge off the state.

All others, fair enough Poland needs more children, and thats what this program gives, more freedom and more safety for new families to think of having 2 or 3 kids. Hell I will probably use this program some day, as Id love to have 3 kids ;)

Thank you PiS

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #17
Mehh it aint too bad, so according to this article, 1 child families will also be granted fianncial entitlements with only difference being that they will be screened for wages etc so rich folks (which tend to have a smaller amount of children) wont scrounge off the state.

You think that someone is rich because they earn 2401zł monthly? What kind of dreamland are you living in? A two bedroom flat in many cities will cost you at least 1500zł in the crappiest areas!
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #18
this program is aimed for families with loads of children, not one, the one child families should be happy they will get soemthing tbh.

1601 or 2401zl Delphi? changing the story already mate? ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #19
this program is aimed for families with loads of children, not one, the one child families should be happy they will get soemthing tbh.

They won't get a thing because they 'earn too much' - a whole 2401zł monthly. Let's take a typical 2 bedroom flat in Wrocław - it's in one of the later commie block estates in an ok location. otodom.pl/oferta/mieszkanie-65-m-wroclaw-ID2UJ97.html#907443ab1d

- it costs 1800zł + 650zł a month. That's 2450zł a month. Yet according to PiS, a family with 1 child is 'rich' because they earn 2401zł a month.

I don't think it's asking for much for people from Wrocław to be able to afford a 65sqm flat with two small bedrooms.

Goofy, you're in the UK, you have no idea about poor families here.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #20
Delphi you are a teacher in Warsaw/Wroclaw, as far as I remember not meeting anyone atm right? Thus you have quite a lot of money to yourself.. What the hell do you know about poor families in Poland?
27 Feb 2016 /  #21
1st April she said.

Last article I read said it will now start being doled out in July.......
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #22
What the hell do you know about poor families in Poland?

Actually, I'm involved with a project working with disadvantaged kids to try and give them at least something that lawyers, doctors, bankers and so on give their kids. As I just showed you, a one-child family earning 2401zł a month can't even afford a normal flat in a normal part of Wrocław, yet this mean government thinks that it's entirely acceptable to deny social welfare benefits to them and yet grant them to doctors, lawyers and so on.

Last article I read said it will now start being doled out in July.......

It's still unfunded. Only one part of the three sources of income needed for 2015 is in place - the bank tax. The retail tax is in trouble, the LTE money hasn't appeared yet - and so I wouldn't expect anything to appear for several months until the government has had a chance to raid state-owned businesses to try and cover the costs.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #23
Delphi iv read through the random ;) i know everything :D
yh sure, arent you working on healthy polish young gymnats to turn them gay or something?

Just leave it, i dont believe in anything you write tbh not gonna reply to any of you bs bye bye
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #24
Hahahaha. Goofy, the man that thinks families in Poland are rich if they earn 2401zł a month.

(for the benefit of our Western readers : 2401 złoty is $600 a month, 550 Euro or 432 pounds. Above that, single child families get nothing from the government.)

Furthermore, a family both working 40 hours a week for minimum wage would earn 2610zł a month. That puts them in the 'rich' category according to Goofy. Meanwhile, a wealthy couple enjoying 4 foreign holidays a year to places such as Thailand, Cuba and the Maldives while living in a million złoty plus property that have two children will receive the money. lol.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Feb 2016 /  #25
single child families get nothing

What did single-child, double-child, treble-child and larger families get from PO? One-off becikowe?! The 500 plan is the first such plan in post-PRL Poland so it is at least trying to catch up to other European countries.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #26
Who is talking about PO?

We're talking about this government that is handing out cash to rich families with 2 kids while denying poor families with one child.
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #27


Id like to ask a a question to the ones that know our history, Who in your opinions is the best Cursed Soldier? In my opinion its either Pilecki or Szendzielarz ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #28
Wouldn't it be better to give poor Polish families that don't even earn enough to rent a reasonable flat in Wrocław money rather than funding pointless documentary crap?
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
27 Feb 2016 /  #29
instead we had Balcerowicz that destroyed Polish economy for the years to co

So true in fact! So true! and now his student and puppet Petru =swetru will try to destroy Polish economy for the second time in the interest of western corporations and banks.

It should also be added that Balcerowicz ( a Polish Jew -- ) was funded fully by the US elitists under the disguise of Soros-Sachs plan (primary objective: destroy all Polish economic competition)
OP goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #30
Pilecki as we all know (real Poles) is a great hero that volunteered to go to Auschwitz, fought in the Uprising, captureed by the reds and murdered in a Stalinist method of a shot at the back of the skull.

He was post-humously advanced in ranks to Colonel Witold Pilecki.
his remains were found in 2012 and he was finally laid to rest at the Powazki Military Cemetery.

Szendzielarz, born in Wilno, he was serving under Anders in the '39 campaign, during Operation Tempest, he had quite a lot of men under his command and if not the red Terror that was pouring through the Polish Eastern border he'd have succeeded in freeing Wilno.

During years of fighting against the reds, he became an enemy number one, it is worth mentioning that Danuta Siedzikówna "Inka" was accused of being in his regiment, he was court marhiashalled and executed in 1951.

His remains ( along with 250 others) were found in 2013 and given an official burial. Zygmunt Szendzielarz's grave is on Powazki Military Cemetery.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / 2016, the year of change in Poland?Archived