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Polish Business Centre Club hammers another nail in Blair's coffin

Radders  3 | 47  
30 Jan 2013 /  #1
Already Tony Blair is one of Britain's most reviled politicians, loathed equally by those across the political spectrum, not only for being Bush's poodle in Iraq or for his naked greed in making money, but for opening Britain's doors to non-EU immigrants. Now the Polish Business Club has given him an award, presented in Warsaw yesterday, for, amongst other things, opening Britain's labour market to Poles.


You'd need a heart of stone not to laugh - nothing could have been guaranteed to worsen his already rock-bottom reputation in the UK.
jon357  72 | 23529  
30 Jan 2013 /  #2
I'd be glad to see him back tomorrow!
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Jan 2013 /  #3
+1 Blair was one of the better politicians.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
30 Jan 2013 /  #4
I'm frankly appalled that jon357 and Wroclaw Boy have stooped so low. Truly, it gets no worse.

Apart from blood on his hands - the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents, that is - he bankrupted the UK. So, I can see that jon357 and Wroclaw Boy reject all concept of the most basic human right - the right to life. He launched an illegal invasion of a sovereign country - Iraq - without any grounds whatsoever, other than might is right.

An astonishingly vile man, Blair.

And he massively abused the public finance initiative, giving his fat cat friends in the city loads of money while screwing public services. Try looking up Pinderfields Hospital, Jon. Your home town. My sister-in-law has to work in that PFI monstrosity that will be crippled with debt for decades.
jon357  72 | 23529  
30 Jan 2013 /  #5
He launched an illegal invasion of a sovereign country - Iraq - without any grounds whatsoever, other than might is right.

More to do with that country being run by a guy who fed his enemies feet first into grinding machines, dropped poison gas on villages he considered disloyal and despite massive oil reserves was keeping people in poverty and abject squalor, without even a regular electricity supply in the cities while he and his relatives were pocketing the cash.

ry looking up Pinderfields Hospital, Jon. Your home town

It isn't actually my home town, however I've been a patient there several times over the years. The new one, built by PFI is wonderful. A great improvement on the old one. Whether you like it or not, providing healthcare costs money.

BTW, your sister-in-law doesn't "have to work there". Unless of course she's been sentenced to some sort of community service.
OP Radders  3 | 47  
30 Jan 2013 /  #6
He launched an illegal invasion of a sovereign country

Yes, and remember that Chilcot still has to report (estimated at this Summer but don't bet on it); Blair lied and lied to both Iraq enquiries, and Chilcot may just help provide evidence to prosecute Blair. The accusations he's failed to answer include;

Misleading Parliament over the legality of an invasion
Misleading the nation over Weapons of Mass Destruction
Misleading parliament about intelligence
Falsely blaming French for collapse of United Nations talks
Exaggerating to Parliament the threat from Saddam
Marginalising his most senior legal adviser
Pressuring Lord Goldsmith into clearing military action
Misleading the nation over the threat from Iraq
Hiding his discussions with President Bush from the public
Hiding his discussions with President Bush from colleagues
Launching an invasion whose sole (and illegal) justification was regime change
Recklessly undermining the weapons inspectors' work
Reckless disregard for the well-being of Iraqi civilians
Failing to fund post-war reconstruction properly
Recklessly endangering British civilians

Personally, I'd deliver the chiselling little crook over to the Hague tomorrow - let him rot in jail there with Karadzic and other war criminals.
jon357  72 | 23529  
30 Jan 2013 /  #7
Launching an invasion whose sole (and illegal) justification was regime change

So you'd prefer that the world stood by and did nothing while Saddam gassed his enemies and kept the rest in squalor?

Hiding his discussions with President Bush from the public

How many world leaders conduct all their discussions in public?

Reckless disregard for the well-being of Iraqi civilians

Doing nothing would be reckless disregard. Bringing the regime to justice was a humanitarian necessity.

Failing to fund post-war reconstruction properly

Thanks to post-war reconstruction, the country is slowly climbing out of the mire that the Ba'athists had dragged it into.

Oil production which had been run down to 10% capacity is being increased with new technology and knowhow and is set to make the people of Iraq affluent, infrastructure is being built, homes are getting electricity and people other than the Al-Tikriti's and their allies are holding positions of power.

I wonder what the Saddam apologists imagine Iraq was/is like? Some sort of Basingstoke with palm trees? Interesting how many of the people who criticise the invasion would have survived under Saddam. Criticising leaders was a one way ticket into the grinder:

  • images.jpeg
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Jan 2013 /  #8
Recklessly endangering British civilians

Thats all hindsight, he believed in what he did at the time, as did many others. My main issue with Blair is the abuse of power hes exercised since leaving office in order to profit. But hey hes just playing the same game millions of others would if they were given the same opportunity. As I mentioned above - in terms of global leaders i think hes one of the good guys.
oxon  4 | 164  
30 Jan 2013 /  #9
Now then WB whilst I can accept Jon 357's views about Bliar (sic) , I find it hard to come to terms with yours as you say some sensible things with regularity. Jon admits to being an inpatient of a hospital frequently so I assume he has mental health problems.

Bliars mentor was Lord Levi who he visited in his mansion in Mill Hill London frequently. Lord Levi who was Jewish made his fortune in the music industry and was responsible for introducing 'iconic' musicians like Alvin bloody Stardust and Guys and Dolls. Didnt give a dam about real music....just helped to feed the uneducated public any dross as long as he collected the bucks. (He was an accountant). Bliar made Thatcher look like a socialist and was never himself a socialist. He was a slick oil salesman, a fraudster.

I read this story also about him receiving kudos from the Poles. Made me sick to read it thinking of all the unemployed people here and the Pole on the dole who lives in the same house as me. He didn't have to contend with 20 Poles living above him in one room drinking Tyskie's into the next morning on weekends.

Tell you what Jon357....why don't you take a trip to Iraq and explain to the families of the 100,000 who were violently decimated that you are a Blair fanatic.
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Jan 2013 /  #10
So you basically dont like Blair becasue he let Poles settle in the UK, now theres a surprise.
pawian  226 | 27561  
30 Jan 2013 /  #11
Funny that most Daily Mail readers are against Blair:

He's the best politician Poland has ever had.He arranged for a million Poles who probably would have difficulty finding work in their own country ,to come over here.I bet we pay more out in benefits to Poles over here than the Polish government pays out.

A hero in Poland........and a traitor in his own country.

Our Armed forces can't recive foreign decorations but a prime minister who caused a lot of trouble with this stupid policy is entitled to take an award for just opening borders and ruining this country?

He has done more for the Poles than he has done for us,so it makes sense ,I suppose!

Thank God he wasn't Prime Minister during WWII. He let them in and thousands more to stop the Conservatives ever winning an election again. 5t was not his love of Poland but his disregard for Britain. How this man can be allowed to roam Europe and the ME is a true reflection on the miserable state of justice in the UK today. Gutless wonder of the UK.

Maybe because he is LEFTISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please lock him up in the tower for treason before he does any more damage to our once Great Country. I really feel for my children and Grad children.

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2270398/Tony-Blair-national-hero-Polish--Former-PM-given-award-country-helping-thousands-come-live-Britain.html#ixzz2JUKm28dd
jon357  72 | 23529  
30 Jan 2013 /  #12
why don't you take a trip to Iraq

Why don't you take 3 guesses where I'm posting from, right now...

You really did ask for that one, didn't you?

And believe me, none of the people I have contact every day with would wish things to go back to how they were. Some of them were jailed, or fled for their lives, and even had their families 'decimated' by the dictator you seem to think the free world should have left to his own murderous devices. I don't think that even one person on my staff didn't lose someone in their family to him. I've never heard a good word about the old regime, or a bad word about Prime Minister Blair.

an inpatient of a hospital frequently so I assume he has mental health problems.

It's a General Hospital. Interesting how you automatically associate hospitals with psychiatry... Still getting in trouble with the police for impersonating public officials?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Jan 2013 /  #13
Jon admits to being an inpatient of a hospital frequently so I assume he has mental health problems.

Asinine comments like the above may result in suspension
nasadki  - | 43  
31 Jan 2013 /  #14
Why would being an inpatient mean he has mental problems? All that means is he was admitted to the hospital. Ever hear of inpatient and outpatient surgery? Outpatient you go home after the procedure is over and the sedatives wear off(colonoscopy), inpatient you stay a day or more..

Anyway, sometimes I think Blair gets it rough because of our old President Bush. But then when you see him making huge salaries in places like Kazakhstan advising their dictator I see why people hate him. I think he will try again for Von Rompuy's position.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #15
Ever hear of inpatient and outpatient surgery?

Indeed. Minor surgical procedures twice and an accident & tetanus shot the other time.

In a shiny new hospital that was rebuilt by Prime Minister Blair's PFI initiative - it really works very well, as do the dental clinics, walk-in health centres etc all built and run by the private sector but part of the National Health Service. People sometimes forget all that he achieved. Let's hope that it will continue.
OP Radders  3 | 47  
31 Jan 2013 /  #16
Yes - like the bankrupt SE London Health Trust, so crippled by PFI debt that it can't keep QEII hospital open. The proposal is now to shut facilities in a neighbouring hospital to force seriously ill patients to use QEII, causing a protest march of 25,000 on the streets last weekend

Thank You, Mr Blair

For selling honours for cash for his party, devaluing chivalric orders and miring the honours system in political sleaze

Thank You, Mr Blair

For leading a Parliament mired with the filth of sleaze, corruption, peculation, avarice and mendacity, to the extent that his own MPs were openly stealing public funds - for which few have still been imprisoned - earning his term of office the name of the 'Rotten Parliament'

Thank You, Mr Blair

For failing to remove a man with deep psychological flaws from control over the nations' finances, causing record debts and deficits that our grandchildren will still be paying off. The new Treasury minister found a note in his desk draw from his predecessor - "The money's all gone".

Thank You, Mr Blair

For an illegal war that has cost the lives of many times more Iraqis than ever died under Saddam, poisoned the land with depleted Uranium causing birth defects, all to maintain cheap oil

Thank You, Mr Blair

For representing Britain with a face of sanctimonious smugness, pseudo-religious self-righteousness and insufferable conceit whilst lying fluently at every turn, spewing hypocrisy, vomiting mendacity, distortion, omission and misrepresentation, and all with a deaths-head coprophage rictus grin

Thank You, Mr Blair

I loathe that man so very, very much.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #17
SE London Health Trust,

Worth reminding you that the ConDems have been in government for 3 years now. The huge programme of hospital development started under the last government is expensive. Healthcare is expensive - and does actually require funding to see it through.

For selling honours for cash for his party, devaluing chivalric orders and miring the honours system in political sleaze

A Liberal party invention, heartily used by the Tories above all.

For leading a Parliament mired with the filth of sleaze, corruption, peculation, avarice and mendacity, to the extent that his own MPs were openly stealing public funds - for which few have still been imprisoned - earning his term of office the name of the 'Rotten Parliament'

More honest than their predecessors and successors.

For failing to remove a man with deep psychological flaws from control over the nations' finances, causing record debts and deficits that our grandchildren will still be paying off. The new Treasury minister found a note in his desk draw from his predecessor - "The money's all gone".


For an illegal war that has cost the lives of many times more Iraqis than ever died under Saddam

Double rubbish.

For representing Britain with a face of sanctimonious smugness, pseudo-religious self-righteousness and insufferable conceit whilst lying fluently at every turn, spewing hypocrisy, vomiting mendacity, distortion, omission and misrepresentation, and all with a deaths-head coprophage rictus grin

Now that can be applied to almost every premier of the twentieth century. Except the 'coprophage bit' (Do you know a poster called Polonius? He posts about that sort of stuff) Excluding Prime Minister Blair, of course.

I loathe that man so very, very much.

You have so much hatred inside you. Do you ever read the Daily Mail?
Peakus  - | 25  
31 Jan 2013 /  #18
You insult the poles but you also insult us ozzie soldiers who were there. The only illigal thing he did was to let you breathe. The only good thing saddam did was die like the animal he was. You lot are even becoming a laughing stock here. The poles and brits are great soldiers and you are a biological waste product. I would support 10 blairs and invade 100 more despotic madman in exchange for you forum rights to be removed. Selfish coward go away.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #19
Agreed 100%!

Though you might make it claer which post you're replying to...
OP Radders  3 | 47  
31 Jan 2013 /  #20
You have so much hatred inside you. Do you ever read the Daily Mail?

Selfish coward go away.

Oh dear oh dear. Ad hominem responses are always the refuge of those unable to address the arguments. I take it neither of you actually has a cogent and relevant response to make?
Peakus  - | 25  
31 Jan 2013 /  #21
I feel mad I dont like it when ppl sit at home and spout this trash. Your country man make sacrifices with their allies and you whine because of some domestic rubbish. You say I cant argue but why on earh would I want a duscussion with some selfish hippy about s topic you know nothing about? I would be better off talking to my cat it knows more. Your theories are worthless. Stick to domestic politics before you embarass your coutry more.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #22
Ad hominem responses

Not ad hominem, but based on sound empirical evidence:

sanctimonious smugness, pseudo-religious self-righteousness and insufferable conceit whilst lying fluently at every turn, spewing hypocrisy, vomiting mendacity, distortion, omission and misrepresentation, and all with a deaths-head coprophage rictus grin

I dont like it when ppl sit at home and spout this trash

Nor me. We can't ever talk intelligently about the war in Iraq without remembering the bravery of those soldiers who served there on both sides.
Peakus  - | 25  
31 Jan 2013 /  #23
You can. I do aplogise for my untoward outburst. No excuse for that. I will go outside and calm down. People are looking at me funny it must be showing. Anyway I didn't mean it.
Barney  19 | 1785  
31 Jan 2013 /  #24
Tony Blair has made millions on the back of dead soldiers.

The man was the best Conservative PM Britain ever had, the creeping privatisation and bent bookkeeping that PFI is has saddled Britain with a toxic legacy.

The man jettisoned every sensible policy the British labour party had he instigated an illegal war based on a pack of lies, some of which are repeated above (there was no human grinder).

He refused to regulate the Banking sector which almost bankrupted Britain he really is the true heir to Thatcher.

It’s amazing to see how far a bit of PR and a grin will get you.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #25
The man was the best Conservative PM Britain ever had,

No. Mrs Thatcher was better, but he was certainly a good one.
Barney  19 | 1785  
31 Jan 2013 /  #26
It would be a very close call to decide who was worse.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
31 Jan 2013 /  #27
I was going out with a miner's daughter in 1984, so my views were coloured somewhat.
But although she was far from squeeky clean, Blair's govt reeked of corruption and bankrupted the country to a degree that would have impressed Harold Wilson.
Barney  19 | 1785  
31 Jan 2013 /  #28
Blair's govt reeked of corruption and bankrupted the country

That is true, the economic illiteracy of the morally and politically corrupt neoliberal elite is/was staggering.
jon357  72 | 23529  
31 Jan 2013 /  #29
Harold Wilson.

Now he was one of the good guys, though very much a man of his time. Mrs T did get rid of nationalised behemoths - the unions should have responded differently.
oxon  4 | 164  
31 Jan 2013 /  #30
jon 357

You really still believe in this tri party opposition don't you? There is not a whiff of difference between the 3 major parties. They are career politicians all with the same mission..to acquire as much wealth for themselves as they possibly can before going into business with whichever corporate entity they have supported the most. If you are in Iraq as you say then I can only guess that you are in politics or some form of slave for Halliburton. I'll bet that you are not there for philanthropic reasons so don't try the big con.

Peakus....You had the right to leave the army any time after it was announced that the war in Iraq was illegal. You went there to enrich yourself so don't try and dress it up any other way. Saddam was supported by UK and US right up until the illegal invasion, which if you took part, make is you a war criminal, albeit a lesser one because you just followed orders.

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